Ramona de Luca
Doutora em Administração de Empresas com ênfase em Marketing pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo - FGV EAESP (2018). Mestre em Marketing Management pela Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi de Milão, Itália (2012). Graduada em Administração de Empresas com ênfase em gestão de empresas de Arte, Comunicação e Cultura pela Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi de Milão, Itália (2009). Principais interesses de pesquisa: comportamento do consumidor, marketing sensorial, inteligência artificial e varejo.
DE LUCA, RAMONA ; BOTELHO, D. . The Unconscious Perception of Smells as a Driver of Consumer Responses: a framework integrating the emotion-cognition approach to scent marketing. Academy of Marketing Science Review, v. 11, p. 145-161, 2021.
DE LUCA, RAMONA; Botelho, Delane. Olfactory Priming on Consumer Categorization, Recall, and Choice. Psychology & Marketing, v. 37, p. 1101-1117, 2020.
DE LUCA, RAMONA; Botelho, Delane. The Unconscious Perception of Smells as a Driver of Consumer Responses: A Framework Integrating the Emotion-cognition Approach to Scent Marketing. AMS Review, v. online, p. online-1-17, 2019.
LUCA, R.; BOTELHO, D. Odor Priming and Product Preferences: When Smells Regulate Preferences for Semantically-congruent Products and Brands. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 46, p. 350, 2018.
Botelho, Delane; DE LUCA, RAMONA. Faro para o Negócio. GV Executivo, v. 16, p. 36-39, 2017.
DE LUCA, RAMONA; BOTELHO, D. The Smell of Selling: Olfactory Cues as a Route for Product Aesthetic Preferences. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 45, p. 351-351, 2017.
DE LUCA, RAMONA; BOTELHO, D.; FERREIRA, M. A Theoretical Perspective on Guilt and Materialism in Helping Behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, p. 727-727, 2016.
LUCA, R.; FERREIRA, M.; BOTELHO, D. When Guilt Induces Charity: The Emotional Side of Philanthropy. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, v. 5, p. 44-58, 2016.