Evan Berman
Evan Berman is Professor Titular in Public Management at FGV EAESP. His research areas are public performance and management, comparative public management and public leadership. He spent 15 years in Asia-Pacific, received his Ph.D. at George Washington University in Washington, and is recipient of major research awards. These include the Fred Riggs Award for lifetime career achievements in International and Comparative Public Administration, the Distinguished Research Award, jointly awarded by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and the Network of Public Schools for Politics, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), the Outstanding Scholarship in Human Resources Public Management (ASPA). Evan is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. A creative mind and studious leader, his current research interests focus on strategic management in national governments, public leadership, and strengthening employee resilience. He has published articles in all of the main international journals in public administration, 15 books, including the textbooks “Human Resources Management in Public Service” (Sage 2022, 7th ed) and "Performance and Innovation in the Public Sector: Managing for Results" (Routledge 2023, 3rd ed). He has worked with government ministries and agencies and served on the editorial boards of journals and as journal editor. He is editor of a book series (Routledge, Emerald) and is currently also adjunct (chair) professor at Fudan University (Shanghai) and the University of Indonesia (Jakarta). Evan has over 30 years of experience at leading universities in the USA, Asia and New Zealand.
Jing, Y., Berman, E., Gong, T. et al. GPPG launches “Global Frontiers”. Global Public Policy and Governance, v. 4, 1–2, 2024.
Pham, H.N., Berman, E.M., Plimmer, G., Löfgren, K. Results-based Development Planning in Vietnam: the impact of administrative leadership. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, v. 13, n. 2, p. 288-311, 2024.
NGUYEN, TRANG THU; BERMAN, EVAN M.; PLIMMER, GEOFF; SAMARTINI, ANDRE; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; TAYLOR, JEANNETTE. Enriching Transactional Leadership with Public Values. Public Administration Review, v. 82, p. 1058-1076, 2022.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. ; BERMAN, EVAN. Exposing the Unfinished Business of Building Public Administration in Late Democracies: Lessons from the COVID-19 Response in Brazil. Public Administration Review, v. 81, p. 1183-1191, 2021.
ANH VU, TAI ; PLIMMER, GEOFF ; BERMAN, EVAN ; HA, PHAM NGOC . Performance Management in the Vietnam Public Sector: the role of institution, traditional culture and leadership. International Journal of Public Administration (Print) v. 45, p. 49-63, 2021.
FRANKEN, ESME ; PLIMMER, GEOFF ; MALINEN, SANNA K. ; BRYSON, JANE ; BERMAN, EVAN M. Building People Up: growth-oriented Leadership in the Public Sector. Australian Journal of Public Administration, v. 80, p. 661-689, 2021.
PLIMMER, GEOFF ; BERMAN, EVAN M. ; MALINEN, SANNA ; FRANKEN, ESME ; NASWALL, KATHARINA ; KUNTZ, JOANA ; LÖFGREN, KARL . Resilience in Public Sector Managers. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 41, p. 0734371X2098510, 2021.
WANG, XIAOHU ; BERMAN, EVAN ; CHEN, DON-YUN ; XU, JINGYUAN . Shaping Pro-environmental Attitudes among Public Service Trainees: an experimental study. Environmental Education Research, v. 27, p. 1-17, 2020.
CHORDIYA, RASHMI; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; RELLY, JEANNINE E.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Organizational Protection for Whistleblowers: A Cross-national Study. Public Management Review, v. 22, p. 527-552, 2020.
ATEH, MUHAMMAD YUSUF; BERMAN, EVAN; PRASOJO, EKO. Intergovernmental Strategies Advancing Performance Management Use. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 1, p. 1-32, 2020.
VU, TAI ANH; PLIMMER, GEOFF; BERMAN, EVAN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA. Managing Employee Performance in Transition Economies: A Study of Vietnamese Public Organizations. Public Administration and Development, v. 39, p. 89-103, 2019.
WANG, XIAOHU; BERMAN, EVAN M.; CHEN, DON-YUN; NIU, XUEJIAO. Strategies to Improve Environmental Networks for Pollution Control: Evidence from Eco-compensation Programs in China. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 234, p. 387-395, 2019.
DEMIRCIOGLU, MEHMET AKIF; BERMAN, EVAN. Effects of the Innovation Climate on Turnover Intention in the Australian Public Service. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 49, p. 614-628, 2019.
CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BOZEMAN, BARRY; BERMAN, EVAN. The Grass is Greener, but why? Evidence of Employees' Perceived Sector Mismatch from the US, New Zealand, and Taiwan. International Public Management Journal, v. 22, p. 560-589, 2019.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; CHEN, DON-YUN; WANG, XIAOHU; LIU, IVY. Executive Entrepreneurship in National Departments. Administration & Society, v. 51, p. 855-884, 2019.
SAGARIK, DANUVAS; CHANSUKREE, PANANDA; CHO, WONHYUK; BERMAN, EVAN. E-government 4.0 in Thailand: The Role of Central Agencies. Information Polity, v. 23, p. 343-353, 2018.
LÖFGREN, KARL; MACAULAY, MICHAEL; BERMAN, EVAN; PLIMMER, GEOFF. Expectations, Trust, and "No Surprises": Perceptions of Autonomy in New Zealand Crown Entities. Australian Journal of Public Administration, v. 77, p. 672-684, 2018.
STEEL, BRENT S.; PIERCE, JOHN C.; BERMAN, EVAN; TAYLOR, JEANETTE. Job Satisfaction in Cascadia: A Comparison of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington Civil Servants. The Social Science Journal, v. 54, p. 379-388, 2017.
BAE, KWANG BIN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; SMITH, AMY E.; BERMAN, EVAN . Does Demographic Dissimilarity Matter for Perceived Inclusion? Evidence From Public Sector Employees. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 37, p. 4-22, 2017.
HIJAL-MOGHRABI, IMANE; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Importance of Ethical Environment to Organizational Performance in Employment at Will States. Administration & Society, v. 49, p. 1346-1374, 2017.
CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WANG, CHUN-YUAN. Middle Managers' Upward Roles in the Public Sector. Administration & Society, v. 49, p. 700-729, 2017.
WANG, XIAOHU; CHEN, KAI; BERMAN, EVAN M. Building Network Implementation Capacity: Evidence from China. International Public Management Journal, v. 19, p. 264-291, 2016.
KLIJN, ERIK HANS; SIERRA, VICENTA; YSA, TAMYKO; BERMAN, EVAN; EDELENBOS, JURIAN; CHEN, DON Y. The Influence of Trust on Network Performance in Taiwan, Spain, and the Netherlands: A Cross-Country Comparison. International Public Management Journal, v. 19, p. 111-139, 2016.
BERMAN, EVAN M. HRM in Development: Lessons and Frontiers. Public Administration and Development, v. 35, p. 113-127, 2015.
KLIJN, ERIK-HANS; YSA, TAMYKO; SIERRA, VICENTA; BERMAN, EVAN; EDELENBOS, JURIAN; CHEN, DON Y. The Influence of Network Management and Complexity on Network Performance in Taiwan, Spain and the Netherlands. Public Management Review, v. 17, p. 736-764, 2015.
WANG, XIAOHU; HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER; BERMAN, EVAN. Financing Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement: Evidence form U.S.Cities. Urban Affairs Review, v. 50, p. 806-834, 2014.
WANG, XIAOHU; BERMAN, EVAN. Financing Conservation: Some Empirical Evidence from Florida Local Governments. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, v. 57, p. 733-750, 2014.
CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; EGER, ROBERT J. Community Commitment in Special Districts. International Public Management Journal, v. 16, p. 113-140, 2013.
BERMAN, E.; WANG, C.-Y.; CHEN, C.-A.; WANG, X.; LOVRICH, N.; JAN, C.-Y.; JING, Y.; LIU, W.; GOMES, R.; SONCO, J. T.; MELENDEZ, C.; HSIEH, J.-Y. Public Executive Leadership in East and West: An Examination of HRM Factors in Eight Countries. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 33, p. 164-184, 2013.
BERMAN, EVAN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; WANG, CHUN-YUAN; WEST, JONATHAN; JING, YIJIA; JAN, CHUNG-YUANG; LIU, WEI; BRILLANTES, ALEX; CHEN, CHUNG-AN; GOMES, RICARDO. The Impact of Societal Culture on the Use of Performance Strategies in East Asia: Evidence from a Comparative Survey. Public Management Review, v. 15, p. 1-25, 2013.
BERMAN, EVAN; CHEN, DON-YUN; JAN, CHUNG-YUANG HUANG, TONG-YI. Public Agency Leadership: The Impact of Informal Understandings with Political Appintees on Perceived Agency Innovation in Taiwan. Public Administration, v. 91, p. 303-324, 2013.
WANG, XIAOHU; HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER V.; LEBREDO, NICK; BERMAN, EVAN M. Capacity to Sustain Sustainability: A Study of U.S. Cities. Public Administration Review, v. 72, p. 841-853, 2012.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Public Values in Special Districts: A Survey of Managerial Commitment. Public Administration Review, v. 72, p. 43-54, 2012.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Impact of Management Work Habits on Public Sector Performance: A Study of Local Government Managers. Public Personnel Management, v. 40, p. 63-87, 2011.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; KIM, CHAN-GON. Creativity Management in Public Organizations. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 33, p. 619-652, 2010.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Job Satisfaction of Public Managers in Special Districts. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 29, p. 327-353, 2009.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Managing Emotional Intelligence in U.S. Cities: A Study of Social Skills among Public Managers. Public Administration Review, v. 68, p. 742-758, 2008.
KAPUCU, N.; BERMAN, E.; WANG, X. H. Emergency Information Management and Public Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from the 2004 Florida Hurricane Season. Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, v. 26, p., 2008.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. The Effective Manager . . . Takes a Break. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 27, p. 380-400, 2007.
KOROSEC, RONNIE L.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Municipal Support for Social Entrepreneurship. Public Administration Review, v. 66, p. 448-462, 2006.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; KOROSEC, RONNIE L. Planning to Coordinate and Coordinating the Plan: Evidence from Local Governments. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 35, p. 380-401, 2005.
WEST, J.; BERMAN, E. Ethics Training Efforts in U.S. Cities: Content and Impact. Public Integrity, v. 6, p., 2004.
BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. Solutions to the Problem of Managerial Mediocrity: Moving Up to Excellence (Part 2). Public Performance & Management Review, v. 27, p. 28-50, 2003.
BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. What is Managerial Mediocrity? Definition, Prevalence and Negative Impact (Part 1). Public Performance & Management Review, v. 27, p., 2003.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Psychological Contracts in Local Government: A Preliminary Survey. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 23, p. 267-285, 2003.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Audit Committees and Accountability in Local Government: A National Survey. International Journal of Public Adminstration (Print), v. 26, p. 329-362, 2003.
WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Increasing Urban Government Financial Accountability: The Roles of Multiple Stakeholders. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, v. 14, p., 2003.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; RICHTER, JR., MAURICE N. Workplace Relations: Friendship Patterns and Consequences (According to Managers). Public Administration Review, v. 62, p. 217-230, 2002.
WANG, X.; BERMAN, E. Hypotheses about Performance Measurement in Counties: Findings from a Survey. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 11, p. 403-428, 2001.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. From Traditional to Virtual HR. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 21, p. 38-64, 2001.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Impact of Revitalized Management Practices on the Adoption of Information Technology: A National Survey of Local Governments. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 24, p. 233, 2001.
BOWMAN, JAMES S.; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. The Profession of Public Administration: An Ethics Edge in Introductory Textbooks? Public Administration Review, v. 61, p. 194-205, 2001.
BERMAN, EVAN; WANG, XIAOHU. Performance Measurement in U.S. Counties: Capacity for Reform. Public Administration Review, v. 60, p. 409-420, 2000.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Career Risk and Reward from Productivity. Public Personnel Management, v. 28, p. 453-471, 1999.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; XIAOHU WANG. Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management: A Survey of U.S. Counties. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 19, p. 5-17, 1999.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; VAN WART, MONTGOMERY. The Ethics of Productivity: Toward Increased Dialogue and Customer-based Accountability. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, v. 2, p. 413-430, 1999.
BERMAN, EVAN M. Professionalism among Public and Nonprofit Managers: A Comparison. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 29, p. 149-166, 1999.
WART, MONTGOMERY VAN; BERMAN, EVAN . Contemporary Public Sector Productivity Values: Narrower Scope, Tougher Standards, and New Rules of the Game. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 22, p. 326, 1999.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Productivity Enhancement Efforts in Public and Nonprofit Organisations. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 22, p. 207, 1998.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Responsible Risk-Taking. Public Administration Review, v. 58, p. 346, 1998.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Administrative Creativity in Local Government. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 20, p. 446, 1997.
BERMAN, EVAN M. Dealing with Cynical Citizens. Public Administration Review, v. 57, p. 105, 1997.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Responses to Homelessness: A National Survey of "Preparedness". Journal of Urban Affairs, v. 19, p. 303-318, 1997.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WERTHER, WILLIAM B. Broad-based Consensus Building. International Journal of Public Sector Management, v. 9, p. 61-72, 1996.
BERMAN, EVAN M. Local Government and Community-Based Strategies: Evidence from a National Survey of a Social Problem. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 26, p. 71-91, 1996.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Managerial Responses to an Aging Municipal Workforce. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 16, p. 38-58, 1996.
BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. Innovation in Local Government Homelessness Strategies. International Journal of Public Administration (Print), v. 19, p. 1121-1138, 1996.
BERMAN, E.; WEST, J.; MILAKOVICH, M. Implementing TQM in State Public Health Agencies. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, v. 19 (2):182-205, 1996.
BERMAN, E. M.; LEVINE, A. Cooperation Homes the Competitive Edge. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, v. 11, p., 1996.
BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. Tqm in American Cities: Hypotheses Regarding Commitment and Impact. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 5, Issue, p. 213-320, 1995.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Public-Private Leadership and the Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Local Government: The Case of Social Services. Review of Policy Research, v. 14, p. 235-251, 1995.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Commitmen to Total Quality Management: A Survey of Recent Progress. Public Administration Review, v. 55, p. 57, 1995.
MICHAEL BERMAN, EVAN. Empowering Employees in State Agencies: A Survey of Recent Progress. International Journal of Public Administration (Print), v. 18, p. 833-850, 1995.
BERMAN, EVAN M. Implementing TQM in State Welfare Agencies. Administration in Social Work, v. 19, p. 55-72, 1995.
WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, EVAN M. Ethical Decision-Making in Business and Government: An Analysis of Formal and Informal Strategies. Spectrum: The Journal of State Government, v. 68, p., 1995.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Values Management in Local Government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 14, p. 6-23, 1994.
SANDERS, GEORGE; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Government Financial Reporting: Administrative and Ethical Climate. Public Budgeting & Finance (Print), v. 14, p. 65-78, 1994.
BERMAN, EVAN; WEST, JONATHAN; CAVA, ANITA. Ethics Management in Municipal Governments and Large Firms: Exploring Similarities and Differences. Administration & Society, v. 26, p. 185-203, 1994.
BERMAN, E. Technology Transfer and the Federal Laboratories: A Midterm Assessment of Cooperative Research. Policy Studies Journal, v. 22, p., 1994.
WERTHER, WILLIAM B.; BERMAN, EVAN; VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO. The Future of Technology Management. Organizational Dynamics, v. 22, p. 20-32, 1994.
BERMAN, EVAN; WERTHER, WILLIAM B.; VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO. Executive Levers for the Strategic Management of Technology. Business Horizons, v. 37, p. 53-61, 1994.
BERMAN, E. M. TQM in State and Local Personnel Operations. Periscope, v. 15, p. 6, 1994.
BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. Implementing Total Quality Management in State Governments: A Survey of Recent Progress. State and Local Government Review, v. 26, p., 1994.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN; MILAKOVICH, MICHAEL E. Implementing Total Quality Management in the States. Spectrum: The Journal of State Government, v. 67, p., 1994.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN. Human Resource Strategies in Local Government: A Survey of Progress and Future Directions. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 23, p. 279-297, 1993.
WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M.; MILAKOVICH, MICHAEL E. Implementing TQM in Local Government: The Leadership Challenge. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 17, p. 175, 1993.
BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. The Market for Green Products and Public Policy. Environments (Waterloo), v. 22, p., 1993.
BERMAN, E.; KHALIL, T. US Technological Competitiveness in the Global Economy: A Survey. International Journal of Tecnology Management, v. 7, p., 1992.
BERMAN, E. The Politics of Federal Technology Policy: 1980-1988. Review of Policy Research, v. 10, p., 1991.
BERMAN, EVAN M. R&D Consortia: Impact on Competitiveness? The Journal of Technology Transfer, v. 15, p. 5-12, 1990.
BERMAN, EVAN M. The Economic Impact of Industry-funded University R&D. Reserach Policy, v. 19, p. 349-355, 1990.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; Imane Hijal-Moghrabi. Performance and Innovation in the Public Sector. 3. ed. New York: Routledge, 2023. v. 1. 238p.
BERMAN, EVAN M.; BOWMAN, JAMES S.; WEST, J.; BOWMAN, J. S. Human Resource Management in Public Service: paradoxes, problems and processes. 7. ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2022. v. 1. 637p.
BERMAN, E.; KARACAOGLU, G. Public Policy and Governance Frontiers in New Zealand. 1. ed., 2020.
BERMAN, E.; BOWMAN, J. S.; WEST, J.; WART, M. R. V. Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems. 6. ed., 2019.
BERMAN, E.; PRASOJO, E. Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1. ed., 2018.
BERMAN, E.; WANG, X. Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts. 4. ed., 2017.
BERMAN, E.; HAQUE, M. S. Asian Leadership in Policy and Governance (Public Policy and Governance). 1. ed., 2016.
BERMAN, E.; MINTO-COY, I. D. Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1. ed., 2016.
BERMAN, E.; SABHARWAL, M. (Org.). Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. 1. ed., 2013.
BERMAN, E.; BERMAN, D. People Skills at Work. 1. ed., 2012.
BERMAN, E. Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong The Philippines and Macau. 1. ed., 2011.
BERMAN, E.; MOON, J. (Org.); CHOI, H. (Org.). Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. 1. ed., 2010.
BERMAN, E.; RABIN, J. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 2. ed., 2007.
BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. (Org.) ; BONCZEK, S. J. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 2. ed., 2007.
BERMAN, E. Performance and Productivity for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. 2. ed., 2006.
BOWMAN, J. S.; WEST, J.; BERMAN, E.; WART, M. V. The Professional Edge: Competencies in Public Service: Competencies in Public Service. 1. ed., 2004.
WERTHER, W. B.; BERMAN, E. Third Sector Management: The Art of Managing Nonprofit Organizations. 1. ed., 2001.
KEARNEY, R. (Org.); BERMAN, E. (Org.). Public Sector Performance: Management, Motivation, And Measurement. 1. ed., 1999.
Book chapters:
BERMAN, EVAN M. Sustaining Performance in the Public Sector: what is needed from public managers. In: Marc Holzer and Andrew Ballard. (Org.). Public Productivity and Performance Handbook. 3ed.New York: Routledge, 2021, v. ', p. 161-181.
BERMAN, E. M.; CHEN, DON Y. . Exploring Big Comparative Questions in Public Administration. Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy: Breaking New Frontiers. 1ed.: Edward Elgar, 2021, v.1, p. 161-181.
GOMES, R. ; BERMAN, E. . Senior Managers in National Strategic Planning and Management. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v.1, p. 1-18.
RENNIE, C.; BERMAN, E. M. Leadership and Public Sector Reform in New Zealand. In: Evan Berman; Eko Prasojo. (Org.). Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1ed.:, 2018, v., p. 255-284.
BERMAN, E. M. Leadership and Public Sector Reforms In Asia: An Overview. In: Evan Berman; Eko Prasojo. (Org.). Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1ed.:, 2018, v., p. 1-18.
MINTO-COY, I.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Sector Capacity for Governance in the Caribbean. In: Nikolaos Karagiannis; Debbie A Mohammed. (Org.). The Modern Caribbean Economy: Alternative Perspectives and Policy Implications. 1ed.:, 2016, v. 1, p. 43-73.
GRANVORKA, C.; STROBL, E.; WALLING, L.; BERMAN, E. M. Environmental Risk Management in the Carribean. In: Indianna D. Minto-Coy; Evan Berman. (Org.). Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1ed.:, 2015, v., p. 311-356.
MINTO-COY, I. D.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean: An Overview. In: Indianna D. Minto-Coy; Evan Berman. (Org.). Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1ed.:, 2015, v., p. 1-32.
KLIJN, E.; SIERRA, V.; YSA, T.; BERMAN, E. M.; EDELENBOS, J.; CHEN, D. Context in Governance Networks: Complex Interactions between Macro, Meso and Mmirco. A Theoretical Exploration and Some Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Context Factors. In: Christopher Pollitt. (Org.). Context in Public Policy and Management: The Missing Link?. 1ed.:, 2013, v., p. 233-257.
SABHARWAL, M.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in South Asia. In: Meghna Sabharwal; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 1-28.
BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in Southeast Asia: An Overview. In: Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines and Macao. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 1-32.
WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Ethics and Training. In: Norma M. Riccucci. (Org.). Ethics and Training. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 213-227.
BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in East Asia: Common Roots, Ways and Tasks. In: Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. 1ed.:, 2010, v., p. 1-25.
BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN. Ethics and Training. In: Norma M. Riccucci. (Org.). Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges. 4ed.:, 2005, v., p. 190-204.
BERMAN, E. M. The Implementation Game. In: Marc Holzer; Seok-Hwan Lee. (Org.). Public Productivity Handbook. 1ed.:, 2004, v., p. 165-180.
BERMAN, E. M. Customer Service. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 294-298.
BERMAN, E. M. Implementing Ethics. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 461-464.
WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Managerial Responses to an Aging Municipal Workforce. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 239-255.
BERMAN, E. M. Values Management in Local Government. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 266-278.
BERMAN, EVAN; WEST, JONATHAN. Implementing TQM in Local Government: The Leadership Challenge. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 329-340.
BERMAN, E. M. Motivation. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 785-789.
BERMAN, E. M. Productivity and Privatization in HRM. In: Steven W. Hays; Richard C. Kearney. (Org.). Public Personnel Administration: Problems and Prospects. 4ed.:, 2002, v., p. 185-195.
BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN WANG, X. Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management: A Survey of U.S. Counties. In: Elizabeth D. Fredericksen; Stephanie L. Witt; W. David Patton; Nicholas P. Lovrich. (Org.). Human Resource Management: The Public Service Perspective. 1ed.:, 2002, v., p. 297-307.
BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN. Municipal Commitment to Total Quality Management: A Survey of Recent Progress. In: R. Stupak; P. Leitner. (Org.). Handbook of Public Quality Management. 1ed.:, 2001, v., p. 622-639.
BERMAN, E. M. Measuring Productivity. In: J. Steven Ott; E. W. Russell. (Org.). Introduction to Public Administration: A Book of Readings. 1ed.:, 2000, v., p. 536-548.
BERMAN, E. M. Productivity in State Governments. In: John J. Gargan. (Org.). Handbook of State Government Administration. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 131-156.
KEARNEY, R.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Sector Performance: Pathways, Foundations and Definition. In: Richard Kearney, Evan Berman. (Org.). Introduction to Public Sector Performance: Management, Motivation and Measurement. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 1-5.
BERMAN, E. M. Causal Modeling and Path Analysis in Public Administration Research. In: G. Miller; M. Whicker. (Org.). Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 453-474.
BERMAN, E. M.; BONCZEK, S. J. The Ethics of Community-Building. In: Jonathan P. West; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 216-226.
BERMAN, E. M. Public Cynicism: Manifestations and Responses. In: Jonathan P. West; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 206-215.
BERMAN, E. M. Dealing with Cynical Citizens. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 389-402.
BERMAN, E. M.; JURIE, J. Community Building and Economic Development. In: Kuotsai Tom Liou. (Org.). Handbook of Economic Development. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 283-300.
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