Who is this course for
What to expect
What you will achieve
18 months
Attendance and Schedule
60% in-person classes every other week on Fridays (7:00 PM to 9:30 PM) and Saturdays (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM), supplemented by 40% synchronous online classes (via Zoom) on two weekdays (7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, which may vary depending on the semester).
Career Field
Introducing the Executive MBA Course Duration: 500 hours
The Executive MBA at FGV EAESP follows in the footsteps of CEAG, the Specialization Course in Business Administration for Graduates. Established in 1974, CEAG was the first Brazilian MBA program to be recognized by AMBA and has since graduated thousands of professionals who now hold prominent positions in the business world. The launch of the Executive MBA combines the international recognition of a well-established program with an innovative approach, focusing on contemporary themes in a flexible format designed to meet the needs of today's executives.
• Global recognition: triple international accreditation
• FGV: 3rd Think Tank in the world
• Renowned faculty
Students have the option to participate in a free exchange program for up to 4 months at one of over 100 partner universities and business schools located across five continents.
The course is structured to accommodate an executive's busy schedule, allowing for a balance between work and studies. • Compact: 18 months • Blended format: 60% in-person and 40% live sessions
• Exclusive case studies with executive involvement
• Organizational challenges
• Practical-oriented courses
• Interdisciplinary semester projects
Recognized by the world's largest global MBA association, ensuring a high standard of business education. Only 2% of business schools worldwide achieve this merit.
• Member events
• AMBA Book Club
• Career Development Center
• Leadership Development
• Digital student credential
In addition to completing 2 mandatory credits in their elective of interest, students can take an additional 2 optional credits at no extra cost. If desired, students can use these elective credits to take courses from the Professional Master's, Academic Master's, or FGV EAESP's Methods School, which can be applied if they choose to pursue further studies in these areas later on.
An opportunity to exchange experiences with the program's alumni network, address potential doubts and personal development needs, understand your career possibilities and professional development options, as well as expand your knowledge about the business sector or segment in which mentors work.
Lifelong support from FGV EAESP's Career Center for students' personal and professional development, identifying job opportunities and recruitment processes, as well as participation in various events.
Leadership Development
This subject involves semiannual leadership immersion workshops and the application of an exclusive 360-degree assessment tool developed by FGV EAESP’s Center for Organization and People Studies (NEOP), encompassing each student’s leadership profile and generating individual reports at the beginning and end of the course. Practical situations related to this subject will be discussed and there will be coaching on individual leadership characteristics, lectures and group work.
KEY TOPICS: Emotional intelligence; communication skills; team management; leadership practices; psychological skills
This subject involves semiannual leadership immersion workshops and the application of an exclusive 360-degree assessment tool developed by FGV EAESP’s Center for Organization and People Studies (NEOP), encompassing each student’s leadership profile and generating individual reports at the beginning and end of the course. Practical situations related to this subject will be discussed and there will be coaching on individual leadership characteristics, lectures and group work.
KEY TOPICS: Emotional intelligence; communication skills; team management; leadership practices; psychological skills
Carga horária37,5h-
Ianaira Barretto Souza Neves
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation -
Joana Sabrina Pereira Story
TitleDoutorado em Leadership Studies pela Universidade de Nebraska/Lincoln
Experience Accelerator
Based on an applied methodology, up to 30 business cases will be analyzed and discussed in detail every six months with professors specializing in each case and market executives. Many of these cases, related to Brazilian companies, were developed exclusively by FGV EAESP professors. Throughout the course, students will be able to apply many of the concepts acquired in other subjects to discuss decision-making options and propose solutions to real business situations, expanding the connection between theory and practice.
KEY TOPICS: Application of basic business strategy concepts; relationship between marketing strategy and business strategy; integration of marketing mix decisions with the defined strategy; application of segmentation, targeting and positioning concepts in day-to-day routines of organizations; analysis of marketing decision making in different B2C and B2B business environments
Based on an applied methodology, up to 30 business cases will be analyzed and discussed in detail every six months with professors specializing in each case and market executives. Many of these cases, related to Brazilian companies, were developed exclusively by FGV EAESP professors. Throughout the course, students will be able to apply many of the concepts acquired in other subjects to discuss decision-making options and propose solutions to real business situations, expanding the connection between theory and practice.
KEY TOPICS: Application of basic business strategy concepts; relationship between marketing strategy and business strategy; integration of marketing mix decisions with the defined strategy; application of segmentation, targeting and positioning concepts in day-to-day routines of organizations; analysis of marketing decision making in different B2C and B2B business environments
Carga horária75h-
Carlos Eduardo Lourenço
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Sustainable and Responsible Management
Through readings, videos, debates and practical activities – based on their personal experiences, case studies and integration with other course subjects – students will have the opportunity to learn about, apply and expand their repertoire of strategies, tools and practices for responsible and sustainable management.
KEY TOPICS: Interdependence and systemic vision; fundamentals of sustainable and responsible management; risks and opportunities in the search for corporate sustainability; ESG management standards and tools; interdisciplinarity
Through readings, videos, debates and practical activities – based on their personal experiences, case studies and integration with other course subjects – students will have the opportunity to learn about, apply and expand their repertoire of strategies, tools and practices for responsible and sustainable management.
KEY TOPICS: Interdependence and systemic vision; fundamentals of sustainable and responsible management; risks and opportunities in the search for corporate sustainability; ESG management standards and tools; interdisciplinarity
Carga horária37,5h-
Aron Belinky
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Project Lab
This subject offers students the opportunity to explore different leadership styles in practice, through prototyping and self-development. Participants will work in groups on integrated projects with real impacts, related to the other subjects offered each semester, with a view to developing their potential as leaders and members of high-performance teams.
KEY TOPICS: Training and teamwork; leadership; project management; social and emotional skills; tools
This subject offers students the opportunity to explore different leadership styles in practice, through prototyping and self-development. Participants will work in groups on integrated projects with real impacts, related to the other subjects offered each semester, with a view to developing their potential as leaders and members of high-performance teams.
KEY TOPICS: Training and teamwork; leadership; project management; social and emotional skills; tools
Carga horária37,5h-
Carla Campana
TitleDoctor in Education of São Paulo University -
Ianaira Barretto Souza Neves
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Business Strategy
In this subject, business strategy is approached from an economic perspective, identifying potential sources of value creation and ways to sustain competitive advantages. Analysis techniques will be used to help define a business model and make strategic choices. Students will understand connections between functional strategies and the organizational architecture required to execute a company’s strategy.
KEY TOPICS: Business strategy; business models and sustaining competitive advantage; strategic analysis techniques; strategy execution; corporate strategy and value creation
In this subject, business strategy is approached from an economic perspective, identifying potential sources of value creation and ways to sustain competitive advantages. Analysis techniques will be used to help define a business model and make strategic choices. Students will understand connections between functional strategies and the organizational architecture required to execute a company’s strategy.
KEY TOPICS: Business strategy; business models and sustaining competitive advantage; strategic analysis techniques; strategy execution; corporate strategy and value creation
Carga horária25h-
Jorge Manoel Teixeira Carneiro
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from Coppead/UFRJ -
Sérvio Túlio Prado Júnior
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Applied Statistics
Through an applied approach, students will learn to analyze and interpret quantitative data with the aim of informing strategic decisions and identifying valuable insights for business success. The subject will cover topics such as descriptive analysis, statistical inference, and forecasting methods. In addition to it, students will have the opportunity to use computational tools and statistical software for data analysis and visualization. By the end of the subject, students will be able to effectively apply statistical concepts and techniques in real business scenarios, contributing to a better understanding and management of business processes.
KEY TOPICS: Descriptive analysis; probability; statistical inference; predictive modeling
Through an applied approach, students will learn to analyze and interpret quantitative data with the aim of informing strategic decisions and identifying valuable insights for business success. The subject will cover topics such as descriptive analysis, statistical inference, and forecasting methods. In addition to it, students will have the opportunity to use computational tools and statistical software for data analysis and visualization. By the end of the subject, students will be able to effectively apply statistical concepts and techniques in real business scenarios, contributing to a better understanding and management of business processes.
KEY TOPICS: Descriptive analysis; probability; statistical inference; predictive modeling
Carga horária12,5h-
Mateus Canniatti Ponchio
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Operations Management
Students will develop a systemic, operational and strategic view of operations management, integrating multiple perspectives that must be included in executives’ agenda and in their activities as agents of change in their organizations, in order to enhance the connectivity of operations, service growth, flows of productive activities and technological evolution.
KEY TOPICS: Operations management; human capital; management for results; value networks; integrated logistics
Students will develop a systemic, operational and strategic view of operations management, integrating multiple perspectives that must be included in executives’ agenda and in their activities as agents of change in their organizations, in order to enhance the connectivity of operations, service growth, flows of productive activities and technological evolution.
KEY TOPICS: Operations management; human capital; management for results; value networks; integrated logistics
Carga horária25h-
Alexandre Pignanelli
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Applied Financial Math
This subject aims to address the main concepts of financial mathematics and their applications in the business environment, providing students with the fundamentals for applications in commercial strategies and financial management, such as investment decisions and financing.
KEY TOPICS: Initial concepts of financial mathematics (capital, interest, cash flow, and equivalence of capital); calculations of net present value (NPV) and internal rates of return (IRR); financial mathematics and business strategies; investment evaluation methods and cash flows; loan amortization systems.
This subject aims to address the main concepts of financial mathematics and their applications in the business environment, providing students with the fundamentals for applications in commercial strategies and financial management, such as investment decisions and financing.
KEY TOPICS: Initial concepts of financial mathematics (capital, interest, cash flow, and equivalence of capital); calculations of net present value (NPV) and internal rates of return (IRR); financial mathematics and business strategies; investment evaluation methods and cash flows; loan amortization systems.
Carga horária12,5h-
Rafael Moreira Antonio
TitleDoctor in Controllership and Accounting (Finance) from FEA-RP/USP
Economics and Companies
Students will be empowered to analyze the macroeconomic problems of Brazil and the world, reflect on companies’ role in the economic environment and understand the tools that can be used in business planning, as well as analyze microeconomic problems, bridging the gap between abstract theoretical thinking and practice through case studies, exercises and data analysis.
KEY TOPICS: Macroeconomic data analysis; fiscal and monetary policies; open economy; markets, consumers, company structure and competition; monopolies, regulation and business interactions; information problems and externalities
Students will be empowered to analyze the macroeconomic problems of Brazil and the world, reflect on companies’ role in the economic environment and understand the tools that can be used in business planning, as well as analyze microeconomic problems, bridging the gap between abstract theoretical thinking and practice through case studies, exercises and data analysis.
KEY TOPICS: Macroeconomic data analysis; fiscal and monetary policies; open economy; markets, consumers, company structure and competition; monopolies, regulation and business interactions; information problems and externalities
Carga horária25h-
Renan Gomes de Pieri
TitleDoutor em Economia de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Marketing Management
From a practical perspective, this subject provides a comprehensive view of marketing management, expanding students’ ability to make effective marketing decisions, encompassing evaluations of market opportunities and the development of strategies aimed at better business performance, including the selection of target markets and competitive positioning, value creation, formulation of product strategies, pricing, communication and distribution.
KEY TOPICS: Market intelligence and big data; segmentation, targeting and positioning; consumer behavior and experience; product/service policy management, distribution channels, pricing and communication; sustainability and marketing strategy
From a practical perspective, this subject provides a comprehensive view of marketing management, expanding students’ ability to make effective marketing decisions, encompassing evaluations of market opportunities and the development of strategies aimed at better business performance, including the selection of target markets and competitive positioning, value creation, formulation of product strategies, pricing, communication and distribution.
KEY TOPICS: Market intelligence and big data; segmentation, targeting and positioning; consumer behavior and experience; product/service policy management, distribution channels, pricing and communication; sustainability and marketing strategy
Carga horária25h-
Henrique de Campos Junior
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Advanced Negotiation Lab
Based on practical exercises and negotiation simulations, students will be encouraged to use analytical tools and effective interpersonal relationship techniques, in a wide variety of contexts, taking social diversity into account. By the end, they will have expanded their repertoire of skills and they will be better placed to negotiate and deal with people and situations in an ethical, appropriate and socially responsible way.
KEY TOPICS: Conflicts between creating value and distributing value; cognitive biases and other psychological barriers; interpersonal dimension of negotiations; cultural, gender and ethical norms in negotiations; difficult people and situations
Based on practical exercises and negotiation simulations, students will be encouraged to use analytical tools and effective interpersonal relationship techniques, in a wide variety of contexts, taking social diversity into account. By the end, they will have expanded their repertoire of skills and they will be better placed to negotiate and deal with people and situations in an ethical, appropriate and socially responsible way.
KEY TOPICS: Conflicts between creating value and distributing value; cognitive biases and other psychological barriers; interpersonal dimension of negotiations; cultural, gender and ethical norms in negotiations; difficult people and situations
Carga horária12,5h-
Sérgio de Freitas Costa
TitleMaster of Laws, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, EUA
Talent management
Students will be encouraged to reflect on the importance of managing people in organizations in different subsystems, such as planning, recruitment and selection, onboarding, and training and development. Different management tools will be presented in order to understand how to manage people effectively and based on ethical principles.
KEY TOPICS: Strategic HR; competency management model; recruitment and selection; training and development; organizational climate; diversity.
Students will be encouraged to reflect on the importance of managing people in organizations in different subsystems, such as planning, recruitment and selection, onboarding, and training and development. Different management tools will be presented in order to understand how to manage people effectively and based on ethical principles.
KEY TOPICS: Strategic HR; competency management model; recruitment and selection; training and development; organizational climate; diversity.
Carga horária25h-
Denise Rossato Quatrin
TitlePhD in Management from Durham University, UK -
Vanessa Martines Cepellos
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
Demystifying Financial Reports
This subject presents an overview of accounting, its users and its importance, seeking to demystify key accounting aspects of companies’ financial statements, in order to allow an effective assessment of their financial situations, their competitive strategies and how they are reflected in their financial reports.
KEY TOPICS: Balance sheets; income statements; cash flowstatements; analysis and use of financial statements
This subject presents an overview of accounting, its users and its importance, seeking to demystify key accounting aspects of companies’ financial statements, in order to allow an effective assessment of their financial situations, their competitive strategies and how they are reflected in their financial reports.
KEY TOPICS: Balance sheets; income statements; cash flowstatements; analysis and use of financial statements
Carga horária25h-
Diana Lucia de Almeida
TitleDoutora em Contabilidade pela Universidade de São Paulo
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation enables the creation of a new business value proposition that is leveraged by digital technologies. It can also give the transformed company a new identity. Furthermore, what an organization would like to do now depends on what its systems allow it to do, in a context of interdependence and coevolution of business and IT. This subject aims to: (i) present the current state of digital transformation in organizations and society; (ii) identify different digital maturity scenarios and stages in organizations; (iii) discuss the adoption and use of emerging digital technologies and their risks and benefits for organizations; and (iv) enable participants to make decisions and develop digital transformation strategies in their organizations in an effective and sustainable way.
KEY TOPICS: Digital transformation (brief history, definitions and differences between digitization, digitalization and digital transformation); main digital technologies and their applications (analytics, internet of things, artificial intelligence, platforms/ecosystems and blockchain); digital transformation strategies and strategic alignment with each business; critical success factors for digital transformation; role of leadership and management in digital transformation
Digital transformation enables the creation of a new business value proposition that is leveraged by digital technologies. It can also give the transformed company a new identity. Furthermore, what an organization would like to do now depends on what its systems allow it to do, in a context of interdependence and coevolution of business and IT. This subject aims to: (i) present the current state of digital transformation in organizations and society; (ii) identify different digital maturity scenarios and stages in organizations; (iii) discuss the adoption and use of emerging digital technologies and their risks and benefits for organizations; and (iv) enable participants to make decisions and develop digital transformation strategies in their organizations in an effective and sustainable way.
KEY TOPICS: Digital transformation (brief history, definitions and differences between digitization, digitalization and digital transformation); main digital technologies and their applications (analytics, internet of things, artificial intelligence, platforms/ecosystems and blockchain); digital transformation strategies and strategic alignment with each business; critical success factors for digital transformation; role of leadership and management in digital transformation
Carga horária12,5h-
Claudio Luis Carvalho Larieira
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation -
João Luiz Becker
TitlePhD in Management Science from University Of California
Business Finance
Students will examine and discuss the main financial management topics and techniques, considering their usefulness and limitations, as well as their implications for the decision-making process and interrelationships with other functional areas of companies, based on principles involved in generating results, shareholder value and business decision making, with a financial focus.
KEY TOPICS: Income statements, operating cash flow and free cash flow; value creation for shareholders; working capital management; capital investment
Students will examine and discuss the main financial management topics and techniques, considering their usefulness and limitations, as well as their implications for the decision-making process and interrelationships with other functional areas of companies, based on principles involved in generating results, shareholder value and business decision making, with a financial focus.
KEY TOPICS: Income statements, operating cash flow and free cash flow; value creation for shareholders; working capital management; capital investment
Carga horária25h-
Marco Aurélio dos Santos
TitleDoctor of Controllership and Accounting - FEA-USP/SP
Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Journey
Students will explore the process of creating, managing and implementing innovation in companies, necessary tools, myths and truths, barriers and how to overcome them, as well as current innovation-related trends. Some aspects related to entrepreneurship and the creation of goods and services will also be studied, such as entrepreneurial mindset, ideation, evaluations of ideas, risks and possible results, as well as formulation of necessary steps to put business ideas into operation.
KEY TOPICS: Innovation knowledge base; innovation tools; sources of innovation for companies and startups; entrepreneurial mindset, search for ideas and validation of opportunities; developing a business plan; selling your idea to the market and investors; growth strategies
Students will explore the process of creating, managing and implementing innovation in companies, necessary tools, myths and truths, barriers and how to overcome them, as well as current innovation-related trends. Some aspects related to entrepreneurship and the creation of goods and services will also be studied, such as entrepreneurial mindset, ideation, evaluations of ideas, risks and possible results, as well as formulation of necessary steps to put business ideas into operation.
KEY TOPICS: Innovation knowledge base; innovation tools; sources of innovation for companies and startups; entrepreneurial mindset, search for ideas and validation of opportunities; developing a business plan; selling your idea to the market and investors; growth strategies
Carga horária25h-
Luciana Padovez Cualheta
TitlePhD in Business Administration (University of Brasília - UnB) -
Luiz Carlos Di Serio
TitleDoctor of Engineering from the School of Engineering in São Carlos
Business Law and Compliance
This subject aims to convey the fundamental principles, concepts and rules of business law, which are essential to business managers’ activities, as well as links with compliance practices. The subject focuses on business activities and the structure of the Brazilian legal system. It also looks at the difference between morality and law and the use of compliance tools.
KEY TOPICS: Compliance with the organization’s external and internal rules, identification of material issues for the business and structures designed to ensure compliance; individual responsibility of decision makers and accountability of organizations (public and private); identification, evolution and application of main corporate legal models with consequences for the business model and relations between stakeholders (partners, owners and regulatory bodies); protection of tangible and intangible assets of individuals and organizations through civil, consumer, intellectual and competition la
This subject aims to convey the fundamental principles, concepts and rules of business law, which are essential to business managers’ activities, as well as links with compliance practices. The subject focuses on business activities and the structure of the Brazilian legal system. It also looks at the difference between morality and law and the use of compliance tools.
KEY TOPICS: Compliance with the organization’s external and internal rules, identification of material issues for the business and structures designed to ensure compliance; individual responsibility of decision makers and accountability of organizations (public and private); identification, evolution and application of main corporate legal models with consequences for the business model and relations between stakeholders (partners, owners and regulatory bodies); protection of tangible and intangible assets of individuals and organizations through civil, consumer, intellectual and competition la
Carga horária12,5h-
Luciana Stocco Betiol
TitleDoctor of Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Data Architecture and Data Science Applications in Business
Through various examples and business cases, we will analyze the alignment of a company’s business needs with its requirements for technological solutions. The main data science techniques now in use (such as big data, blockchain, the internet of things and other trends) will be explored, as well as other fundamental aspects for the implementation of data science capability in a company, transforming it into a data-driven or data-centric business.
KEY TOPICS: Data models and non-distributed environments; big data, design architecture and operations; event-driven architecture, internet of things and blockchain; fundamentals of machine learning and other analytical techniques; data analysis for decision making; business cases by administrative area and sector; implementation of data-driven and data-centric capabilities in companies
Through various examples and business cases, we will analyze the alignment of a company’s business needs with its requirements for technological solutions. The main data science techniques now in use (such as big data, blockchain, the internet of things and other trends) will be explored, as well as other fundamental aspects for the implementation of data science capability in a company, transforming it into a data-driven or data-centric business.
KEY TOPICS: Data models and non-distributed environments; big data, design architecture and operations; event-driven architecture, internet of things and blockchain; fundamentals of machine learning and other analytical techniques; data analysis for decision making; business cases by administrative area and sector; implementation of data-driven and data-centric capabilities in companies
Carga horária25h-
Rodrigo Togneri
TitleDoctor in Information Engineering from UFABC
Elective Subject
The elective subject represents an opportunity for students to dive deep into a thematic area of individual interest to them. They can choose from among the subjects available in one of the seven research areas of the school’s Professional Master’s in Management for Competitiveness (MPGC). Credits obtained from courses taken by students during their exchange program or other course options offered by the Office for Global Affairs, including GNAM courses and immersion weeks, may also be used.
The elective subject represents an opportunity for students to dive deep into a thematic area of individual interest to them. They can choose from among the subjects available in one of the seven research areas of the school’s Professional Master’s in Management for Competitiveness (MPGC). Credits obtained from courses taken by students during their exchange program or other course options offered by the Office for Global Affairs, including GNAM courses and immersion weeks, may also be used.
Carga horária25hNão definido
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Enrollment Period
Course Opens
Further information
For more information, contact: admissionsoffice@fgv.br | +55 11 3799-3488
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R$82.081,23 cash price or R$86.401,29 in 18 installments
The Executive MBA is designed for graduates with a minimum of 8 of relevant experience and management experience.
Participation in the Selection Process for admission to the Executive MBA requires candidates to meet the following prerequisites:
• Have completed an undergraduate degree (in any field) at least 5 years ago.
• Proficiency in English (reading and analysis of texts).
Upon enrollment, candidates approved in the Selection Process must provide proof of meeting the required prerequisites.
There are no scheduled information sessions at the moment. For information about the course, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br.
Financing and scholarships
Step-by-step guide
Completion of all fields in the application form through the registration link is required.
After the profile analysis, selected candidates will be invited for an interview with the program coordinator.
Once approved in the selection process, the candidate will be eligible to proceed with enrollment.
More Information
Life Long Learning
Non-degree student
Program notice
Please download the course catalog for more information.

Accredited by AMBA, the Executive MBA is recognized in several countries where it is present. Executives who work in a multinational, or plan an international career, benefit from this course differential.
Executive MBA students have various opportunities for experiences at renowned international schools during the course. There are many possibilities for free exchange programs, without additional fees. Students can apply for positions offered by over 100 partner institutions among the top business schools in their respective countries.
There is also the possibility of participating in GNAM, which offers immersion weeks, once per semester, in more than 30 different countries. This flexibility allows students to balance these opportunities with their course and work commitments.
Besides the compulsory elective courses, the student may take 2 optional credits at no additional cost.
If they find it appealing, the student can use the elective credits to enroll in courses from the Professional Master's, Academic Master's, or FGV EAESP Methods Schools, which can be credited if they choose to pursue this path later on.
The Executive MBA promotes mentorships with former students of the program. It is an opportunity to exchange experiences, expose possible doubts and needs for personal and professional improvement and understand the possibilities of your trajectory and options for professional development.
Mentoring also allows the business area/sector in which the mentor operates to be better understood and explored.
Professors with a solid academic background, professional experience at important organizations in Brazil, and a corporate and consulting track record, guaranteeing teaching excellence.
Executive MBA students can count on the support of the FGV EAESP Career Center, which identifies job opportunities and announces vacancies to students and alumni, as well as providing guidance regarding careers and selection processes. This career guidance is aimed at providing all the support students need to develop their academic and professional career. For more information, email centrodecarreiras@fgv.br.
Student profile
The strategies I started to construct following the course have greatly helped my career.

Students can apply for exchange opportunities offered by over 100 partner schools among the top business schools in their respective countries.
GNAM offers immersion weeks once per semester in 30 different countries. Participants meet other MBA students from schools around the world. It's an opportunity to combine enriching multicultural experiences with your studies.
FGV EAESP Facilities

The FGV 9 de Julho Auditorium can accommodate 315 people, with six spaces for wheelchair users. It hosts around 80 events per year. It has a changing room, central air conditioning, a stage, a simultaneous interpretation booth and an entrance hall with facilities for coffee breaks for up to 160 guests. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

Smaller events are held in the FGV 9 de Julho Room, which can accommodate 88 audience members, plus a head table for up to six people. Fully accessible, it has a changing room, central air conditioning and an entrance hall that can be used for coffee breaks for up to 50 people on foot. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

The Karl A. Boedecker Library (BKAB) is part of the FGV Library System. Its archives span the areas of administration, economics, business, law and social sciences, including books, e-books, magazines, dissertations, theses and DVDs. The library’s users can also access databases containing journal articles, and economic, financial and legal information. It has individual and group study rooms and consultation terminals. On the library’s website, you can access the full list of services, available resources and opening hours.

FGV EAESP’s classrooms feature multimedia equipment, internet access and comfortable furniture to make learning dynamic and pleasant. There are also sponsored classrooms, which use equipment and resources paid for by partner companies in exchange for their logos being displayed to students and employees.

This sophisticated space for events holds up to 150 seated people and it has three head tables for up to seven people each. The infrastructure includes a staff break room and elevator for physically impaired people. The Noble Room functions from 6 am to 11 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

An innovative space created to host academic activities, CoLab is based on a modern and distinct learning model involving collaborative and action-oriented methodologies. Its principles are empathy, a focus on human beings and sharing of responsibilities.

The sports court is a meeting point for students and it also hosts sports events such as indoor soccer and basketball championships. The court is administered by Atlética, an FGV EAESP student organization.

Espaço NEON is FGV’s entrepreneurship area, which brings together FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses), GVentures (FGV’s business accelerator), or GVAngels (FGV’s Angel Investors) and the League of Entrepreneurship (Student Entity in entrepreneurship). There, FGV’s entrepreneurship ecosystem works collaboratively, stimulating innovation and new businesses.

Located at the school’s main entrance on Rua Itapeva, this large space fosters interaction between students and employees.

The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.
Descrição geral das instalações
Based on Avenida 9 de Julho, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista in Sao Paulo, FGV EAESP is composed of a main 12-floor building, the Karl A. Boedecker Library building, and the Getulio Vargas Auditorium, as well as a multisport court and two annex buildings, located at Rua Itapeva, 432. The classrooms, videoconferencing rooms, IT laboratories and integrated systems, all sponsored, are located in FGV Sao Paulo’s different buildings.
The School’s main administrative office, academic departments, most of its administrative departments, the Noble Hall and the Getulio Vargas Academic Office also occupy the main office, as do the professors’ social space, the outpatient medical center, two restaurants and two snack bars. The annex buildings house some administrative departments and student groups such as Aiesec, the Junior Companies group, the Athletics Association and the Employees’ Association.
Step-by-step guide to admissions
Completion of all fields in the application form through the registration link is required.
After the profile analysis, selected candidates will be invited for an interview with the program coordinator.
Once approved in the selection process, the candidate will be eligible to proceed with enrollment.