Who is this course for
What to expect
What you will achieve
4 years (fulltime)
Attendance and Schedule
The Doctorate in Public Administration and Government (CDAPG) program has daily classes in the first year, which are conducted during the daytime.
Granted Title
Career Field
The Doctorate Degree in Public Administration and Government offers three research lines: Government and Civil Society in a Subnational Context (GSCCS), Public Sector Policy and Economics (PESP), and Transformations of the State and Public Policy (TEPP). Each research line is led by a team of professors with shared interests, who provide supervision for students' research projects.
Government and Civil Society (GSC)
It develops research and teaching activities related to the fields of study in the public sphere, with an emphasis on the relationship between public administration and civil society at the subnational level. This includes topics such as local governments, civil society participation in public policies, public action, civil society, the third sector and networks, social movements, rights, participation and citizenship, government, territoriality, and governance.
- Ana Maria Malik
- Eduardo Henrique Diniz
- Fernando Burgos Pimentel dos Santos
- Francisco César P. Fonseca
- Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira
- Maria Alexandra Viegas Cortez da Cunha
- Mario Aquino Alves (represent)
- Marlei Pozzebon
- Marta Ferreira Santos Farah
- Peter Kevin Spink
State Transformations and Public Policies (STPP)
Studies new institutional and management models adopted by governments in contemporary democracies, with the aim of understanding patterns of state intervention. Its themes relate to the reforms proposed by the New Public Management, the New Public Governance, and changes in institutions, particularly with regard to accountability and efficiency in the public sector, from a comparative perspective.
- Ann L. Cunliffe
- Eduardo José Grin
- Evan Michael Berman
- Fernando Luiz Abrucio
- Gabriela Spanghero Lotta (representante)
- José Antonio Puppim de Oliveira
- Lauro Emilio Gonzalez Farias
- Luiz Carlos Bresser Gonçalves Pereira
- Ricardo Corrêa Gomes
Public Sector Politics and Economics (PESP)
Addressing the relationship between politics and the economy of the public sector, analyzing levels of government from a political-institutional perspective. Works with themes such as public revenue and spending; economic internationalization; political economy of regulation; relationship between political institutions and public spending; economic-institutional studies of corruption; monetary policy; regional development; political economy of urban intervention; efficiency of spending on public policies (especially Education and Health); macroeconomic policies associated with development strategies for middle-income countries and management of local public finances; comparative politics; and electoral behavior.
- Adriano Massuda
- Ciro Biderman
- Claudio Gonçalves Couto
- Elize Massard Da Fonseca
- George Avelino Filho
- Nelson Marconi (representante)
- Rudi Rocha
Curriculum Structure
To access the curriculum structure of the course, click here.
Class Schedule
- To access the class schedule for 2021.1, click here.
- To access the class schedule for 2021.2, click here.
- To access the class schedule for 2022.1, click here.
- To access the class schedule for 2022.2, click here.
- To access the class schedule for 2023.1, click here.
- To access the class schedule for 2023.2, click here.
Course Reports and Syllabus
- To access the course report for 2021, click here.
- To access the course report for 2022, click here.
- To access the course report for 2023, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2021.1 courses, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2021.2 courses, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2022.1 courses, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2022.2 courses, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2023.1 courses, click here.
- To access the syllabus for the 2023.2 courses, click here.
Intellectual Production
To access the intellectual production of the course, click here.
Regulations and Norms
- To access the current regulations, click here.
- To access the current norms of the course, click here.
Dissertations and Theses in Article Format
Learn about the current regulations.
Individual Agreement for Cotutelle of Dissertations and Theses (Dual Degree)
Frequently Asked Questions
To learn about the scholarships managed by the program, click here.
To learn about the Capes PrInt Program, click here.
This course aims to give students a grounding in the various epistemological perspectives underpinning social science research so they understand how these perspectives influence research design, methodology, methods, data analysis and theory construction.
This course aims to give students a grounding in the various epistemological perspectives underpinning social science research so they understand how these perspectives influence research design, methodology, methods, data analysis and theory construction.
Carga horária30h-
Ann L. Cunliffe
TitlePh.D. in Administration from Lancaster University - UK
Quantitative methods applied to public administration
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the possibilities of applying quantitative methods in research in public administration. Through studies of scientific articles published in high impact journals, the student will be led to think about how quantitative methods can help in understanding the phenomena of public administration and government. As a consequence, the student will have more elements for the decision on which would be the most appropriate method for their research problem.
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the possibilities of applying quantitative methods in research in public administration. Through studies of scientific articles published in high impact journals, the student will be led to think about how quantitative methods can help in understanding the phenomena of public administration and government. As a consequence, the student will have more elements for the decision on which would be the most appropriate method for their research problem.
Carga horária30h-
Ricardo Corrêa Gomes
TitleDoctor of Public Management from Aston Business School
Qualitative research methodology applied to public administration
This discipline aims to provide students with a conceptual and applied basis for the development of qualitative research, particularly in public administration. The discipline will addresses since the formation of a research question, to the dilemmas of conducting case studies, techniques of data collection and analysis and validation and replicability.
This discipline aims to provide students with a conceptual and applied basis for the development of qualitative research, particularly in public administration. The discipline will addresses since the formation of a research question, to the dilemmas of conducting case studies, techniques of data collection and analysis and validation and replicability.
Carga horária30h-
Elize Massard da Fonseca
TitleDoutora em Política Social pela University of Edinburgh, Reino Unido
Capitalist and State Development
The objective of the course is capitalism, capitalist development and its relationship with nation-states and the modern state. At the beginning of each of the two daily classes, the teacher will give a lecture on the topic, and then, in the first part of the class, the first text of compulsory reading will be discussed, and in the second part, the second text will be discussed. Each student must bring their notebook or tablet with the mandatory readings of the respective class, duly noted for class discussion. It will be interesting to plan questions for the teacher at the end of the first part of the lesson.
The objective of the course is capitalism, capitalist development and its relationship with nation-states and the modern state. At the beginning of each of the two daily classes, the teacher will give a lecture on the topic, and then, in the first part of the class, the first text of compulsory reading will be discussed, and in the second part, the second text will be discussed. Each student must bring their notebook or tablet with the mandatory readings of the respective class, duly noted for class discussion. It will be interesting to plan questions for the teacher at the end of the first part of the lesson.
Carga horária30h-
Luiz Carlos Bresser Gonçalves Pereira
TitleDoutor em Ciências Econômicas pela Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da USP
Post-development and Social Innovation
Development and social innovation today represent two important dimensions in the training of students in public administration. This seminar aims to unite these two themes through a critical and reflective approach that aims to discuss alternatives to 'western' development, including trends such as post-development, buen vivir, approaches anchored in the environmental crisis and indigenous views, post-extractivism, the paradigm of the great transition, the politics of commons and others.
Development and social innovation today represent two important dimensions in the training of students in public administration. This seminar aims to unite these two themes through a critical and reflective approach that aims to discuss alternatives to 'western' development, including trends such as post-development, buen vivir, approaches anchored in the environmental crisis and indigenous views, post-extractivism, the paradigm of the great transition, the politics of commons and others.
Carga horária30h-
Marlei Pozzebon
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade de Mcgill, Canadá
Political Economy
1. Knowledge of the main concepts of political economy.
2. Identify and understand the main political institutions.
3. Knowledge of the basic tools used to analyze political institutions.
4. Introduce students to the main concepts of game theory and strategic behavior.
5. Allow students to analyze the production of public policies as a solution to distributive conflicts and, therefore, as a political phenomenon.
1. Knowledge of the main concepts of political economy.
2. Identify and understand the main political institutions.
3. Knowledge of the basic tools used to analyze political institutions.
4. Introduce students to the main concepts of game theory and strategic behavior.
5. Allow students to analyze the production of public policies as a solution to distributive conflicts and, therefore, as a political phenomenon.
Carga horária30h-
George Avelino Filho
TitlePH.D em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Stanford
Theories of Public Administration
The paradigms of Public Administration; Bureaucracy; Strategic Planning; Theory of Bounded Rationality and Decision Making; Leadership and Motivation in Public Service; New Institutionalism and Resource Dependency Theory; Analysis of Public Organizations Performance; Agency Theory and Stakeholder Theory; New Public Management and New Public Service; Governance in Public Service; Communicative Rationality.
The paradigms of Public Administration; Bureaucracy; Strategic Planning; Theory of Bounded Rationality and Decision Making; Leadership and Motivation in Public Service; New Institutionalism and Resource Dependency Theory; Analysis of Public Organizations Performance; Agency Theory and Stakeholder Theory; New Public Management and New Public Service; Governance in Public Service; Communicative Rationality.
Carga horária30h-
Ricardo Corrêa Gomes
TitleDoctor of Public Management from Aston Business School
Macroeconomics of Development
Analysis of macroeconomic policy and its relationship with: i) the process of economic development; ii) inflation stability and, iii) income distribution. Emphasis on the role of the main macroeconomic prices (exchange rate, interest rate, profit, wages and inflation) in this process.
Analysis of macroeconomic policy and its relationship with: i) the process of economic development; ii) inflation stability and, iii) income distribution. Emphasis on the role of the main macroeconomic prices (exchange rate, interest rate, profit, wages and inflation) in this process.
Carga horária30h-
Nelson Marconi
TitleDoutorado em Economia de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Advanced International Comparative Public Management
This course examines advanced, international and comparative experiences of other countries in public management, notably leading and other practices from Asia-Pacific and North America. Couse objectives are to (1) understand how important challenges of public management and policy are addressed in other countries; (2) provide theoretical and research approaches to assist in the comparative study of public management and public policy; and (3) facilitate application of comparative/international experiences to specific settings and contexts (e.g., Brasil).
This course examines advanced, international and comparative experiences of other countries in public management, notably leading and other practices from Asia-Pacific and North America. Couse objectives are to (1) understand how important challenges of public management and policy are addressed in other countries; (2) provide theoretical and research approaches to assist in the comparative study of public management and public policy; and (3) facilitate application of comparative/international experiences to specific settings and contexts (e.g., Brasil).
Carga horária30h-
Evan Berman
TitlePh.D. in Public Policy from the George Washington University
Technology and Governments
The objective is to discuss relevant aspects of public management using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The course covers the adoption, use, and diffusion of information and communication technologies in public management and the provision of services to citizens; digital exclusion; open data transparency and open government; smart cities and smart governance, as well as workshops on article construction.
The objective is to discuss relevant aspects of public management using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The course covers the adoption, use, and diffusion of information and communication technologies in public management and the provision of services to citizens; digital exclusion; open data transparency and open government; smart cities and smart governance, as well as workshops on article construction.
Carga horária30h-
Maria Alexandra Viegas Cortez da Cunha
TitleDoctor of Business Administration from the University of São Paulo
Access to Healthcare in the 21st Century - New and Old Models
The healthcare sector is by definition an interdisciplinary field of action that aims to promote, recover, and above all, maintain the health of a population. To achieve this, the state should develop actions and provide resources, as stipulated in Article 196 of the 1988 Constitution. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals by 2030. These include MDG 3 - Health and Well-being and MDG 10 - Reduction of Inequalities. For the objective of achieving health and well-being, reducing inequalities in living conditions and access to services is essential. It is increasingly important to analyze and intervene in living conditions or health determinants. The use of technology, especially informatics, can be a breakthrough in this regard, although it can also widen the gap between different regions. In Brazil, starting in 2023, there will be a new configuration of the Unified Health System (SUS) due to the COVID pandemic, and access considerations will have to be refocused.
The healthcare sector is by definition an interdisciplinary field of action that aims to promote, recover, and above all, maintain the health of a population. To achieve this, the state should develop actions and provide resources, as stipulated in Article 196 of the 1988 Constitution. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals by 2030. These include MDG 3 - Health and Well-being and MDG 10 - Reduction of Inequalities. For the objective of achieving health and well-being, reducing inequalities in living conditions and access to services is essential. It is increasingly important to analyze and intervene in living conditions or health determinants. The use of technology, especially informatics, can be a breakthrough in this regard, although it can also widen the gap between different regions. In Brazil, starting in 2023, there will be a new configuration of the Unified Health System (SUS) due to the COVID pandemic, and access considerations will have to be refocused.
Carga horária30h-
Ana Maria Malik
TitleDoctor of Preventive Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of São Paulo
Analysis of policy implementation and the role of bureaucracies
The course aims to introduce students to the literature on public policy implementation and the role of state bureaucracies in implementation. Through an analysis of the main theoretical and analytical models, the course will enable students to develop the ability to analyze policy implementation and understand how bureaucrats act.
The course aims to introduce students to the literature on public policy implementation and the role of state bureaucracies in implementation. Through an analysis of the main theoretical and analytical models, the course will enable students to develop the ability to analyze policy implementation and understand how bureaucrats act.
Carga horária30h-
Gabriela Spanghero Lotta
TitleDoctor of Political Science from USP
State, Organized Interests and Public Policy
The course will be developed based on approaches to political economy and how interest groups and companies articulate around state and government policies. This is an interdisciplinary field of study between political science, economics and public administration that seeks to analyze how political actors organize themselves to influence government decisions and the public policies that result from them. Although there is agreement on the object of study, there are many theories that propose to analyze this process. It seeks to create opportunities for the knowledge of these different approaches as a way of expanding the analytical possibilities of the organized action of interest groups and companies.
The course will be developed based on approaches to political economy and how interest groups and companies articulate around state and government policies. This is an interdisciplinary field of study between political science, economics and public administration that seeks to analyze how political actors organize themselves to influence government decisions and the public policies that result from them. Although there is agreement on the object of study, there are many theories that propose to analyze this process. It seeks to create opportunities for the knowledge of these different approaches as a way of expanding the analytical possibilities of the organized action of interest groups and companies.
Carga horária30h-
Eduardo José Grin
TitleDoutor em Administração Pública e Governo pela Fundação Getulio Vargas -
Lauro Emilio Gonzalez Farias
TitleDoutor em Economia de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Federalism and Public Policy
The course will analyze the relationship between federalism and public policies from three perspectives. The first is conceptual, studying the concept of Federation and its impacts on public policies, whether from a theoretical point of view or from the point of view of comparative international experience. Secondly, the intersection of the federative theme with the construction of a Welfare State in Brazil will be analyzed, starting with the presentation of a broader historical panorama and focusing on the changes that occurred especially since the 1988 Constitution. Finally, some specific governmental sectors will be discussed, such as Education, Health, Social Assistance, Environment, among the main ones, to show how the intergovernmental dynamics is a key piece to understand the functioning and the results of the Brazilian Public Administration.
The course will analyze the relationship between federalism and public policies from three perspectives. The first is conceptual, studying the concept of Federation and its impacts on public policies, whether from a theoretical point of view or from the point of view of comparative international experience. Secondly, the intersection of the federative theme with the construction of a Welfare State in Brazil will be analyzed, starting with the presentation of a broader historical panorama and focusing on the changes that occurred especially since the 1988 Constitution. Finally, some specific governmental sectors will be discussed, such as Education, Health, Social Assistance, Environment, among the main ones, to show how the intergovernmental dynamics is a key piece to understand the functioning and the results of the Brazilian Public Administration.
Carga horária30h-
Fernando Luiz Abrucio
TitleDoctor of Political Science from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of USP
Comparative Policy Topics
Through the analysis of some of the major institutions, the aim of the course is to advance students' knowledge of the functioning of democratic political institutions in order to increase their understanding of the functioning and consequences of different types of institutions.
Through the analysis of some of the major institutions, the aim of the course is to advance students' knowledge of the functioning of democratic political institutions in order to increase their understanding of the functioning and consequences of different types of institutions.
Carga horária30h-
Claudio Goncalves Couto
TitleDoctor of Political Science from the University of São Paulo -
George Avelino Filho
TitlePh.D. in Political Science from Stanford University
Public Policy Assessment
The course aims to train students in the concepts and tools necessary for conducting applied research at a professional level in public policy impact assessment. The course is organized in lectures on theory and quantitative techniques through the solution of cases applied to the evaluation of public policies in Brazil and in the world, and in readings and discussion of empirical academic articles. We will also discuss the stages of an empirical research cycle, from the conception of research projects in public policy evaluation to the academic publication cycle. There will even be opportunities for discussion/mentoring of research/thesis projects.
The course aims to train students in the concepts and tools necessary for conducting applied research at a professional level in public policy impact assessment. The course is organized in lectures on theory and quantitative techniques through the solution of cases applied to the evaluation of public policies in Brazil and in the world, and in readings and discussion of empirical academic articles. We will also discuss the stages of an empirical research cycle, from the conception of research projects in public policy evaluation to the academic publication cycle. There will even be opportunities for discussion/mentoring of research/thesis projects.
Carga horária30h-
Rudi Rocha
TitleDoutor em Economia pela Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro
Information Technology & Sustainability
The relationship between technology and sustainability has been increasingly paradoxical in our century. If on one hand the technological development has brought great advances in the quality of life and productivity in many regions of the world, on the other hand its omnipresence in all spheres of human life and the different levels of penetration in different areas has also been a source of tensions and criticism. Recent research in ICT - information and communication technologies - point to a positive contribution of these technologies for sustainable development, in particular its necessary alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in various areas of activities, such as fighting poverty and inequalities, improving health, education, employment and many other topics. The positive effect is mainly through increased access to information and reduction of communication costs. Internet and mobile phones have great potential for improving health and education systems and in fighting regional and social inequalities, as well as proctecting the environment. However these benefits are not being fully realized for a number of reasons of a different nature, which can be analyzed from different perspectives. In this interdisciplinary course we discuss the different roles that ICT can play to sustainable development. The focus is the Brazilian scenario, but during the course will be extensively discussed examples of other cultures and territories. This theme, which has already been internationally known as ICT for Good (alignment of Information and Communication Technologies with the Sustainable Development Goals), has produced extensive bibliography that will be widely used during the course.
The relationship between technology and sustainability has been increasingly paradoxical in our century. If on one hand the technological development has brought great advances in the quality of life and productivity in many regions of the world, on the other hand its omnipresence in all spheres of human life and the different levels of penetration in different areas has also been a source of tensions and criticism. Recent research in ICT - information and communication technologies - point to a positive contribution of these technologies for sustainable development, in particular its necessary alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in various areas of activities, such as fighting poverty and inequalities, improving health, education, employment and many other topics. The positive effect is mainly through increased access to information and reduction of communication costs. Internet and mobile phones have great potential for improving health and education systems and in fighting regional and social inequalities, as well as proctecting the environment. However these benefits are not being fully realized for a number of reasons of a different nature, which can be analyzed from different perspectives. In this interdisciplinary course we discuss the different roles that ICT can play to sustainable development. The focus is the Brazilian scenario, but during the course will be extensively discussed examples of other cultures and territories. This theme, which has already been internationally known as ICT for Good (alignment of Information and Communication Technologies with the Sustainable Development Goals), has produced extensive bibliography that will be widely used during the course.
Carga horária30h-
Eduardo Henrique Diniz
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Controls and Democracy: the controlling institutions over the Brazilian Public Administration.
The debate on control and democracy is gaining more and more space in Brazil. Initially linked to Law (prioritizing the field of legality) and Administration (in the reflection on efficiency), the connection with democracy gains relevance when political scientists and sociologists begin to research the multiple forms of control and dialogue with institutions and the separation of powers. Seeking to cover this process, we will follow this path:
1) debate on control and its multiple narratives;
2) control and democracy;
3) the institutions of control over the government (our central focus);
4) expanding the debate: transparency and accountability strengthening controls.The debate on control and democracy is gaining more and more space in Brazil. Initially linked to Law (prioritizing the field of legality) and Administration (in the reflection on efficiency), the connection with democracy gains relevance when political scientists and sociologists begin to research the multiple forms of control and dialogue with institutions and the separation of powers. Seeking to cover this process, we will follow this path:
1) debate on control and its multiple narratives;
2) control and democracy;
3) the institutions of control over the government (our central focus);
4) expanding the debate: transparency and accountability strengthening controls.Carga horária30h-
Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira
TitleDoutor em Ciências Sociais: Política pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica, São Paulo
Special Topics in Regulation
Political institutions are a set of rules, including informal norms or shared expectations that define or coordinate the interaction of agents. This discipline will address the political institutions involved in regulating economic and social sectors.
Political institutions are a set of rules, including informal norms or shared expectations that define or coordinate the interaction of agents. This discipline will address the political institutions involved in regulating economic and social sectors.
Carga horária30h-
Elize Massard da Fonseca
TitleDoctor of Social Policy from the University of Edinburgh, UK
Urban Economy
In this course, the student will learn the fundamentals of urban economics. Starting with the canonical model of equilibrium between transportation costs and land prices, the student will understand the economic logic behind individual behavior within urban areas and its consequences for cities. Building on this foundation, the course aims to introduce the student to the analysis of urban public policies, real estate markets, and local taxation. Elements of transportation economics and the economics of crime will also be explored in an introductory manner.
In this course, the student will learn the fundamentals of urban economics. Starting with the canonical model of equilibrium between transportation costs and land prices, the student will understand the economic logic behind individual behavior within urban areas and its consequences for cities. Building on this foundation, the course aims to introduce the student to the analysis of urban public policies, real estate markets, and local taxation. Elements of transportation economics and the economics of crime will also be explored in an introductory manner.
Carga horária30h-
Ciro Biderman
TitleDoctor of Business Economics from the Getulio Vargas Foundation
General Seminar I and II
The objective of the seminar is to analyze general trends in the field of public administration and government through seminars, lectures by invited researchers, and class discussions.
- Why conduct research in public administration and government?
- What to research in public administration and government?
- What are the characteristics of successful research in academia and practice?
- What questions are people in academia and practice currently trying to answer?
- What are some of the main examples of research and research methods in public administration?
The objective of the seminar is to analyze general trends in the field of public administration and government through seminars, lectures by invited researchers, and class discussions.
- Why conduct research in public administration and government?
- What to research in public administration and government?
- What are the characteristics of successful research in academia and practice?
- What questions are people in academia and practice currently trying to answer?
- What are some of the main examples of research and research methods in public administration?
Carga horária15h-
Ricardo Corrêa Gomes
TitleDoctor of Public Management from Aston Business School
Monographic Monitoring Seminar I and II
This is a practical workshop on publication for researchers who wish to understand the foundations of research in social sciences and the process of publishing in academic outlets.
This is a practical workshop on publication for researchers who wish to understand the foundations of research in social sciences and the process of publishing in academic outlets.
Carga horária15h-
Elize Massard da Fonseca
TitleDoctor of Social Policy from the University of Edinburgh, UK
More information
Course Opens
Further information
For more information, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br
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All students who are approved in the selection process and properly enrolled are entitled to a scholarship in the fee category, which means they are exempt from tuition fees.
All students who are approved in the selection process and properly enrolled are entitled to a scholarship in the fee category, which means they are exempt from tuition fees.
(*) The maintenance of the scholarship depends on meeting all the requirements and deadlines required by the Program.
Undergraduate degree in public management and policy, social sciences, administration, economics, international relations or related areas
We are sorry, but there are no scheduled information sessions for the period at this time. If you need more information about the program, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br
Financing and scholarships
Teaching Assistant ScholarshipsPossibility of a Teaching Assistant (T.A.) scholarship worth up to R$ 5,000.00 per month for candidates who submit GMAT or GRE scores. Please refer to the regulations available in the selection process announcement.
Step-by-step guide
Candidates apply by email, sending the required information. See the Candidate’s Manual
Short listed candidates are selected by a faculty selection committee and invited for a personal or Skype interview. See the Candidate’s Manual
Following the interview stage, successful candidates have to send some final documents for registration. See the Candidate’s Manual
All accepted students will have full scholarship for tuition and fees. Candidates have the opportunity to apply for different stipend fellowships during the application process. See the Candidate’s Manual
More Information
Life Long Learning
Non-degree student
Informações geraisSelective Process for Individual Enrollment in Elective Courses of the Graduate Program in Public Administration and Government.
The individual enrollment option is for students who are only enrolled in specific courses without being part of the Academic Master's or PhD programs. The Selective Process is open twice a year, in December-January and June-July. Click here for more information.
Público AlvoAvailable to graduates in any field of knowledge, providing the opportunity to take courses from the Academic Master's and PhD programs.
RequisitosCourse Limit: Candidates can enroll in up to 6 credits per semester for a maximum of two consecutive or non-consecutive semesters.
The number of available slots for individual enrollment students is limited to a maximum of 25% of the total number of regular enrollees in the Program, subject to alteration by the Program Coordination.
At the discretion of the Program Coordinator, candidates may be called for an interview. Those selected for an interview will be contacted by the Coordination and informed of the schedule (date and time).
A leveling exam may be required. In such cases, enrollment in the requested course will be subject to approval in the exam.
If there are no available slots for the candidate's 1st and/or 2nd course choice, they will be directed to the subsequent option.Candidates who subsequently become regular students in the Academic Master's or PhD programs at FGV EAESP can request recognition of credits for courses taken as individual enrollees, provided they comply with the rules and limits for credit recognition established in the Course Regulations. In the case of Master's degree holders, these courses can be recognized if they subsequently join the regular PhD program at FGV EAESP.
Discounts for former students of EAESP programs: 50% discount for graduates of CG, CEAG, CEAHS, MBM, CMCD, MPA, MPGPP, MPGI, MPGC programs, and a 10% discount for former individual enrollees of the CMCD program.
The approved candidate must request the discount at the time of in-person enrollment and present supporting documentation.
Discounts for external candidates: 50% discount for students and former scholarship holders (partial or full) of Master's and/or PhD programs at other institutions, and for graduates who were undergraduate research scholarship holders.
The approved candidate must request the discount at the time of in-person enrollment and present supporting documentation.
At the end of the semester, individual enrollees can request an academic performance statement for the courses taken, issued by the Academic Records Office - SRA.
ValoresTotal amount of R$ 5,597.35 (five thousand, five hundred and ninety-seven reais and thirty-five cents) per course, divided into up to 6 installments.
The payment of the 1st installment must be made at the time of enrollment; the remaining installments will be due on the 10th of each month. Candidates who request a discount will have the reduction applied to the 2nd installment.
Program notice

FGV EAESP’s master's and PhD programs received excellent scores in the latest evaluations by the Brazilian Education Ministry’s graduate education support agency, CAPES, and they are recognized as among the best in Brazil.
PhD students have the possibility of obtaining a TA scholarship that will allow them to participate in teaching and research activities at FGV EAESP's courses.
Students have the opportunity to do research and tutoring activities, and to produce articles for journals in the area of national and international administration.
Students are prepared to act in a globalized world, through participation in internships abroad with the possibility of CAPES-Print scholarships. They can also interact with foreign students from the PEC-PG program.
The faculty members were educated at nationally and internationally renowned institutions. They act to improve their teaching and interaction with students and the community. They have doctorates, in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical experience of professional and research activities.
Student profile

FGV EAESP is the only Brazilian institution in the PIM international network, which enables student exchange programs with around 50 education institutions across the world.
Since 2004, FGV EAESP has featured among the world’s best institutions according to the three leading international accreditation organizations (AACSB, EFMD EQUIS and AMBA), attesting to the excellence of its teaching.
You can apply for a CAPES-Print scholarship to do an internship abroad and prepare to work in the competitive global market.
MASTER AND ACADEMIC DOCTORATE IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNMENTProf. José Antônio Puppim, Coordinator of the Master and Academic Doctorate in Public Management and Government
CMCD - Testimonial Professor Luiz Carlos Bresser
TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE STATE AND PUBLIC POLICY (TEPP)Find out more abou Transformations of the State and Public Policy (TEPP) research area.
FGV EAESP Facilities

The FGV 9 de Julho Auditorium can accommodate 315 people, with six spaces for wheelchair users. It hosts around 80 events per year. It has a changing room, central air conditioning, a stage, a simultaneous interpretation booth and an entrance hall with facilities for coffee breaks for up to 160 guests. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

Smaller events are held in the FGV 9 de Julho Room, which can accommodate 88 audience members, plus a head table for up to six people. Fully accessible, it has a changing room, central air conditioning and an entrance hall that can be used for coffee breaks for up to 50 people on foot. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

The Karl A. Boedecker Library (BKAB) is part of the FGV Library System. Its archives span the areas of administration, economics, business, law and social sciences, including books, e-books, magazines, dissertations, theses and DVDs. The library’s users can also access databases containing journal articles, and economic, financial and legal information. It has individual and group study rooms and consultation terminals. On the library’s website, you can access the full list of services, available resources and opening hours.

FGV EAESP’s classrooms feature multimedia equipment, internet access and comfortable furniture to make learning dynamic and pleasant. There are also sponsored classrooms, which use equipment and resources paid for by partner companies in exchange for their logos being displayed to students and employees.

This sophisticated space for events holds up to 150 seated people and it has three head tables for up to seven people each. The infrastructure includes a staff break room and elevator for physically impaired people. The Noble Room functions from 6 am to 11 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

An innovative space created to host academic activities, CoLab is based on a modern and distinct learning model involving collaborative and action-oriented methodologies. Its principles are empathy, a focus on human beings and sharing of responsibilities.

The sports court is a meeting point for students and it also hosts sports events such as indoor soccer and basketball championships. The court is administered by Atlética, an FGV EAESP student organization.

Espaço NEON is FGV’s entrepreneurship area, which brings together FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses), GVentures (FGV’s business accelerator), or GVAngels (FGV’s Angel Investors) and the League of Entrepreneurship (Student Entity in entrepreneurship). There, FGV’s entrepreneurship ecosystem works collaboratively, stimulating innovation and new businesses.

Located at the school’s main entrance on Rua Itapeva, this large space fosters interaction between students and employees.

The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.
Descrição geral das instalações
Based on Avenida 9 de Julho, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista in Sao Paulo, FGV EAESP is composed of a main 12-floor building, the Karl A. Boedecker Library building, and the Getulio Vargas Auditorium, as well as a multisport court and two annex buildings, located at Rua Itapeva, 432. The classrooms, videoconferencing rooms, IT laboratories and integrated systems, all sponsored, are located in FGV Sao Paulo’s different buildings.
The School’s main administrative office, academic departments, most of its administrative departments, the Noble Hall and the Getulio Vargas Academic Office also occupy the main office, as do the professors’ social space, the outpatient medical center, two restaurants and two snack bars. The annex buildings house some administrative departments and student groups such as Aiesec, the Junior Companies group, the Athletics Association and the Employees’ Association.
Step-by-step guide to admissions
Candidates apply by email, sending the required information. See the Candidate’s Manual
Short listed candidates are selected by a faculty selection committee and invited for a personal or Skype interview. See the Candidate’s Manual
Following the interview stage, successful candidates have to send some final documents for registration. See the Candidate’s Manual
All accepted students will have full scholarship for tuition and fees. Candidates have the opportunity to apply for different stipend fellowships during the application process. See the Candidate’s Manual