Evan Berman

Imagem do Evan Berman

Professor Titular em Gestão Pública na FGV EAESP. Suas áreas de pesquisa são performance e gestão do setor público, gestão pública comparada e liderança pública. Recebeu seu Ph.D. em Políticas Públicas pela Universidade George Washington e tem mais de 30 anos de experiência nas principais universidades dos EUA, Ásia e Nova Zelândia. Durante sua carreira acadêmica recebeu vários prêmios, entre eles o Prêmio Fred Riggs em Administração Pública Internacional e Comparada, o Distinguished Research Award concedido conjuntamente pelas American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) e the Network of Public Schools for Politics, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), e o prêmio Pesquisador Exemplar em Gestão de Recursos Humanos no Setor Público (Outstanding Scholarship in Human Resources Public Management) da ASPA. Evan é membro da National Academy of Public Administration. Tem liderado várias pesquisas de impacto e publicado artigos nas principais revistas internacionais em administração pública e 15 livros, incluindo Gestão de Recursos Humanos no Serviço Público (Sage, 2022, 7ª ed.) e Desempenho e Inovação no Setor Público: Gerenciando para Resultados (Routledge, 2023, 3ª ed.) Trabalhou com diversos governos e agências públicas e atuou nos conselhos editoriais e como editor de alguns dos principais periódicos da área. É editor de séries de livros na Routledge e Emerald. Atualmente, ele também é professor convidado da Universidade Fudan (Xangai) e na Universidade da Indonésia (Jacarta). Antes de vir a EAESP, trabalhou 15 anos na Ásia e Oceania.



Jing, Y., Berman, E., Gong, T. et al. GPPG launches “Global Frontiers”. Global Public Policy and Governance, v. 4, 1–2, 2024.

Pham, H.N., Berman, E.M., Plimmer, G., Löfgren, K. Results-based Development Planning in Vietnam: the impact of administrative leadership. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, v. 13, n. 2, p. 288-311, 2024.

NGUYEN, TRANG THU; BERMAN, EVAN M.; PLIMMER, GEOFF; SAMARTINI, ANDRE; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; TAYLOR, JEANNETTE. Enriching Transactional Leadership with Public Values. Public Administration Review, v. 82, p. 1058-1076, 2022.

PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. ; BERMAN, EVAN. Exposing the Unfinished Business of Building Public Administration in Late Democracies: Lessons from the COVID-19 Response in Brazil. Public Administration Review, v. 81, p. 1183-1191, 2021.

ANH VU, TAI ; PLIMMER, GEOFF ; BERMAN, EVAN ; HA, PHAM NGOC . Performance Management in the Vietnam Public Sector: the role of institution, traditional culture and leadership. International Journal of Public Administration (Print) v. 45, p. 49-63, 2021.

FRANKEN, ESME ; PLIMMER, GEOFF ; MALINEN, SANNA K. ; BRYSON, JANE ; BERMAN, EVAN M. Building People Up: growth-oriented Leadership in the Public Sector. Australian Journal of Public Administration, v. 80, p. 661-689, 2021.

PLIMMER, GEOFF ; BERMAN, EVAN M. ; MALINEN, SANNA ; FRANKEN, ESME ; NASWALL, KATHARINA ; KUNTZ, JOANA ; LÖFGREN, KARL . Resilience in Public Sector Managers. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 41, p. 0734371X2098510, 2021.

WANG, XIAOHU ; BERMAN, EVAN ; CHEN, DON-YUN ; XU, JINGYUAN . Shaping Pro-environmental Attitudes among Public Service Trainees: an experimental study. Environmental Education Research, v. 27, p. 1-17, 2020.

CHORDIYA, RASHMI; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; RELLY, JEANNINE E.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Organizational Protection for Whistleblowers: A Cross-national Study. Public Management Review, v. 22, p. 527-552, 2020.

ATEH, MUHAMMAD YUSUF; BERMAN, EVAN; PRASOJO, EKO. Intergovernmental Strategies Advancing Performance Management Use. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 1, p. 1-32, 2020.

VU, TAI ANH; PLIMMER, GEOFF; BERMAN, EVAN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA. Managing Employee Performance in Transition Economies: A Study of Vietnamese Public Organizations. Public Administration and Development, v. 39, p. 89-103, 2019.

WANG, XIAOHU; BERMAN, EVAN M.; CHEN, DON-YUN; NIU, XUEJIAO. Strategies to Improve Environmental Networks for Pollution Control: Evidence from Eco-compensation Programs in China. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 234, p. 387-395, 2019.

DEMIRCIOGLU, MEHMET AKIF; BERMAN, EVAN. Effects of the Innovation Climate on Turnover Intention in the Australian Public Service. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 49, p. 614-628, 2019.

CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BOZEMAN, BARRY; BERMAN, EVAN. The Grass is Greener, but why? Evidence of Employees' Perceived Sector Mismatch from the US, New Zealand, and Taiwan. International Public Management Journal, v. 22, p. 560-589, 2019.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; CHEN, DON-YUN; WANG, XIAOHU; LIU, IVY. Executive Entrepreneurship in National Departments. Administration & Society, v. 51, p. 855-884, 2019.

SAGARIK, DANUVAS; CHANSUKREE, PANANDA; CHO, WONHYUK; BERMAN, EVAN. E-government 4.0 in Thailand: The Role of Central Agencies. Information Polity, v. 23, p. 343-353, 2018.

LÖFGREN, KARL; MACAULAY, MICHAEL; BERMAN, EVAN; PLIMMER, GEOFF. Expectations, Trust, and "No Surprises": Perceptions of Autonomy in New Zealand Crown Entities. Australian Journal of Public Administration, v. 77, p. 672-684, 2018.

STEEL, BRENT S.; PIERCE, JOHN C.; BERMAN, EVAN; TAYLOR, JEANETTE. Job Satisfaction in Cascadia: A Comparison of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington Civil Servants. The Social Science Journal, v. 54, p. 379-388, 2017.

BAE, KWANG BIN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; SMITH, AMY E.; BERMAN, EVAN . Does Demographic Dissimilarity Matter for Perceived Inclusion? Evidence From Public Sector Employees. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 37, p. 4-22, 2017.

HIJAL-MOGHRABI, IMANE; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Importance of Ethical Environment to Organizational Performance in Employment at Will States. Administration & Society, v. 49, p. 1346-1374, 2017.

CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WANG, CHUN-YUAN. Middle Managers' Upward Roles in the Public Sector. Administration & Society, v. 49, p. 700-729, 2017.

WANG, XIAOHU; CHEN, KAI; BERMAN, EVAN M. Building Network Implementation Capacity: Evidence from China. International Public Management Journal, v. 19, p. 264-291, 2016.

KLIJN, ERIK HANS; SIERRA, VICENTA; YSA, TAMYKO; BERMAN, EVAN; EDELENBOS, JURIAN; CHEN, DON Y. The Influence of Trust on Network Performance in Taiwan, Spain, and the Netherlands: A Cross-Country Comparison. International Public Management Journal, v. 19, p. 111-139, 2016.

BERMAN, EVAN M. HRM in Development: Lessons and Frontiers. Public Administration and Development, v. 35, p. 113-127, 2015.

KLIJN, ERIK-HANS; YSA, TAMYKO; SIERRA, VICENTA; BERMAN, EVAN; EDELENBOS, JURIAN; CHEN, DON Y. The Influence of Network Management and Complexity on Network Performance in Taiwan, Spain and the Netherlands. Public Management Review, v. 17, p. 736-764, 2015.

WANG, XIAOHU; HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER; BERMAN, EVAN. Financing Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement: Evidence form U.S.Cities. Urban Affairs Review, v. 50, p. 806-834, 2014.

WANG, XIAOHU; BERMAN, EVAN. Financing Conservation: Some Empirical Evidence from Florida Local Governments. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, v. 57, p. 733-750, 2014.

CHEN, CHUNG-AN; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; EGER, ROBERT J. Community Commitment in Special Districts. International Public Management Journal, v. 16, p. 113-140, 2013.

BERMAN, E.; WANG, C.-Y.; CHEN, C.-A.; WANG, X.; LOVRICH, N.; JAN, C.-Y.; JING, Y.; LIU, W.; GOMES, R.; SONCO, J. T.; MELENDEZ, C.; HSIEH, J.-Y. Public Executive Leadership in East and West: An Examination of HRM Factors in Eight Countries. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 33, p. 164-184, 2013.

BERMAN, EVAN; SABHARWAL, MEGHNA; WANG, CHUN-YUAN; WEST, JONATHAN; JING, YIJIA; JAN, CHUNG-YUANG; LIU, WEI; BRILLANTES, ALEX; CHEN, CHUNG-AN; GOMES, RICARDO. The Impact of Societal Culture on the Use of Performance Strategies in East Asia: Evidence from a Comparative Survey. Public Management Review, v. 15, p. 1-25, 2013.

BERMAN, EVAN; CHEN, DON-YUN; JAN, CHUNG-YUANG HUANG, TONG-YI. Public Agency Leadership: The Impact of Informal Understandings with Political Appintees on Perceived Agency Innovation in Taiwan. Public Administration, v. 91, p. 303-324, 2013.

WANG, XIAOHU; HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER V.; LEBREDO, NICK; BERMAN, EVAN M. Capacity to Sustain Sustainability: A Study of U.S. Cities. Public Administration Review, v. 72, p. 841-853, 2012.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Public Values in Special Districts: A Survey of Managerial Commitment. Public Administration Review, v. 72, p. 43-54, 2012.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Impact of Management Work Habits on Public Sector Performance: A Study of Local Government Managers. Public Personnel Management, v. 40, p. 63-87, 2011.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; KIM, CHAN-GON. Creativity Management in Public Organizations. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 33, p. 619-652, 2010.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Job Satisfaction of Public Managers in Special Districts. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 29, p. 327-353, 2009.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Managing Emotional Intelligence in U.S. Cities: A Study of Social Skills among Public Managers. Public Administration Review, v. 68, p. 742-758, 2008.

KAPUCU, N.; BERMAN, E.; WANG, X. H. Emergency Information Management and Public Disaster Preparedness: Lessons from the 2004 Florida Hurricane Season. Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, v. 26, p., 2008.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. The Effective Manager . . . Takes a Break. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 27, p. 380-400, 2007.

KOROSEC, RONNIE L.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Municipal Support for Social Entrepreneurship. Public Administration Review, v. 66, p. 448-462, 2006.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; KOROSEC, RONNIE L. Planning to Coordinate and Coordinating the Plan: Evidence from Local Governments. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 35, p. 380-401, 2005.

WEST, J.; BERMAN, E. Ethics Training Efforts in U.S. Cities: Content and Impact. Public Integrity, v. 6, p., 2004.

BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. Solutions to the Problem of Managerial Mediocrity: Moving Up to Excellence (Part 2). Public Performance & Management Review, v. 27, p. 28-50, 2003.

BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. What is Managerial Mediocrity? Definition, Prevalence and Negative Impact (Part 1). Public Performance & Management Review, v. 27, p., 2003.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Psychological Contracts in Local Government: A Preliminary Survey. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 23, p. 267-285, 2003.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Audit Committees and Accountability in Local Government: A National Survey. International Journal of Public Adminstration (Print), v. 26, p. 329-362, 2003.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Increasing Urban Government Financial Accountability: The Roles of Multiple Stakeholders. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, v. 14, p., 2003.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; RICHTER, JR., MAURICE N. Workplace Relations: Friendship Patterns and Consequences (According to Managers). Public Administration Review, v. 62, p. 217-230, 2002.

WANG, X.; BERMAN, E. Hypotheses about Performance Measurement in Counties: Findings from a Survey. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 11, p. 403-428, 2001.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. From Traditional to Virtual HR. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 21, p. 38-64, 2001.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. The Impact of Revitalized Management Practices on the Adoption of Information Technology: A National Survey of Local Governments. Public Performance & Management Review, v. 24, p. 233, 2001.

BOWMAN, JAMES S.; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. The Profession of Public Administration: An Ethics Edge in Introductory Textbooks? Public Administration Review, v. 61, p. 194-205, 2001.

BERMAN, EVAN; WANG, XIAOHU. Performance Measurement in U.S. Counties: Capacity for Reform. Public Administration Review, v. 60, p. 409-420, 2000.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Career Risk and Reward from Productivity. Public Personnel Management, v. 28, p. 453-471, 1999.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P.; XIAOHU WANG. Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management: A Survey of U.S. Counties. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 19, p. 5-17, 1999.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; VAN WART, MONTGOMERY. The Ethics of Productivity: Toward Increased Dialogue and Customer-based Accountability. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, v. 2, p. 413-430, 1999.

BERMAN, EVAN M. Professionalism among Public and Nonprofit Managers: A Comparison. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 29, p. 149-166, 1999.

WART, MONTGOMERY VAN; BERMAN, EVAN . Contemporary Public Sector Productivity Values: Narrower Scope, Tougher Standards, and New Rules of the Game. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 22, p. 326, 1999.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Productivity Enhancement Efforts in Public and Nonprofit Organisations. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 22, p. 207, 1998.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Responsible Risk-Taking. Public Administration Review, v. 58, p. 346, 1998.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Administrative Creativity in Local Government. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 20, p. 446, 1997.

BERMAN, EVAN M. Dealing with Cynical Citizens. Public Administration Review, v. 57, p. 105, 1997.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Responses to Homelessness: A National Survey of "Preparedness". Journal of Urban Affairs, v. 19, p. 303-318, 1997.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WERTHER, WILLIAM B. Broad-based Consensus Building. International Journal of Public Sector Management, v. 9, p. 61-72, 1996.

BERMAN, EVAN M. Local Government and Community-Based Strategies: Evidence from a National Survey of a Social Problem. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 26, p. 71-91, 1996.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Managerial Responses to an Aging Municipal Workforce. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 16, p. 38-58, 1996.

BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. Innovation in Local Government Homelessness Strategies. International Journal of Public Administration (Print), v. 19, p. 1121-1138, 1996.

BERMAN, E.; WEST, J.; MILAKOVICH, M. Implementing TQM in State Public Health Agencies. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, v. 19 (2):182-205, 1996.

BERMAN, E. M.; LEVINE, A. Cooperation Homes the Competitive Edge. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, v. 11, p., 1996.

BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. Tqm in American Cities: Hypotheses Regarding Commitment and Impact. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, v. 5, Issue, p. 213-320, 1995.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Public-Private Leadership and the Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Local Government: The Case of Social Services. Review of Policy Research, v. 14, p. 235-251, 1995.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Commitmen to Total Quality Management: A Survey of Recent Progress. Public Administration Review, v. 55, p. 57, 1995.

MICHAEL BERMAN, EVAN. Empowering Employees in State Agencies: A Survey of Recent Progress. International Journal of Public Administration (Print), v. 18, p. 833-850, 1995.

BERMAN, EVAN M. Implementing TQM in State Welfare Agencies. Administration in Social Work, v. 19, p. 55-72, 1995.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, EVAN M. Ethical Decision-Making in Business and Government: An Analysis of Formal and Informal Strategies. Spectrum: The Journal of State Government, v. 68, p., 1995.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Values Management in Local Government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, v. 14, p. 6-23, 1994.

SANDERS, GEORGE; BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN P. Municipal Government Financial Reporting: Administrative and Ethical Climate. Public Budgeting & Finance (Print), v. 14, p. 65-78, 1994.

BERMAN, EVAN; WEST, JONATHAN; CAVA, ANITA. Ethics Management in Municipal Governments and Large Firms: Exploring Similarities and Differences. Administration & Society, v. 26, p. 185-203, 1994.

BERMAN, E. Technology Transfer and the Federal Laboratories: A Midterm Assessment of Cooperative Research. Policy Studies Journal, v. 22, p., 1994.

WERTHER, WILLIAM B.; BERMAN, EVAN; VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO. The Future of Technology Management. Organizational Dynamics, v. 22, p. 20-32, 1994.

BERMAN, EVAN; WERTHER, WILLIAM B.; VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO. Executive Levers for the Strategic Management of Technology. Business Horizons, v. 37, p. 53-61, 1994.

BERMAN, E. M. TQM in State and Local Personnel Operations. Periscope, v. 15, p. 6, 1994.

BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. Implementing Total Quality Management in State Governments: A Survey of Recent Progress. State and Local Government Review, v. 26, p., 1994.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; WEST, JONATHAN; MILAKOVICH, MICHAEL E. Implementing Total Quality Management in the States. Spectrum: The Journal of State Government, v. 67, p., 1994.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN. Human Resource Strategies in Local Government: A Survey of Progress and Future Directions. The American Review of Public Administration, v. 23, p. 279-297, 1993.

WEST, JONATHAN P.; BERMAN, EVAN M.; MILAKOVICH, MICHAEL E. Implementing TQM in Local Government: The Leadership Challenge. Public Productivity & Management Review, v. 17, p. 175, 1993.

BERMAN, EVAN MICHAEL. The Market for Green Products and Public Policy. Environments (Waterloo), v. 22, p., 1993.

BERMAN, E.; KHALIL, T. US Technological Competitiveness in the Global Economy: A Survey. International Journal of Tecnology Management, v. 7, p., 1992.

BERMAN, E. The Politics of Federal Technology Policy: 1980-1988. Review of Policy Research, v. 10, p., 1991.

BERMAN, EVAN M. R&D Consortia: Impact on Competitiveness? The Journal of Technology Transfer, v. 15, p. 5-12, 1990.

BERMAN, EVAN M. The Economic Impact of Industry-funded University R&D. Reserach Policy, v. 19, p. 349-355, 1990.



BERMAN, EVAN M.; Imane Hijal-Moghrabi. Performance and Innovation in the Public Sector. 3. ed. New York: Routledge, 2023. v. 1. 238p.

BERMAN, EVAN M.; BOWMAN, JAMES S.; WEST, J.; BOWMAN, J. S. Human Resource Management in Public Service: paradoxes, problems and processes. 7. ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2022. v. 1. 637p.

BERMAN, E.; KARACAOGLU, G. Public Policy and Governance Frontiers in New Zealand. 1. ed., 2020.

BERMAN, E.; BOWMAN, J. S.; WEST, J.; WART, M. R. V. Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems. 6. ed., 2019.

BERMAN, E.; PRASOJO, E. Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1. ed., 2018.

BERMAN, E.; WANG, X. Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts. 4. ed., 2017.

BERMAN, E.; HAQUE, M. S. Asian Leadership in Policy and Governance (Public Policy and Governance). 1. ed., 2016.

BERMAN, E.; MINTO-COY, I. D. Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1. ed., 2016.

BERMAN, E.; SABHARWAL, M. (Org.). Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. 1. ed., 2013.

BERMAN, E.; BERMAN, D. People Skills at Work. 1. ed., 2012.

BERMAN, E. Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong The Philippines and Macau. 1. ed., 2011.

BERMAN, E.; MOON, J. (Org.); CHOI, H. (Org.). Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. 1. ed., 2010.

BERMAN, E.; RABIN, J. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 2. ed., 2007.

BERMAN, E.; WEST, J. (Org.) ; BONCZEK, S. J. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 2. ed., 2007.

BERMAN, E. Performance and Productivity for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. 2. ed., 2006.

BOWMAN, J. S.; WEST, J.; BERMAN, E.; WART, M. V. The Professional Edge: Competencies in Public Service: Competencies in Public Service. 1. ed., 2004.

WERTHER, W. B.; BERMAN, E. Third Sector Management: The Art of Managing Nonprofit Organizations. 1. ed., 2001.

KEARNEY, R. (Org.); BERMAN, E. (Org.). Public Sector Performance: Management, Motivation, And Measurement. 1. ed., 1999.

Capítulos de livros: 

BERMAN, EVAN M. Sustaining Performance in the Public Sector: what is needed from public managers. In: Marc Holzer and Andrew Ballard. (Org.). Public Productivity and Performance Handbook. 3ed.New York: Routledge, 2021, v. ', p. 161-181.

BERMAN, E. M.; CHEN, DON Y. . Exploring Big Comparative Questions in Public Administration. Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy: Breaking New Frontiers. 1ed.: Edward Elgar, 2021, v.1, p. 161-181.

GOMES, R. ; BERMAN, E. . Senior Managers in National Strategic Planning and Management. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v.1, p. 1-18.

RENNIE, C.; BERMAN, E. M. Leadership and Public Sector Reform in New Zealand. In: Evan Berman; Eko Prasojo. (Org.). Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1ed.:, 2018, v., p. 255-284.

BERMAN, E. M. Leadership and Public Sector Reforms In Asia: An Overview. In: Evan Berman; Eko Prasojo. (Org.). Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia. 1ed.:, 2018, v., p. 1-18.

MINTO-COY, I.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Sector Capacity for Governance in the Caribbean. In: Nikolaos Karagiannis; Debbie A Mohammed. (Org.). The Modern Caribbean Economy: Alternative Perspectives and Policy Implications. 1ed.:, 2016, v. 1, p. 43-73.

GRANVORKA, C.; STROBL, E.; WALLING, L.; BERMAN, E. M. Environmental Risk Management in the Carribean. In: Indianna D. Minto-Coy; Evan Berman. (Org.). Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1ed.:, 2015, v., p. 311-356.

MINTO-COY, I. D.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean: An Overview. In: Indianna D. Minto-Coy; Evan Berman. (Org.). Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean. 1ed.:, 2015, v., p. 1-32.

KLIJN, E.; SIERRA, V.; YSA, T.; BERMAN, E. M.; EDELENBOS, J.; CHEN, D. Context in Governance Networks: Complex Interactions between Macro, Meso and Mmirco. A Theoretical Exploration and Some Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Context Factors. In: Christopher Pollitt. (Org.). Context in Public Policy and Management: The Missing Link?. 1ed.:, 2013, v., p. 233-257.

SABHARWAL, M.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in South Asia. In: Meghna Sabharwal; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 1-28.

BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in Southeast Asia: An Overview. In: Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines and Macao. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 1-32.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Ethics and Training. In: Norma M. Riccucci. (Org.). Ethics and Training. 1ed.:, 2011, v., p. 213-227.

BERMAN, E. M. Public Administration in East Asia: Common Roots, Ways and Tasks. In: Evan M. Berman. (Org.). Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. 1ed.:, 2010, v., p. 1-25.

BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN. Ethics and Training. In: Norma M. Riccucci. (Org.). Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges. 4ed.:, 2005, v., p. 190-204.

BERMAN, E. M. The Implementation Game. In: Marc Holzer; Seok-Hwan Lee. (Org.). Public Productivity Handbook. 1ed.:, 2004, v., p. 165-180.

BERMAN, E. M. Customer Service. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 294-298.

BERMAN, E. M. Implementing Ethics. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 461-464.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Managerial Responses to an Aging Municipal Workforce. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 239-255.

BERMAN, E. M. Values Management in Local Government. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 266-278.

BERMAN, EVAN; WEST, JONATHAN. Implementing TQM in Local Government: The Leadership Challenge. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 329-340.

BERMAN, E. M. Motivation. In: Jack Rabin. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 2003, v., p. 785-789.

BERMAN, E. M. Productivity and Privatization in HRM. In: Steven W. Hays; Richard C. Kearney. (Org.). Public Personnel Administration: Problems and Prospects. 4ed.:, 2002, v., p. 185-195.

BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN  WANG, X.  Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management: A Survey of U.S. Counties. In: Elizabeth D. Fredericksen; Stephanie L. Witt; W. David Patton; Nicholas P. Lovrich. (Org.). Human Resource Management: The Public Service Perspective. 1ed.:, 2002, v., p. 297-307.

BERMAN, E. M.; WEST, JONATHAN. Municipal Commitment to Total Quality Management: A Survey of Recent Progress. In: R. Stupak; P. Leitner. (Org.). Handbook of Public Quality Management. 1ed.:, 2001, v., p. 622-639.

BERMAN, E. M. Measuring Productivity. In: J. Steven Ott; E. W. Russell. (Org.). Introduction to Public Administration: A Book of Readings. 1ed.:, 2000, v., p. 536-548.

BERMAN, E. M. Productivity in State Governments. In: John J. Gargan. (Org.). Handbook of State Government Administration. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 131-156.

KEARNEY, R.; BERMAN, E. M. Public Sector Performance: Pathways, Foundations and Definition. In: Richard Kearney, Evan Berman. (Org.). Introduction to Public Sector Performance: Management, Motivation and Measurement. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 1-5.

BERMAN, E. M. Causal Modeling and Path Analysis in Public Administration Research. In: G. Miller; M. Whicker. (Org.). Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration. 1ed.:, 1999, v., p. 453-474.

BERMAN, E. M.; BONCZEK, S. J. The Ethics of Community-Building. In: Jonathan P. West; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 216-226.

BERMAN, E. M. Public Cynicism: Manifestations and Responses. In: Jonathan P. West; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 206-215.

BERMAN, E. M. Dealing with Cynical Citizens. In: Douglas J. Watson; Wendy L. Hassett. (Org.). Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices: Current Issues and Best Practices. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 389-402.

BERMAN, E. M.; JURIE, J. Community Building and Economic Development. In: Kuotsai Tom Liou. (Org.). Handbook of Economic Development. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 283-300.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M.; CAVA, A. Ethical Decision-Making in Business and Government: An Analysis of Formal and Informal Strategies. In: Jonathan P. West; Evan M. Berman. (Org.). The Ethics Edge. 1ed.:, 1998, v., p. 109-122.

BERMAN, E. M. Cooperative Research and Development Agreements. In: Yong Lee. (Org.). Technology Transfer and Public Policy. 1ed.:, 1997, v., p. 159-171.

BERMAN, E. M. Total Quality Management and HRM. In: Carolyn Ban; Norma Riccucci. (Org.). Public personnel management : Current Concerns, Future Challenges. 2ed.:, 1997, v., p. 281-294.

BERMAN, E. M. Total Quality Management in Local Government. In: J. Gargan. (Org.). Handbook of Local Government Administration. 1ed.:, 1997, v., p. 213-238.

BERMAN, EVAN; WEST, JONATHAN. Implementing TQM in Local Government: The Leadership Challenge. In: Jonathan P. West. (Org.). Quality Management Today: What Local Governments Need to Know. 1ed.:, 1995, v.  p. 51-60.

WEST, JONATHAN; BERMAN, E. M. Strategic Human Resource and Career Development Training. In: Steven W. Hays; Richard C. Kearney. (Org.). Public Personnel Administration: Problems and Prospects. 1ed.:, 1994, v., p. 73-88.

WERTHER, WILLIAM B.; BERMAN, EVAN. A Conceptual Framework for Overcoming Resistance to the Measurement of Productivity and Quality. In: David J. Sumanth; Johnson Edosomwan; Robert Poupart; D. Scott Sink. (Org.). Productivity and Quality Management Frontiers IV. 1ed.:, 1993, v., p.1027-1035.

BERMAN, E. M.; MILAKOVICH, M. Increasing Competitiveness through Promotion of Total Quality Management. In: David J. Sumanth; Johnson Aimie Edosomwan; D. Scott Sink. (Org.). Productivity and Quality Management Frontiers III. 1ed.:, 1991, v., p. 477-486.



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