José Antonio Puppim de Oliveira
He is a Research Professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EAESP and FGV/EBAPE). He is also a contributing professor at the Fudan University (China) and at Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar (UASB, Ecuador) as an associate researcher at the MIT Joint Program on Science and Policy for Global Change. He was the Assistant Director and Senior Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Sustainability at the United Nations University (UNU-IAS) in Japan (2009-2015). He has over 20 years of experience in universities, businesses, think-tanks, and government and international agencies in research, teaching, training and academic management. His research is multi and interdisciplinary, especially in the scope of applied social sciences and its connections with the natural sciences and engineering, crossing several areas of knowledge such as planning, public and business administration, management, environmental policy, development studies, governance and urban studies. His current work focuses on the political economy of sustainable development, particularly in aspects related to governance, institution building and development, and implementation of public policies at various levels. He researches how global institutions are interrelated to local governance, and vice versa. He works mainly with empirical and policy-oriented research analyzing quantitatively and qualitatively governance involving various types of socio-economic actors (eg governments, international organizations, NGOs and companies), economic sectors (eg industrial sectors) and scales (international, regional, national and local). He has experience in working in different continents of the world, including countries such as Brazil, USA, Japan, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Germany, Spain, Portugal, UK, India, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Ghana and Angola. He was a research and teaching assistant at MIT, a professor at the Brazilian School of Public Administration and Business (EBAPE) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-RJ), research professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) with a Marie Curie Commission European Scholarship and professor (Lecturer) from the University College London (UCL), where he was co-director of the MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development. He has coordinated several research projects and has published ten books and dozens of articles in national and international academic journals. He is an ad hoc evaluator-reviewer and member of several editorial boards of journals and institutions in Brazil and abroad, and is the editor-in-chief of the journal Public Administration and Development (Wiley). He holds a degree in Engineering from the Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA), a Masters in Regional and Environmental Planning from the Hokkaido University, Japan and a Ph.D. in Planning from MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Elliott, I.C., Puppim de Oliveira, J.A., Wu, A.M. (2024). Public Administration and Development in (Historical) Perspective. Public Administration and Development, Early view.
dos Santos, A.P.S., Puppim de Oliveira, J.A. What Factors Drive Municipal Climate Adaptation Policy? The role of risk management capacity and transnational municipal networks. Urban Climate, v. 53, 101809, 2024.
Paes, Michel Xocaira; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A; Mancini, Sandro Donnini; Rieradevall, Joan. Waste Management Intervention to Boost Circular Economy and Mitigate Climate Change in Cities of Developing Countries: the case of Brazil. Habitat International, v. 143, 102990, 2024.
Mumtaz, Muhammad; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. A Framework for Analyzing the Implementation of Climate Adaptation Policies in the Agriculture Sector at the Subnational Level. Environmental Science & Policy, v. 147, p. 126-137, 2023.
MCDONALD, ROBERT I.; ARONSON, MYLA F. J.; BEATLEY, TIMOTHY; BELLER, ERIN; BAZO, MICAELA; GROSSINGER, ROBIN; JESSUP, KELSEY; MANSUR, ANDRESSA V.; Puppim de Oliveira, José Antonio; PANLASIGUI, STEPHANIE; BURG, JOE; PEVZNER, NICHOLAS; SHANAHAN, DANIELLE; STONEBURNER, LAUREN; RUDD, ANDREW; SPOTSWOOD, ERICA. Denser and Greener Cities: green interventions to achieve both urban density and nature. People And Nature, v. 5, p. 84-102, 2023.
PICAVET, MARC ERIC BARDA; DE MACEDO, LAURA S. V.; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. How Can Transnational Municipal Networks Foster Local Collaborative Governance Regimes for Environmental Management? Environmental Management, v. 71, p. 505-522, 2023.
ZAMBRANO-GUTIÉRREZ, JULIO CÉSAR; VALENTE DE MACEDO, LAURA SILVIA; PICAVET, MARC ERIC BARDA; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Individuals in Collaborative Governance for Environmental Management. Environmental Management, v. 71, p. 565-586, 2023.
DE MACEDO, LAURA S. VALENTE; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM. Paradiplomacy of Cities in the Global South and Multilevel Climate Governance: evidence from Brazil. Global Public Policy and Governance, v. 3, p. 86-115, 2023.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; QIAN, HAOQI. Perspectives in Global Environmental Governance. Global Public Policy and Governance, v. 3, p. 5-11, 2023.
MENG, FANXIN; YUAN, QIULING; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM; CRISTIANO, SILVIO; SHAH, AAMIR MEHMOOD; LIU, GENGYUAN; YANG, ZHIFENG; SETO, KAREN C. Quantification of the Food-water-energy Nexus in Urban Green and Blue Infrastructure: a synthesis of the literature. Resources Conservation and Recycling, v. 188, p. 106658, 2023.
MENG, FANXIN; YUAN, QIULING; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; HU, YUANCHAO; JING, RUI; LIU, GENGYUAN; YANG, ZHIFENG; SETO, KAREN C. The Food-water-energy Nexus and Green Roofs in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, and Johannesburg, South Africa. NPJ Urban Sustainability, v. 3, p. 1-12, 2023.
Puppim de Oliveira, José A.; MUKHI, UMESH; QUENTAL, CAMILLA; DE OLIVEIRA CERQUEIRA FORTES, PAULO JORDÃO. Connecting Businesses and Biodiversity Conservation Through Community Organizing: the case of babassu breaker women in Brazil. Business Strategy and the Environment, v. 31, p. 2618-2634, 2022.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A.; SHIH, WAN-YU; BAYULKEN, BOGACHAN. Innovations in Urban Green and Blue Infrastructure: tackling local and global challenges in cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 362, p. 132355, 2022.
BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A.; ADEOGUN, AYOOLA PAUL; PAES, MICHEL XOCAIRA; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ ANTÔNIO PUPPIM. Tackling Climate Change Through Circular Economy in Cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 381, p. 135126, 2022.
LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO AUGUSTO; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ. Ten Years of Research on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: an analysis of topics evolution. Frontiers in Water, v. 4, p. 1, 2022.
MANSUR, ANDRESSA V. ; MCDONALD, ROBERT I. ; GÜNERALP, BURAK ; KIM, HYEJIN ; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM ; CALLAGHAN, COREY T. ; HAMEL, PERRINE ; KUIPER, JAN J. ; WOLFF, MANUEL ; LIEBELT, VERONIKA ; MARTINS, INÊS S. ; ELMQVIST, THOMAS ; PEREIRA, HENRIQUE M. Nature Futures for the Urban Century: integrating multiple values into urban management. Environmental Science & Policy, v. 131, p. 46-56, 2022.
Balaban, Osman ; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Finding Sustainable Mobility Solutions for Shrinking Cities: the case of Toyama and Kanazawa. Journal of Place Management and Development, v. 15, p. 20-39, 2022.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; BERMAN, EVAN M. Exposing the Unfinished Business of Building Public Administration in Late Democracies: lessons from the COVID -19 response in Brazil. Public Administration Review, v. 81, p. 1183-1191, 2021.
SOUZA, FRANCO L. ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. ; LEPCZYK, CHRISTOPHER A. Editorial: Urban Ecosystem Services and Disservices in Tropical Regions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v. 9, p. 1-3, 2021.
XOCAIRA PAES, MICHEL ; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A . Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Brazil: a case study in São Paulo city. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (print), v. 1196, p. 012004, 2021.
LI, WANXIN ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. . Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development in Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 290, p. 112622, 2021.
PAES, MICHEL XOCAIRA ; CAMPOS-SILVA, JOÃO VITOR ; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ ANTONIO PUPPIM. Integrating Circular Economy in Urban Amazon. Npj Urban Sustainability, v. 1, p. 29, 2021.
SOARES, ÍTALO NOGUEIRA ; GAVA, RODRIGO ; Puppim de Oliveira, José Antônio . Political Strategies in Energy Transitions: Exploring power dynamics, repertories of interest groups and wind energy pathways in Brazil. Energy Research & Social Science, v. 76, p. 102076, 2021.
HAQUE, M. SHAMSUL ; RAMESH, M. ; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM ; GOMIDE, ALEXANDRE DE AVILA . Building Administrative Capacity for Development: limits and prospects. International Review of Administrative Sciences, v. 82, p. 002085232110026-219, 2021.
MILANEZ, BRUNO ; ALI, Saleem H. ; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio . Mapping Industrial Disaster Recovery: Lessons from mining dam failures in Brazil. The Extractive Industries and Society, v. 8, p. 100900, 2021.
BENITES LAZARO, LIRA LUZ ; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ ; Puppim de Oliveira, José Antonio . Water-energy-food Nexus Approach at the Core of Businesses - How businesses in the bioenergy sector in Brazil are responding to integrated challenges? Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 303, p. 127102, 2021.
SHAMSUL HAQUE, M. ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. . Building Administrative Capacity under Developmental States in Chile and Singapore: a comparative perspective. International Review of Administrative Sciences, v. 87, p. 220-237, 2021.
OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM DE; BARABASHEV, ALEXEY G. ; TAPSCOTT, CHRISTOPHER ; THOMPSON, LISA INGRID ; QIAN, HAOQI . The Role of Intergovernmental Relations in Response to a Wicked Problem: an analysis of the COVID-19 crisis in the BRICS countries. Revista de Administração Pública (Impresso), v. 55, p. 243-260, 2021.
PIRES, MIRIAN ALBERT ; MOURÃO, LUCIANA ; OLIVEIRA, FÁTIMA BAYMA DE ; Oliveira, Jose Antonio Puppim de. (Ir)responsabilidade Social Empresarial: uma avaliação do desastre de Mariana-MG. Revista de Administração Pública (Impresso), v. 54, p. 1188-1206, 2020.
BALTAR DE SOUZA LEÃO, EDUARDO; NASCIMENTO, LUÍS FELIPE MACHADO DO; ANDRADE, JOSÉ CÉLIO SILVEIRA DE; Puppim de Oliveira, José Antônio. Carbon Accounting Approaches and Reporting Gaps in Urban Emissions: An Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Climate Action Plans in Brazilian Cities. Jornaul of Cleaner Production, v. 245, p. 118930, 2020.
SHIH, WAN-YU; MABON, LESLIE; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Assessing Governance Challenges of Local Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Barriers Identified by the Expert Community. Land Use Policy, v. 91, p. 104291, 2020.
PAES, MICHEL XOCAIRA; DE MEDEIROS, GERSON ARAUJO; MANCINI, SANDRO DONNNINI; BORTOLETO, ANA PAULA; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; KULAY, LUIZ ALEXANDRE. Municipal Solid Waste Management: Integrated Analysis of Environmental and Economic Indicators Based on Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 254, p. 119848, 2020.
NAGANO, HITOSHI; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; BARROS, ALLAN KARDEC; COSTA JUNIOR, ALTAIR DA SILVA. The 'Heart Kuznets Curve'? Understanding the Relations Between Economic Development and Cardiac Conditions. World Development, v. 132, p. 104953, 2020.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Intergovernmental Relations for Environmental Governance: Cases of Solid Waste Management and Climate Change in two Malaysian States. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 233, p. 481-488, 2019.
Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Sustainability Challenges in an Urban Century: Can We Change Urbanization Paths to Make Cities the Solutions for Rather than the Drivers of Global Problems? Challenges in Sustainability, v. 7, p. 1-4, 2019.
FARZANEH, HOOMAN; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM; MCLELLAN, BENJAMIN; OHGAKI, HIDEAKI. Towards a Low Emission Transport System: Evaluating the Public Health and Environmental Benefits. Energies, v. 12, p. 3747, 2019.
TAPSCOTT, CHRISTOPHER; JING, YIJIA; Puppim de Oliveira, José A. BRICS and International Development Assistance Towards Divergence or Convergence in Development Assistance Amongst North and South Donors? Public Administration and Development, v. 39, p. 167-173, 2019.
FRANCO, ISABEL; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE; ALI, SALEEM. Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions. Sustainability, v. 10, p. 504, 2018.
BREVIGLIERI, GUSTAVO VELLOSO; DO SOL OSÓRIO, GUARANY IPÊ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Understanding the Emergence of Water Market Institutions: Learning from Functioning Water Markets in Three Countries. Water Policy, v. 20, p. 1075-1091, 2018.
Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A; GOMES, R. C. Repensando o Estado Brasileiro: Em Busca de um Modelo Sustentável. Revista do Serviço Público (Brasília), v. 69, p. 5-14, 2018.
ALI, SALEEM H; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. Pollution and Economic Development: An Empirical Research Review. Environmental Research Letters, v. 13, p. 123003, 2018.
DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM; WANKE, PETER; ANTUNES, JORGE JUNIO MOREIRA. A Two-Stage Fuzzy Approach on the Socio-Economic Drivers of Global Energy Efficiency. Internacional Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, v. 26, p. 397-428, 2018.
Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio; ARENAS, DANIEL; LEITHEISER, ERIN; MARTINUZZI, ANDRE; MOON, JEREMY. Corporations and the "Governance Gaps" for Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, v. 2018, p. 17291, 2018.
MATHAI, MANU V.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; Dale, Gareth. The Rise and Flaws of Green Growth. APN Science Bulletin, v. 8, p. 59-64, 2018.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J. A.; JABBOUR, C. J. C. Environmental Management, Climate Change, CSR, and Governance in Clusters of Small Firms in Developing Countries: Toward an Integrated Analytical Framework. Business & Society, v. 56, p. 130-151, 2017.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Brazilian Public Administration: Shaping and Being Shaped by Governance and Development. Chinese Political Science Review, v. 2, p. 7-21, 2017.
TAPSCOTT, CHRISTOPHER; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM; JING, YIJIA; BARABASHEV, ALEXEY G.; MATHUR, NAVDEEP. Introduction: BRICS in Search of Governance Models. Chinese Political Science Review, v. 2, p. 1-6, 2017.
ROPPONGI, HITOMI; SUWA, AKI; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Innovating in Sub-national Climate Policy: the Mandatory Emissions Reduction Scheme in Tokyo. Climate Policy, v. 17, p. 516-532, 2017.
Balaban, Osman; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Sustainable Buildings for Healthier Cities: Assessing the Co-benefits of Green Buildings in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 163, p. S68-S78, 2017.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Breaking Resilience in the Urban System for Improving Resource Efficiency: The Case of the Waste Sector in Penang, Malaysia. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, v. 9, p. 170-183, 2017.
AHMED, ABUBAKARI; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Integration of Biodiversity in Urban Planning Instruments in Developing Countries: The Case of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, v. 60, p. 1741-1764, 2016.
FARZANEH, HOOMAN; DOLL, CHRISTOPHER N.H.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. An Integrated Supply-demand Model for the Optimization of Energy Flow in the Urban System. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 114, p. 269-285, 2016.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; FRA.PALEO, URBANO. Lost in Participation: How Local Knowledge Was Overlooked in Land Use Planning and Risk Governance in T-hoku, Japan. Land Use Policy, v. 52, p. 543-551, 2016.
AHMAD, SOHAIL; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Determinants of Urban Mobility in India: Lessons for Promoting Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Transportation in Developing Countries. Transport Policy (Oxford), v. 50, p. 106-114, 2016.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; DOLL, CHRISTOPHER N.H. Governance and Networks for Health Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Lessons from Two Indian Cities. Environment International, v. 97, p. 146-154, 2016.
XUE, BING; MA, ZHIXIAO; GENG, YONG; HECK, PETER; REN, WANXIA; TOBIAS, MARIO; MAAS, ACHIM; JIANG, PING; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; FUJITA, TSUYOSHI. A Life Cycle Co-benefits Assessment of Wind Power in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 41, p. 338-346, 2015.
AHMAD, SOHAIL; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Fuel Switching in Slum and Non-slum Households in Urban India. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 94, p. 130-136, 2015.
GASPARATOS, A.; VON MALTITZ, G.P.; JOHNSON, F.X.; LEE, L.; MATHAI, M.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J.A.; WILLIS, K.J. Biofuels in Sub-Sahara Africa: Drivers, Impacts and Priority Policy Areas. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 45, p. 879-901, 2015.
SETHI, MAHENDRA; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE. From Gobal `North-South? To Local `Urban-Rural?: A Shifting Paradigm in Climate Governance? Urban Climate, v. 14, p. 529-543, 2015.
ANDRADE, JOSÉ CÉLIO SILVEIRA; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. The Role of the Private Sector in Global Climate and Energy Governance. Journal of Business Ethics, v. 130, p. 375-387, 2015.
OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. PUPPIM DE; Doll, Christopher N. H.; SIRI, JOSÉ; DREYFUS, MAGALI; FARZANEH, HOOMAN; CAPON, ANTHONY. Urban Governance and the Systems Approaches to Health-environment Co-benefits in Cities. Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Online), v. 31, p. 25-38, 2015.
Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel; GASPARATOS, ALEXANDROS; STROMBERG, PER; SUWA, AKI; PANDYASWARGO, ANDANTE HADI; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. Sustainable Production and Consumption of Palm Oil in Indonesia: What Can Stakeholder Perceptions Offer to the Debate? Sustainable Production and Consumption, v. 4, p. 16-35, 2015.
XUE, B.; MITCHELL, B.; GENG, Y.; REN, W.; MULLER, K.; MA, Z.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; FUJITA, T.; TOBIAS, M. A Review on China's Pollutant Emissions Reduction Assessment. Ecological Indicators, v. 38, p. 272-278, 2014.
FARZANEH, H.; SUWA, A.; DOLL, C. N.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Developing a Tool to Analyze Climate Co-benefits of the Urban Energy System. Procedia Environmental Sciences, v. 20, p. 97-105, 2014.
BALABAN, O.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Understanding the Links between Urban Regeneration and Climate-friendly Urban Development: Lessons from Two Case Studies in Japan. Local Environment, v. 19, p. 868-890, 2014.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; JORDÃO DE OLIVEIRA CERQUEIRA FORTES, PAULO. Global Value Chains and Social Upgrading of Clusters: Lessons from Two Cases of Fair Trade in the Brazilian Northeast. Competition & Change, v. 18, p. 365-381, 2014.
MILANEZ, BRUNO; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Innovation for Sustainable Development in Artisanal Mining: Advances in a Cluster of Opal Mining in Brazil. Resources Policy, v. 38, p. 427-434, 2013.
MA, Z.; XUE, B.; GENG, Y.; REN, W.; FUJITA, T.; ZHANG, Z.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; JACQUES, D. A.; XI, F. Co-benefits Analysis on Climate Change and Environmental Effects of Wind-power: A Case Study from Xinjiang, China. Renewable Energy, v. 57, p. 35-42, 2013.
KURNIAWAN, T. A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; PREMAKUMARA, D. G.; NAGAISHI, M. City-to-city Level Cooperation for Generating Urban Co-benefits: The Case of Technological Cooperation in the Waste Sector between Surabaya (Indonesia) and Kitakyushu (Japan). Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 58, p. 43-50, 2013.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; DOLL, C. N.; BALABAN, O.; JIANG, P.; DREYFUS, M.; SUWA, A.; MORENO-PENARANDA, R.; DIRGAHAYANI, P. Green Economy and Governance in Cities: Assessing Good Governance in Key Urban Economic Processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 58, p. 138-152, 2013.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Learning how to Align Climate, Environmental and Development Objectives in Cities: Lessons from the Implementation of Climate Co-benefits Initiatives in Urban Asia. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 58, p. 7-14, 2013.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; DOLL, C. N.; KURNIAWAN, T. A.; GENG, Y.; KAPSHE, M.; HUISINGH, D. Promoting Win-win Situations in Climate Change Mitigation, Local Environmental Quality and Development in Asian Cities through Co-benefits. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 58, p. 1-6, 2013.
KANIE, N.; HAAS, P. M.; ANDRESEN, S.; AULD, G.; CASHORE, B.; CHASEK, P. S.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; RENCKENS, S.; STOKKE, O. S.; STEVENS, C.; VANDEVEER, S. D.; IGUCHI, M. Green Pluralism: Lessons for Improved Environmental Governance in the 21st Century. Environment (Washington, D.C.), v. 55, p. 14-30, 2013.
GASPARATOS, A.; LEE, L.; MALTITZ, G. P. V.; MATHAI, M.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; JOHNSON, F. X.; WILLIS, K. J. Catalysing Biofuel Sustainability' International and National Policy Interventions. Environmental Policy and Law, v. 43, p. 216-221, 2013.
JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSÉ CHIAPPETTA; PUPPIM-DE-OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ ANTONIO. Barriers to Environmental Management in Clusters of Small Businesses in Brazil and Japan: From a Lack of Knowledge to a Decline in Traditional Knowledge. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, v. 19, p. 247-257, 2012.
GLEMAREC, Y.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. The Role of the Visible Hand of Public Institutions in Creating a Sustainable Future. Public Administration and Development (Print) , v. 32, p. 200-2014, 2012.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Rio+20: O que Podemos Aprender com o Processo de Discussão e o que Está Faltando. Cadernos EBAPE.BR (FGV), v. 10, p. 492-507, 2012.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; ALI, Saleem H. Gemstone Mining as a Development Cluster: A Study of Brazil's Emerald Mines. Resources Policy, v. 36, p. 132-141, 2011.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Bridging the Gap between Small Firms and Investors to Promote Investments for Green Innovation in Developing Countries: Two Cases in Brazil. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (Print), v. 4, p. 259-276, 2011.
JUPESTA, J.; BOER, R.; PARAYIL, G.; HARAYAMA, Y.; YARIME, M.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; SUBRAMANIAN, S. M. Managing the Transition to Sustainability in an Emerging Economy: Evaluating Green Growth Policies in Indonesia. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, v. 1, p. 187-191, 2011.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; BALABAN, O.; DOLL, C. N.; MORENO-PENARANDA, R.; GASPARATOS, A.; IOSSIFOVA, D.; SUWA, A. Cities and Biodiversity: Perspectives and Governance Challenges for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the City Level. Biological Conservation, v. 144, p. 1302-1303, 2011.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Why an Air Pollution Achiever Lags on Climate Policy? The Case of Local Policy Implementation in Mie, Japan. Environment & Planning A (Print), v. 43, p. 1894-1909, 2011.
ONEGA-LOPEZ, FRANCISCO-J; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; CRECENTE-MASEDA, R. Planning Innovations in Land Management and Governance in Fragmented Rural Areas: Two Examples from Galicia (Spain). European Planning Studies (Print), v. 18, p. 755-773, 2010.
DO CARMO, MARIA SCARLET; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. The Semantics of Garbage and the Organization of the Recyclers: Implementation Challenges for Establishing Recycling Cooperatives in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v. 54, p. 1261-1268, 2010.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. The Implementation of Climate Change Related Policies at the Subnational Level: An Analysis of Three Countries. Habitat International, v. 33, p. 253-259, 2009.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; Et Alii. Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change. Lancet (British edition), v. 373, p. 1693-1733, 2009.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Analyzing the Influence of Economics on Management Education and Practice: A Criticism through the Concept of Development. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, v. 55, p. 63-78, 2009.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Ambiente, Pessoas e Labor: APLs Além do Desenvolvimento Econômico na Mineração de Opalas em Pedro II, no Piauí. Cadernos EBAPE.BR (FGV), v. 7, p. 528-546, 2009.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Property Rights, Land Conflicts and Deforestation in the Eastern Amazon. Forest Policy and Economics, v. 10, p. 303-315, 2008.
Rotulo Decuadra, Daniel; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. International Environmental Agreements between Developing Countries Only: Learning from the Brazil–Uruguay Case over the Suspicion of Acid Rain. International Environmental Agreement: Politics, Law and Economics, v. 8, p. 389-408, 2008.
Pinto, Rogerio R.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Implementation Challenges in Protecting the Global Environmental Commons: The Case of Climate Change Policies in Brazil. Public Administration and Development (Print), v. 28, p. 340-350, 2008.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; Et Alii . A implementação do Pacto Global pelas Empresas do Paraná. RGSA: Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, v. 2, p. 92-110, 2008.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; GARDETTI, Miguel. Analysing Changes to Prioritise Corporate Citizenship The Case of Sustainability in Perez-Companc, Argentina. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Inglaterra, v. 21, p. 71-83, 2006.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Implementation of Environmental Policies in Yokkaichi, Japan: What Are the Lessons to the Development Literature? Forum of International Development Studies, Universidade de Nagoia, Japao, v. 31, p. 23-45, 2006.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Desafios do Planejamento em Políticas Públicas: Diferentes Visões e Práticas. Revista de Administração Pública (Impresso), Rio de Janeiro, v. 40, n.2, p. 273-288, 2006.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Uma Avaliação dos Balanços Sociais das 500 Maiores. RAE. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v. 4, n.1, 2005.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Tourism as a Force for Establishing Protected Areas: The Case of Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Inglaterra, v. 13, n.1, p. 24-49, 2005.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Enforcing Protected Area Guidelines in Brazil: What Explains Participation in the Implementation Process? Journal of Planning Education and Research, Estados Unidos, v. 24, n.4, p. 420-436, 2005.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Análise da Situação da Gestão Ambiental nas Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. RAP. Revista Brasileira de Administração Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 38, n.2, p. 261-286, 2004.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Um Balanço dos Balanços Sociais. Harvard Business Review (Ed. em Português), Santiago do Chile, v. 82, n.12, p. 46-49, 2004.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; CARMO, Maria Scarlet; MIGUELES, Carmen Pires. Semântica do Lixo, o Estímulo à Reciclagem e o Trabalho dos Catadores do Rio de Janeiro: Um Estudo da Relação entre Significado e Ação Econômica. IntegrAção - Revista Eletrônica do Terceiro Setor, São Paulo, v. VII, n.34, 2004.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Governmental Responses to Tourism Development: Three Brazilian Case Studies. Tourism Management (1982) , v. 24, n.1, p. 97-110, 2003.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Understanding Organizational and Institutional Changes for Management of Environmental Affairs in the Brazilian Petroleum Sector. Utilities Policy, v. 11, n.2, p. 113-121, 2003.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; RIBEIRO, R. J. B. A Inserção da Questão Ambiental no Âmbito de Atuação do Controle Externo Federal. Revista do Tribunal de Contas da União, v. 96, p. 65-78, 2003.-
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Tourism, the Environment and the Role of Governments: A New Research Agenda for Action in Developing Countries. Recent Advances & Research Updates, v. 4, n.2, p. 221-232, 2003.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; ABDALLA, José Jorge I. De lá pra cá ou de cá pra lá? Transferência de Tecnologia Ambiental Filial-matriz. Revista Ciências Administrativas (UNIFOR), v. 9, p. 58-65, 2003.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. The Policymaking Process for Creating Competitive Assets for the Use of Biomass Energy: The Brazilian Alchohol Programme. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 6, n.1-2, p. 127-138, 2002.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Implementing Environmental Policies in Developing Countries Through Decentralization: The Case of Protected Areas in Bahia, Brazil. World Development , v. 30, n.10, p. 1713-1736, 2002.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Entendendo as Respostas Empresarias aos Desafios Socioambientais no Brasil: Dois Estudos de Caso. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (Lisboa), Portugal, v. 1, n.1, p. 56-69, 2002.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Tramontina: Testando o Conceito de Ecoeficiência. Case Studies. Revista Brasileira Management, v. V, n.32, p. 35-46, 2002.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Integrando Ação e Comunicação para uma Estratégia de Marketing Ambiental: O Caso Aracruz Celulose. Revista Eletrônica de Administração Read, v. 8, n.6, p. 187-216, 2002.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Command-and-Control versus Economic Mechanisms: What Is the Evidence for Efficiency and Effectiveness in Environmental Management? International Journal of Environmental Creation, Japão, v. 4, n.1, p. 27-33, 2001.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. How to Promote Investments in Green Technologies in Developing Countries. TecBahia, 1999.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Análise Institucional da Gestão e Uso do Solo nas Áreas Protegias do Estado da Bahia (Institucional Analysis of Land Use and Management in Protected Areas, Bahia). Análise & Dados, v. 8, n.4, 1998.
SETHI, MAHENDRA (Org.); PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO (Org.). Mainstreaming Climate Co-Benefits in Indian Cities: Post-Habitat III Innovations and Reforms. 1. ed. Cingapura: Springer, 2018. v. 1. 373p.
DOLL, CHRISTOPHER N.H.; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits Implementation of Win-win Interventions in Cities. 1. ed. Londres: Routledge, 2017. v. 1. 324p .
Dale, Gareth (Org.); MATHAI, M. V. (Org.); Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A (Org.). Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives. 1. ed. London: Zed Books, 2016. v. 1. 323p.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Promises and Concerns. 2. ed. Toquio: United Nations University Press, 2012. v. 1. 360p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Pequenas Empresas, Arranjos Produtivos Locais e Sustentabilidade. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2009. v. 1. 228p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Empresas na Sociedade: Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier-Campus, 2008. v. 1. 200p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Implementation of Environmental Policies in Developing Countries. 1. ed. Albany - NY (EUA): State University of New York Press - SUNY Press, 2008. v. 1. 144p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Upgrading Clusters and Small Enterprises in Developing Countries: Environmental, Labour, Innovation and Social Issues. 1. ed. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, 2008. v. 1. 184p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Corporate Citizenship in Latin America: New Challenges for Business: A Special Theme Issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 21. ed. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, 2006. v. 1. 110p .
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Instrumentos Econômicos para Gestão Ambiental: Lições das Experiências Nacional e Internacional. Salvador: Núcleo de Estudos Avançados em Meio Ambiente (NEAMA), 2003.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A.; CAMARGO, A. B. A. (Org.); CAPOBIANCO, J. P. (Org.). Meio Ambiente Brasil: Avanços e Obstáculos Pós-Rio - 1992. São Paulo: Estação, 2002.
Book chapters:
BICALHO, T.; BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J.A. Environmental, Energy and Sustainability Issues. In. Edmund Amann and Paulo N. Figueiredo Innovation, Competitiveness, and Development in Latin America: lessons from the past and perspectives for the future ed. 1 , Oxford , Oxford University Press , 2024, v. 1 , p. 213-230.
BARDA PICAVET, MARC ERIC; VALENTE DE MACEDO, LAURA SILVIA; BELLEZONI, R. A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J.A. Governing Food-Water-Energy Nexus Using Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) in Brazilian Cities. In: Moreira, F. A.; Dalla Fontana, M.; Malheiros, T.F.and di Giulio, G. (Org.) The Water-energy-food nexus: what the Brazilian research has to say. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora da USP, 2022, v. 1, p. 78-94.
RANGEL, L. N.; LOPES, C. R.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J. A. Innovative Policies for Urban Rivers' Restoration in Belo Horizonte. In: Croci, E.; Lucchitta, B. (Org.) Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities? A Framework Approach for Planning and Evaluation. 1ed.Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, v., p. 335-347.
BENITES LAZARO, LIRA LUZ; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ; DE MACEDO, LAURA S. V.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE. Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Climate Change in Cities p. 1-16 Cite as Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Cities: Opportunities for Innovations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in the Face of Climate Change. In: Lazaro, L.L.B., Giatti, L.L., Valente de Macedo, L.S., Puppim de Oliveira, J.A. (Org.) Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Climate Change in Cities. 1ed.Cham: Springer Nature, 2022, v. 1, p. 1-16.
BELLEZONI, RODRIGO A; SETO, K.; Puppim de Oliveira, José A. What Can Cities Do to Enhance Water-Energy-Food Nexus as a Sustainable Development Strategy? In: Lazaro, L.L.B., Giatti, L.L., Valente de Macedo, L.S., Puppim de Oliveira, J.A. (Org.) Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Climate Change in Cities. 1ed.Cham: Springer, 2022, v. 1, p. 39-57.
RANGEL, L. N. ; LOPES, C. R. ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J. A. Innovative Policies for Urban Rivers' Restoration in Belo Horizonte. In: Croci, E.; Lucchitta, B.. (Org.). Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities - A Framework Approach for Planning and Evaluation. 1ed.Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, v. , p. 335-347.
SIMON, D. ; GOODNESS, J. ; LWASA, S. ; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A. ; MACEDO, L. S. V. ; KAVONIC, J. ; TOROK, E. H. ; ELMQVIST, T. . Urban Governance of and for Urban Green and Blue Infrastructure. In: Charlie M. Shackleton; Sarel S. Cilliers; Elandrie Davoren; Marié J. du Toit. (Org.). Urban Ecology in the Global South. 1ed.Zurique: Springer Nature, 2021, v. 1, p. 403-431.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.. Public Administration and Development. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 1ed.: Oxford University Press, 2021, v. , p. 1-.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE A.; JING, YIJIA. The BRICS and International Development Assistance: Between the Old and the New. Governing China in the 21st Century. 1ed.: Springer Singapore, 2020, v., p. 1-12.
Mumtaz, Muhammad; Antonio Puppim de Oliveira, Jose; H. Ali, Saleem. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Agricultural Sector: The Case of Local Responses in Punjab, Pakistan. In: Saddam Hussain. (Org.). Climate Change and Agriculture. 1ed.Londres: IntechOpen, 2019, v., p. 1-14.
SETHI, MAHENDRA; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Cities and Climate Co-benefits. In: Mahendra Sethi and Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira. (Org.). Mainstreaming Climate Co-Benefits in Indian Cities: Post-Habitat III Innovations and Reforms. 1ed.Cingapura: Springer, 2018, v. 1, p. 3-45.
RANKINE, H. Rafisura,Kareff Limocon; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Transformations for Sustainable Development in the Asia and the Pacific. In: Sara Hsu. (Org.). Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Development in Asia. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2018, v. 1, p. 611-623.
Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel; GASPARATOS, ALEXANDROS; STROMBERG, PER; SUWA, AKI; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio. Stakeholder Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being Impacts of Palm Oil Biofuels in Indonesia and Malaysia. In: Takeuchi K., Shiroyama H., Saito O., Matsuura M. (Org.). Biofuels and Sustainability. 1ed.:, 2018, v. 1, p. 133-173.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, J. A.; ANDRADE, JOSÉ CÉLIO SILVEIRA. The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions at Sub-National Level: Understanding the Role of International Climate Regimes in Energy Policy in Two Brazilian States. In: Douglas Arent; Channing Arndt; Mackay Miller; Finn Tarp; Owen Zinaman. (Org.). The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. 1ed.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, v., p. 530-546.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; DOLL, CHRISTOPHER N.H.; SIRI, JOSÉ; DREYFUS, MAGALI; FARZANEH, HOOMAN; CAPON, ANTHONY. A Systems Approach for Health/Environment/Climate Co-benefits in Cities. In: Christopher N. H. Doll; Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira. (Org.). Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of Win-win Interventions in Cities. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2017, v., p. 302-319.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; Doll, Christopher N. H. Climate Co-benefits in Urban Areas. In: Christopher N. H. Doll; Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira. (Org.). Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of Win-Win Interventions in Cities. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2017, v. , p. 1-24.
Dale, Gareth; MATHAI, M. V.; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A . Introduction. In: Dale, Gareth; Mathai, Manu V.; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (Org.). Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives. 1ed.London: Zed Books, 2016, v., p. 1-19.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. The Mismatch of Implementation Networks in International Environmental Regimes: Lessons from Different Agreements. Best Practices for Architecture and Agency. In: Kanie, N.; Haas, P.M.; Andersen, S. (Org.). Improving Global Environmental Governance: Best Practices for Architecture and Agency. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2014, v. 1, p. 108-129.
KURNIAWAN, T. A.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Technology Adaptation and Assimilation of Takakura for Promoting Environmental Protection in Surabaya (Indonesia) Through City Level Cooperation. In: Vasquez-Brust, Diego A.; Sarkis, Joseph; Cordeiro, James J. (Org.). Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation: A Role For Sustainability Driven by the Global South?. 1ed.Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, v. 1, p. 177-191.
Puppim de Oliveira, Jose Antonio; Doll, Christopher N. H.; Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel Balaban, Osman. Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change. Global Environmental Change. 1ed.Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014, v. 1, p. 461-468.
FORTES, P. J. O. C.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Challenges and Opportunities for Small Businesses in and around Brazilian Protected Areas. In: Lohmann, G.; Dredge, D. (Org.). Tourism in Brazil: Environment, Management and Segments. 1ed.:, 2012, v. 1, p. 77-90.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Introduction: Framing the Debate on the Green Economy and Governance from Different Angles. In: Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (Org.). Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Promises and Concerns. 1ed.Toquio: United Nations University Press, 2012, v. 1, p. 3-22.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Key Issues and Lessons Learned for Moving Towards a Greener Economy and Creating Better Governance for Sustainable Development. In: Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (Org.). Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Promises and Concerns. 1ed.Toquio: United Nations University Press, 2012, v. 1, p. 327-337.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO; SUWA, A.; BALABAN, O.; DOLL, C. N.; JIANG, P.; DREYFUS, M.; MORENO-PENARANDA, R.; DIRGAHAYANI, P.; KENNEDY, E. Good Governance in Cities for Promoting a Greener Economy. In: Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A. (Org.). Green Economy and Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Promises and Concerns. 1ed.Toquio: United Nations University Press, 2012, v. 1, p. 286-324.
Pinto, Rogerio R.; PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO. Institutional and Policy Implications of International Public Goods: The Case of Global Commons. In: Ashwani Kumar; Dirk Messne. (Org.). Power Shifts and Global Governance: Challenges from South and North. 1ed.Londres: Anthem Press, 2011, v. 1, p. 65-92.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Networks for Environmental Management Involving Public and Quasipublic Organisations for Market Development Towards Sustainability in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In: Istemi Demirag. (Org.). Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Governance. 1ed.Sheffield, Inglaterra: Greenleaf Publishing, 2005, v. 1, p. 202-210.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. In: Bianor S. Cavalcanti; Marco Aurélio Ruediger; Rogério Sobreira. (Org.). Desenvolvimento e Construção Nacional. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2005, v., p. 159-178.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. A Variável Socioambiental nos Processos de Planejamento do Setor Turístico. In: Deborah Moraes Zouain; Luiz Gustavo M. Barbosa. (Org.). Gestão em Turismo e Hotelaria: Experiências Públicas e Privadas. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora Aleph., 2004, v. 1, p. 1-.
PUPPIM DE OLIVEIRA, JOSÉ A. Os Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Período Pós-Rio-92: Uma Avaliação da Situação Brasileira. In: Camargo, Aspásia Brasileiro Alcântara de; João Paulo Capobianco; José Antônio Puppim de Oliveira. (Org.). Meio Ambiente Brasil: Avanços e Obstáculos Pós-Rio-1992. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora Estação Liberdade, 2002, v. 1, p.-.