Antonio Carlos Manfredini da Cunha Oliveira
He holds a degree in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1980), a degree in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1979), a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (1985) and a doctorate in Economics from the University of São Paulo (1992). He is currently the Adjunct Professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation - SP, Member of the Editorial Board of Revista de Empresa, Member of Editorial Board (Corporate Magazine) of the Business Forum Magazine - University of Puerto Rico, Member of Editorial Board of the Political Economy Magazine (Printed) of the Political Economy Magazine (Printed), RAE Journal Reviewer (Printed) and Reviewer of the Foundation Fostering Project for Research Support of the State of São Paulo. He is experienced in the area of Administration, acting mainly on the following topics: inflation, stabilization policies, game theory, optimal control theory, credibility and endogenous economic policy.
GONCALVES, C. A. B.; MANFREDINI OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. A Demanda por Caminhões no Brasil: uma abordagem econométrica. Análise Econômica (UFRGS), v. 40, p. 41-65, 2022
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. O País do Futuro Pode se Transformar no País do Passado? GV Executivo, v. 13, p. 47-49, 2014.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C.; SARTI, F. D. Incentivos na Medida Certa. GV Executivo, v. 13, p. 18-20, 2014.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. Tecnologia da Informação: competitividade e políticas públicas. RAE (Impresso), v. 36, p. 34-43, 1996.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. A Nova Tecnologia da Informação: problemas gerenciais, ferramentas e proceso decisório. Revista de Administração (FEA-USP), v. 20, p. 41-47, 1985.
Book chapters:
HERNANDES, C. T. ; BERLAND, M. ; WEILER, R. G. ; MARTINEZ, R. E. A. ; MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. O Cluster Moveleiro do Alto Vale do Rio Negro. In: Luiz Carlos Di Sério. (Org.). Clusters Empresariais no Brasil. Casos selecionados. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 2007, v. 1, p. 77-100.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. On the Shortage of Time. In: Dieter Sadowski. (Org.). Entrepreneurial Spirits. 1ed.Germany: Gabler, 2001, v. 1, p. 333-334.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. Privatisation, Utilities Divesture, and the Dawn of Regulation in Brazil. In: Luiz Montanheiro; Bob Haigh; David Morris; Zarjan Fabjancic. (Org.). Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Fostering Enterprise. 1ed.Ljubljana: Sheffield Hallan University Press, 1998, v. 1, p. 423-432.
MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. Brazil. Telecommunications in Latin America. 1ed.Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, 1998, v. 1, p. 227-250.
OLIVEIRA, A. T. ; MANFREDINI-OLIVEIRA, Antonio C. . PET Recycling: an analysis of the industry in Brazil. In: Luiz Montanheiro; Bob Haigh; David Morris; Zarjan Fabjancic. (Org.). Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Learning for Growth. 1ed.Ljubljana: Sheffield Hallan University Press, 1997, v. 1, p. 327-338.