Joana Sabrina Pereira Story

Joana Sabrina Pereira Story

Associate Professor of EAESP-FGV. Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She has received several academic honors and has been awarded the Best Junior Faculty of the Nova School of Business and Economics, nominated for best article awards at major international conferences such as the Academy of Management Meeting. She was a professor at the Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon. She has publications in prominent international journals such as the Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Managerial Psychology. Her research interests are leadership and organizational behavior in organizations in global contexts. She is currently a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.



Monzani, L., Bibic, K., Haslam, S.A...Story, Joana, ... (2024). Political Leaders' Identity Leadership and Civic Citizenship Behavior: the mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality. Political Psychology, Early view.

Lotta, G., Tavares, G.M., Story, J. Political Attacks and the Undermining of the Bureaucracy: the impact on civil servants' well-being. Governance, v. 37, n. 2, p. 619-641, 2024.

IWAI, T.; BORTOLUZZO, A. B.; STORY, J. S. P. Consistency Matters: exploring the different roles of climate variability on collective turnover. Journal Of Occupational And Organizational Psychology, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2023.

CORDEIRO, GUSTAVO SIMOES; ARVATE, PAULO ROBERTO; STORY, JOANA SABRINA PEREIRA; PONGELUPPE, LEANDRO SIMOES. Heroes or Villains? Agribusiness Leaders in the Amazon Region. Academy Of Management Discoveries, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2023.

LOTTA, GABRIELA; TAVARES, GUSTAVO M.; STORY, JOANA. Political Attacks and the Undermining of the Bureaucracy: the impact on civil servants' well-being. Governance-an International Journal of Policy Adminsitration and Institutions, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2023.

STORY, JOANA; LOTTA, GABRIELA; TAVARES, GUSTAVO M. (Mis)Led by an Outsider: abusive supervision, disengagement, and silence in politicized bureaucracies. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2023.

STORY, JOANA S.P.; GUIMARAES-COSTA, N.; CUNHA, M. P.; KAMOCHE, K.; REGO, ARMÉNIO. Ethical Leadership: lessons from Africa for international management. Management International (Montréal), v. 26, p. 140-158, 2022.

STORY, JOANA; CRISTINA ALVES, THAIS. O que Fazer com a Epidemia de Ansiedade no Trabalho. GV Executivo, v. 21, p. 37-42, 2022.

BRACHT, E. M. MONZANI, L. BOER, D. HASLAM, S. A. KERSCHREITER, R. LEMOINE, J. E. STEFFENS, N. K. AKFIRAT, S. A. AVANZI, L. BARGHI, B. DUMONT, K. EDELMANN, C. M. EPITROPAKI, O. FRANSEN, K. GIESSNER, S. GLEIBS, I. H. GONZALEZ, R. GONZALEZ, A. L. LIPPONEN, J. MARKOVITS, Y. MOLERO, F. MORIANO, J. A. NEVES, P. OROSZ, G. LEVY, C. R. , et al. ; Innovation Across Cultures: connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations. Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale, v. 1, p. 1-41, 2022.

REZENDE, JULIA ; STORY, JOANA . O Lado Oculto da Diversidade de Gênero. GV Executivo, v. 20, p. 32-34, 2021.

CASTANHEIRA, FILIPA VIEIRA DA SILVA ; SGUERA, FRANCESCO ; STORY, JOANA . Organizational Politics and its Impact on Performance and Deviance Through Authenticity and Emotional Exhaustion. British Journal of Management, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2021.

ARVATE, PAULO ; STORY, JOANA . Leaders Affect Business Creation: evidence from mayoral elections. Leadership Quarterly, v. 1, p. 101577-101578, 2021.

STORY, JOANA S.P.; CASTANHEIRA, FILIPA . How Hybrid HR Systems Affect Performance in Call Centers. Personnel Review, v. 50, p. 918-934, 2021.

STORY, JOANA S. Liderança em Tempos de Covid-19. . GV Executivo. v. 19, p. 56, 2020.

STORY, JOANA S. P.; CASTANHEIRA, FILIPA. Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Performance: Mediation Role of Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, v. x, p. csr.1752-10, 2019.

REGO, ARMÉNIO; YAM, KAI CHI; OWENS, BRADLEY P.; STORY, JOANA S. P.; PINA E CUNHA, MIGUEL; LOPES, MIGUEL PEREIRA; BLUHM, DUSTIN. Conveyed Leader PsyCap Predicting Leader Effectiveness Through Positive Energizing. Journal of Management, v. 45, p. 1689-1712, 2019.

STORY, JOANA. Líderes da Antiética. GV EXECUTIVO, v. 17, p. 20-23, 2018.

REGO, ARMÉNIO; YAM, KAI CHI; OWENS, BRADLEY P.; STORY, JOANA S. P.; PINA E CUNHA, MIGUEL; BLUHM, DUSTIN; LOPES, MIGUEL PEREIRA. Conveyed Leader PsyCap Predicting Leader Effectiveness Through Positive Energizing. Journal of Management, v. XX, p. 014920631773351, 2017.

REIS, GERMANO; TRULLEN, JORDI; STORY, JOAN. Perceived Organizational Culture and Engagement: The Mediating Role of Authenticity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, v. 31, p. 1091-1105, 2016.

STORY, JOANA; CASTANHEIRA, FILIPA; HARTIG, SILVIA. Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Attractiveness: Implications for Talent Management. Social Responsability Journal, v. 12, p. 484-505, 2016.

CASTANHEIRA, FILIPA; STORY, JOANA. Making Good Things Last Longer: The Role of Savoring on the Relationship Between HRM and Positive Employee Outcomes. Human Resource Management, v. 55, p. 985-1000, 2016.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S. Relations of Organizational and Interpersonal Boundaries with Sources of Work Motivation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, v. 105, p. 1155-1158, 2016.

STORY, JOANA; NEVES, PEDRO. When Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Increases Performance: Exploring the Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic CSR Attribution. Business Ethics: A European Review, v. 24, p. 111-124, 2015.

NEVES, PEDRO; STORY, JOANA. Ethical Leadership and Reputation: Combined Indirect Effects on Organizational Deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, v. 127, p. 165-176, 2015.

CLEGG, STEWART; PINA E CUNHA, MIGUEL; REGO, ARMÉNIO; STORY, JOANA. Powers of Romance: The Liminal Challenges of Managing Organizational Intimacy. Journal of Management Inquiry, v. 24, p. 131-148, 2015.

STORY, JOANA S. P.; BARBUTO, JOHN E.; LUTHANS, FRED; BOVAIRD, JAMES A. Meeting the Challenges of Effective International HRM: Analysis of the Antecedents of Global Mindset. Human Resource Management, v. 53, p. 131-155, 2014.

PINA E CUNHA, MIGUEL; CLEGG, STEWART R.; REGO, ARMÉNIO; STORY, JOANA. From the Physics of Change to Realpolitik: Improvisational Relations of Power and Resistance. Journal of Change Management, v. 13, p. 460-476, 2013.

S.P. STORY, JOANA. Essay From an Early Career: To Each His/Her Own "Tune". Management Research (Armonk, N.Y.), v. 11, p. 100-107, 2013.

STORY, JOANA S. P.; YOUSSEF, CAROLYN M.; LUTHANS, FRED; BARBUTO, JOHN E.; BOVAIRD, JAMES. Contagion Effect of Global Leaders' Positive Psychological Capital on Followers: Does Distance and Quality of Relationship Matter? International Joural of Human Resource Management, v. 24, p. 2534-2553, 2013.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; SINGH, MATTHEW; WILMOT, MICHAEL P.; STORY, JOANA S. P. Self-other Rating Agreement and Leader-Member Exchange (LMX): A Quasi-replication. Perceptual and Motor Skills, v. 114, p. 479-484, 2012.

STORY, JOANA S.P.; BARBUTO, JOHN E. Global Mindset: A Construct Clarification and Framework. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, v. 18, p. 377-384, 2011.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S.P. Work Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Leadership Studies, v. 5, p. 23-34, 2011.

STORY, J. S. P. A Developmental Approach to Global Leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, v. 6, p. 375-389, 2011.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; WILMOT, MICHAEL P.; STORY, JOANA S. Self-other Rating Agreement and Leader-member Exchange (LMX). Perceptual and Motor Skills, v. 113, p. 875-880, 2011.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S.P.; FRITZ, S. M.; SCHINSTOCK, J. L. Full Range Advising: Transforming the Advisor-advisee Experience. Journal of College Student Development, v. 52, p. 656-670, 2011.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S. Antecedents of Emotional Intelligence: An Empirical Study. Journal of Leadership Education, v. 9, p. 144-154, 2010.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S.; FRITZ, SUSAN M.; SCHINSTOCK, JACK L. Reconceptualizing Academic Advising Using The Full Range Leadership Model. Journal of Leadership Education, v. 7, p. 60-68, 2009.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S. Comments on Dannhauser and Boshoff''s "Structural Equivalence of the Barbuto and Wheeler Servant Leadership Questionnaire on North American and South African Samples". International Journal of Leadership Studies, v. 4, p. 101- 103-103, 2008.

BARBUTO, JOHN E.; STORY, JOANA S. Relations Between Locus of Control and Sources of Work Motivation Amongst Government Workers. Psychological Reports, v. 102, p. 335-338, 2008.



STORY, JOANA S.; REIS, GERMANO. Global Leadership Practices: A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective. 1. ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 316p.


Book chapters: 

STORY, JOANA. Changing the tunes: an academic career story. In: Tomislav Hernaus; Matej Černe. (Org.). Becoming an Organizational Scholar. 1ed.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, v. , p. 186-197.

CUNHA, M. P.; CLEEG, S. R.; REGO, J. A. B. S.; STORY, JOANA  From the Physics of Change to Realpolitik: Improvisational Relations of Power and Resistance. In: Stwart R. Cleeg; João Amaro de Matos. (Org.). Sustainability and Organizational Change Management. 1ed.: Routledge, 2016, v., p. 460-476.

