Technology and Data Science Department
- Department Head
The Technology and Data Science Department (TDS) seeks to discover paths to tackle our country’s most urgent technological and social challenges through data analysis. This perspective is derived from the competence of its professors and researchers, who develop courses and do research in a wide range of areas.
TDS’ goal is to improve management training through an interdisciplinary curriculum that lets students become involved in a competent and critical way. Research and innovation based on data drive technological advances in business management processes, enable the digital transformation of business and governmental activities, and open up new fields to academic investigation.
TDS is a dynamic community that remains a center of excellence in various areas related to the development of new academic and scientific approaches to deal with the challenges posed by digital transformation in 21st-century society. We work continually to promote exchanges with colleagues at other departments and research groups, in order to develop joint subjects and research. Our partnerships with prestigious national and international institutions permit the sharing of cutting-edge knowledge on data science and digital transformation.
We have around 40 Brazilian and foreign professors who studied at first-class institutions in Brazil and abroad, with extensive business experience. The diffusion of new themes takes place through subjects given in Portuguese and English by our fixed faculty and visiting professors from the world’s foremost business schools. In addition to teaching, our professors work on research, consulting and administrative activities at FGV EAESP, in line with their preferences and profiles.