Maíra Bombachini Silva

Maíra holds a Master's degree in Development Studies with a focus on territorial development in Global South countries from Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III (France) and a postgraduate degree in Sustainability Management through a dual degree from EASP/FGV and HEC Paris (France). She earned her undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Currently, Maíra is a researcher at FGVces, where she has worked for over five years in the Sustainability in Value Chains Program. In this role, she has developed applied research projects in areas such as agri-food systems, primarily working with smallholders groups, focusing on climate change adaptation, the transition to organic and agroecological farming, market access and management, as well as urban and peri-urban agriculture initiatives. Her work also includes topics such as the transition to a circular economy and promoting corporate sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises. Previously, she worked as a consultant on sustainability projects, gender approach, and environmental management aimed at small and medium enterprises and family farming groups.