Barbara Bechler Flynn

Possui graduação (Magna Cum Laude) com especialização em psicologia pela Ripon College, Wisconsin (1974), mestrado com ênfase em Gestão de Operações e Gestão Econômica pela Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1981) e doutorado em Gestão de Operações pela Universidade de Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana (1984). Atualmente é professora de Gestão da Produção, da Universidade de Indiana, Kelley School of Business e professora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EAESP. É diretora do Centro de Educação Internacional de Negócios e Pesquisa (CIBER), da Universidade de Indiana, Kelley School of Business. Tem experiência na área de Administração, com ênfase em Administração da Produção, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: World Class Manufacturing, Gestão da Qualidade, Just-in-time de Produção, Estratégia de Operações e Gestão da Inovação. Editora associada dos periódicos Decision Sciences e Journal of Supply Chain Management e editora de área do periódico Production and Operations Management.



Awaysheh, A., & Flynn, B. B. (2024). Impact of Dynamic Operations Complexity on Performance: The Role of National CultureProduction and Operations Management, Online first. 

Flynn, P. J., Awaysheh, A., Bliese, P. D., & Flynn, B. B. (2024). From Intent to Impact: A Proactive Event Approach for Amplifying Sustainability Across TimeJournal of Management0(0). Online first.

Freitas, K.A.d., Flynn, B.B. and Paiva, E.L. (2024). Thriving in a Weak Institutional Environment: strategies for engaging with regulative institutions, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Online first.

Bortolotti, Thomas., Boscari, Stefania, Daneses, Pamela, Flynn, Barbara B. Moderation of OM Practice Effectiveness by Organizational Culture Profile: contingency vs paradox perspective, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 44, n. 13, 2024.

Freitas, K.A.d., Flynn, B.B., Paiva, E.L. and Awaysheh, A. Achieving Risk Resilience in an Environment of Mistrust: supply chain piracy of physical goods, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 44, n. 3, p. 565-590, 2024.

Rossetti, C.L., Warsing, D.P., Flynn, B.B. et al. Complex and Lean or Lean and Complex? The role of supply chain complexity in lean production. Operations Management Research, 16, 1382–1412, 2023.

(David) Peng, Xiaosong, B Flynn, A Narayanan, R Fan. Alternative Information Processing Mechanisms in Hospital Supply Chains: impact on cost, quality, and patient satisfaction. Decision Sciences, 54 (5), 494-513, 2023.

Luo, L., Liu, X., Zhao, X. and Flynn, B.B., The Impact of Supply Chain Quality Leadership on Supply Chain Quality Integration and Quality Performance, Supply Chain Management, 28 (3), pp. 508-521, 2023.

M Zhang, X Zhao, B Huo, B Flynn. The Impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Customer Integration: a replication and extension. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 2022

A Awaysheh, MT Frohlich, BB Flynn, PJ Flynn. To Err is Human: exploratory multilevel analysis of supply chain delivery delays. Journal of Operations Management 67 (7), 882-916, 2, 2021.

J Miller, B Davis‐Sramek, BS Fugate, M Pagell, BB Flynn. Editorial Commentary: addressing confusion in the diffusion of archival data research. Journal of Supply Chain Management 57 (3), 130-146, 9, 2021.

B Flynn, D Cantor, M Pagell, KJ Dooley, A Azadegan. From the Editors: introduction to managing supply chains beyond Covid‐19‐preparing for the next global mega‐disruption. Journal of Supply Chain Management 57 (1), 3-6, 2021.

Martins, R. S., Siegler, J., Souza-Junior, A., Flynn, B., & Martins, G. S. (2019). Go Global or Stay Local? Understanding How Fiscal Incentives Reshape Supply Networks. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 23(5), 654-671.

Flynn, B.; Pagell, M; Fugate, B. Editorial: Survey Research Design in Supply Chain Management: the Need for Evolution in Our Expectation. Journal of Supply Chain Management 54 (1), 1-15, 2018.

Huo, B., Flynn, B. B., and Zhao, X. . Supply Chain Power Profiles and their Relationship with Performance. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 53(2), 88-111, 2017.

Hu, H., Djarbarni, R., Zhao, X., Xiao, L. and Flynn, B.B. Effect of Different Food Recall Strategies on Consumers’ Reaction to Recall Norms: A Comparative Study. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 117(9), 2045-2063, 2017.

Flynn, B. B., Ni, J., and Jacobs, F. R. Effect of a Toy Industry Product Recall Announcement on Shareholder Wealth. International Journal of Production Research, 54(18), 5404-5415, 2016.

Flynn, B. B., Koufteros, X., and Lu, G. On Theory on Supply Chain Uncertainty and its Implications for Supply Chain Integration. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 52(3), 3-27, 2016.

Ni, J., Melnyk, S., Ritchie, W., and Flynn, B. B. Why be First When it Doesn’t Pay? The Case of Early Adopters of C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Certification. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 36(10), 1161-1181, 2016. 

Bortolotti, T., Danese, P., Flynn, B. B., and Romano, P. Leveraging Fitness and Lean Bundles to Build the Cumulative Performance Sand Cone Model. International Journal of Production Economics, 16, 227-241, 2015.

Finger, A.B., Flynn, B.B., and Paiva, E. Anticipation of New Technologies: Supply Chain Antecedents and Competitive Performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 34(6), 807-828, 2014.

Flynn, B.B., Huang, X., and Zhao, X. Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51(1), 3-4, 2014.

Ni, J., Flynn, B.B., and Jacobs, F.R. Impact of Product Recall Announcements on Retailers. International Journal of Production Economics, 153, 309-322, 2014.

ZHAO, XIANDE; LI, YINA  FLYNN, BARBARA B. The Financial Impact of Product Recall Announcements in China. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 142, p. 115-123, 2013.

WU, SARAH JINHUI; MELNYK, STEVEN A.; FLYNN, BARBARA B. Operational Capabilities: the Secret Ingredient. Decision Sciences, v. 41, p. 721-754, 2010.

FLYNN, BARBARA B.; WU, SARAH JINHUI; MELNYK, STEVEN. Operational Capabilities: Hidden in Plain View. Business Horizons, v. 53, p. 247-256, 2010.

FLYNN, BARBARA B.; HUO, BAOFENG; ZHAO, XIANDE. The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach. Journal of Operations Management, v. 28, p. 58-71, 2010.

BOZARTH, CECIL C.; WARSING, DONALD P.; FLYNN, BARBARA B.; FLYNN, E. JAMES. The Impact of Supply Chain Complexity on Manufacturing Plant Performance. Journal of Operations Management, v. 27, p. 78-93, 2009.

SINGHAL, V; FLYNN, B; WARD, P; ROTH, A ;GAUR, V. Editorial: Empirical Elephants-Why Multiple Methods are Essential to Quality Research in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Journal of Operations Management, v. 26, p. 345-348, 2008.

FLYNN, B. B.; FROHLICH, M.; LYLES, M. All Supply Chains Don´t Flow Trought: Understanding Supply Chain Issues in China. Management and Organization Review (Online), v. 4, p. 167, 2008.

FLYNN, BARBARA B.; ZHAO, XIANDE; HUO, BAOFENG; YEUNG, JEFF HOI YAN. We've Got the Power! How Customer Power Affects Supply Chain Relationships. Business Horizons, v. 51, p. 169-174, 2008.

FLYNN, BARBARA B. Having it All: Rigor Versus Relevance in Supply Chain Management Research. The Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 44, p. 63-67, 2008.

Zhao, X.,Huo, B., Yeung, J.H.Y. and Flynn, B.B. The Impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Integration Between Manufacturers in a Supply Chain. Journal of Operations Management, v. 26, p. 368-388, 2008.

Zhao, X.., Flynn, B.B. and Roth, A.V., Decision Sciences Research in China:  Current Status, Opportunities and Propositions for Research Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Quality Management.  Decision Sciences, 2007, 38(1), 39-80.

Flynn, B.B., Zhao, X. and Roth, A.V.,  The Myth of the Dragon: Operations Management in Today’s China. Business Horizons, 2007, 50(3).

FLYNN, BARBARA B. Critical Machines Preventive Maintenance Policies for Group Technology Shops. International Journal of Production Research, v. 27, p. 2009-2020, 2007.

Zhao, X.., Flynn, B.B. and Roth, A.V., Decision Sciences Research in China: A Critical Review and Research Agenda -  Foundations and Overview,  Decision Sciences, 2006, 37(4), 451-497.

Flynn, B.B. and Saladin, B., Relevance of Baldrige Constructs in an International Context:  A Study of National Culture.  Journal of Operations Management,  2006, 24(5), 583-603.

Flynn, B.B. and Flynn, E.J. Synergies Between Supply Chain Management and Quality Management: Emerging Implications. 2005, 43(16), International Journal of Production Research, 3421-3436.

Flynn, B.B. and Flynn, E.J. An Exploratory Study of the Nature of Cumulative Capabilities.  Journal of Operations Management, 2004, 22(5), 439-458.

Flynn, B.B., Root Cause Analysis.  Encyclopedia of Healthcare Management, 2002.  Sage Publications.

Flynn, B.B. and Saladin, B. Further Evidence on the Validity of the Theoretical Models Underlying the Baldrige Criteria.  Journal of Operations Management, 2001, 19(6), 617-652.

Flynn, B.B. and Flynn, E.J. Information Processing Alternatives for Coping with Manufacturing Environment Complexity. Decision Sciences, 1999, 30(4).

Flynn, B.B., Flynn, E.J., Amundson, S.D. and Schroeder, R.G. Critical Success Factors for Fast Product Development. Research – Technology Management, 1999.

Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G. and Flynn, E.J. World Class Manufacturing Practices: An Empirical Investigation of the Hayes and Wheelwright Framework. Journal of Operations Management, 1999, 17(3), 249-269.

Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G., Sakakibara, S., Flynn, E. J. and Bates, K.A. The World Class Manufacturing Project:  a Retrospective View of Research Issues and Methodology. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1997, 17(7), 671-685.

Sakikabara, S., Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G. and Morris, W.T. The Impact of Just-in-Time Manufacturing and its Infrastructure on Manufacturing Performance.  Management Science, 1997, 43(9).

Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G. and Sakakibara, S. The Impact of Quality Management Practices on Performance and Competitive Advantage. Decision Sciences, 1995, 26(5), 659-692.

Flynn, E.J. and Flynn, B.B. Achieving Simultaneous Competitive Advantages Through Continuous Improvement:  World Class Manufacturing as Competitive Strategy. Journal of Managerial Issues, 8(3), 1995, 360-379.

Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G. and Sakakibara, S. Determinants of Quality Performance in High and Low Quality Plants. Quality Management Journal, 1995 (Winter), 2(2), 8-25.

Flynn, B.B., Sakakibara, S. and Schroeder, R.G. The Interrelationship Between JIT and TQM:  Practices and Performance.  Academy of Management Journal, 1995, 38(5).

Flynn, B.B. The Relationship Between Quality Management Practices, Infrastructure and Fast Product Innovation. Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, 1994, 1(1), 48-64.

Flynn, B.;  Schroeder, R.;  Sakakibara, S. A Framework for Quality Management Research and an Associated Measurement Instrument. Journal of Operations Management, 1994, 11 (4), 339-366.

SAKAKIBARA, SADAO; FLYNN, BARBARA B.; SCHROEDER, ROGER G. A Framework and Measurement Instrument for Just-In-Time Manufacturing. Production and Operations Management , v. 2, p. 177-194, 1993.

Sakakibara, S., Flynn, B.B. and Schroeder, R.G. A Just-in-Time Manufacturing Framework and Measurement Instrument.  Production and Operations Management, 1993, 2(3).

Flynn, B.B., Blair, C. and Walters, M. Flexible Compensation for World Class Manufacturers: Skill-Based Pay. OM Review, 1992, 9(3), 22-36.

Schroeder, R.G., Sakakibara, S., Flynn, E.J. and Flynn, B.B. Japanese Plants in America:  How Good are They?  Business Horizons, July-August, 1992, 66-72.

Flynn, B.B., Managing for Quality in the U.S. and Japan.   Interfaces, 1992, 22(5), 69-80.

Flynn, B.B.,  Sakakibara, S., Schroeder, R.G., Bates, K.A. and Flynn, E.J. Empirical Research Methods in Operations Management.  Journal of Operations Management, 1990, 9(2), 250-284.

Flynn, B.B. Critical Machines Preventive Maintenance Policies for Group Technology Shops. International Journal of Production Research, 1989, 27(12), 2009-2020.

Flynn, B.B. The Effects of Setup Time on Output Capacity in Cellular Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 1987, 25(12), p. 1761-1772.

Banerjee, A. and Flynn, B.B. A Simulation Study of Some Maintenance Policies in a Group Technology Shop. International Journal of Production Research, 1987, 25(11), 1595-1609.

Flynn, B.B. Repetitive Lots:  The Use of a Sequence-Dependent Setup Time Scheduling Procedure in Group Technology and Traditional Shops.  Journal of Operations Management, 1987, 7(2), p. 203-216.

FLYNN, BARBARA B.; JACOBS, F. ROBERT. Applications and Implementation: An Experimental Comparison of Celular (Group Technology) Layout with Process Layout. Decision Sciences, v. 18, p. 562-581, 1987.

Flynn, B.B., and Jacobs, F.R. An Experimental Comparison of Group Technology (Cellular) Layout with Process Layout. Decision Sciences, 1987, 18(4), p. 562-581.

Flynn, B.B. and Jacobs, F.R. A Simulation Comparison of Group Technology with Traditional Job Shop Manufacturing.  International Journal of Production Research, 1986, 24(5), p. 1171-1192.

Kaimann, R.A. and Bechler, B.A. (maiden name), Emerging Concepts in Production:  Group Technology, Manufacturing Cells and Robotics.  Part I:  Group Technology.  Industrial Management, 1982, 24(6), 1-8.

Kaimann, R.A. and Bechler, B.A. Emerging Concepts in Production: Group Technology, Manufacturing Cells and Robotics.  Part II:  Manufacturing Cells.  Industrial Management, 1983, 25(1), p. 7-10.

Kaimann, R.A. and Bechler, B.A. Emerging Concepts in Production: Group Technology, Manufacturing Cells and Robotics.  Part III:  Robotics:  What and Why Now? Industrial Management, 1983, 25(2),p. 6-14.

Kaimann, R.A. and Bechler, B.A. Emerging Concepts in Production: Group Technology, Manufacturing Cells and Robotics. Part IV: Robotics: Applications . Industrial Management, 1983, 25(3), p. 16-19.


Capítulos de livros: 

Flynn, B. Questionnaire Design in SCM Research. In: Childe, Stephen, Soares, Anabela (Org.). Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, v. 1, p. 105-124.

Zhang, M.; Zhao, X; Huo, B.; Flynn, B. Developing Purchasing and Supply Management Theory. In: Tate, Wendy; Ellram, Lisa; Bals, Lydia (Org.). Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, v. 1, p. 29-47.

Flynn, B.; Pagell, Mark; Fugate, Brian; Cantor, David. Foundations of theory. In: Tate, Wendy; Ellram, Lisa; Bals, Lydia (Org.). Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, v. 1, p. 12-28.

