Luciana Padovez Cualheta

Luciana Padovez Cualheta holds a PhD in Business Administration (University of Brasília - UnB), a Master's Degree in Business Administration (Federal University of Goiás - UFG) and is graduated in Business Administration (Federal University of Goiás - UFG). She is a postdoctoral researcher focused on researching entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. She is an experienced professor in subjects related to Entrepreneurship and Innovation and has trained over 5,000 students. She has been an entrepreneur in the food and education sectors and is a professor at FGV-Eaesp in disciplines like Entrepreneurship and Strategy.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; DA SILVA ABBAD, GARDÊNIA; RODRIGUES DE LIMA, MARCOS FELIPE. Does Learning Happen and Remain Stable Over Time? A Longitudinal Assessment of Entrepreneurship Education Using Situational Judgment Tests. The International Journal of Management Education, v. 20, p. 100724, 2022.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; ABBAD, GARDENIA DA SILVA. What Does Entrepreneurship Education Look Like in Brazil? An analysis of undergraduate teaching plans. Education + Training (London), v. ahead-of-print, p. 0040-0912, 2020.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; CAETANO, MAURO; ALMEIDA, CRISTIANO FARIAS. New Service Development Process Applied on Air Transport Industry. Revista Gestão e Tecnologia, v. 20, p. 146-167, 2020.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; ABBAD, GARDENIA; FAIAD, CRISTIANE; BORGES JUNIOR, CANDIDO. Competências Empreendedoras: Construção de uma Escala de Avaliação. REGEPE, v. 9, p. 158, 2020.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; ABBAD, GARDENIA DA SILVA. Assessing Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes in an Innovative Way: Situational Judgment Tests. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, v. 00, p. 251512742097517, 2020.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; BORGES, CANDIDO; CAMARGO, ALTAIR; TAVARES, LUCAS. An Entrepreneurial Career Impacts on Job and Family Satisfaction. RAUSP Management Journal, v. 54, p. 125-140, 2019.
MOREIRA, RAFAELA; DA SILVA ABBAD, GARDENIA; CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; RABELO NEIVA, ELAINE. Força Motivacional, Suporte à Transferência e Impacto do Treinamento no Trabalho. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho, v. 19, p. 631-639, 2019.
ARAUJO, MARIA CECÍLIA DOS SANTOS QUEIROZ DE; ABBAD, GARDÊNIA DA SILVA; CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ . Learning and Transfer of Training: a Quasi-Experiment with Longitudinal Design. Psico-USF (impresso), v. 24, p. 413-424, 2019.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; GONCALVES, M. W. E.; CAETANO, Mauro. The Customers' Expectations as a Guide to Service Innovation in the Airline Industry. Journal of Air Transport Studies, v. 8, p. 130-143, 2017.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; GONDIM, S. Psicologia da Carreira. Volume 2, 2. ed., São Paulo: Vetor, 2021. v. 2. 178p.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; Empreendedoras de Alta Performance de Goiás. 1. ed. São Paulo: Leader, 2019. v. 1. 277p.
CUALHETA, LUCIANA PADOVEZ; CAMARGO FILHO, A ; CANDIDO BORGES. Empreendedorismo: ecossistema empreendedor, educação, competências e inovação sustentável. 1. ed. Curitiba: ISAE/FGV, 2018.