Phokion "Ion" Georgiou

Full/Titular Professor at the Fundação Getulio Vargas, School of Business Administration of São Paulo.



  • PhD Behavior in Organizations, Lancaster University (2004)
  • MSc (Econ) Operational Research, London School of Economics (1995)
  • BBA, University of Missouri (1988)


Teaching Programs:

  • Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral programs.
  • Teaching & training on-site & online.


Teaching Topics:

Management Science; Structural Analysis in Data Science; Problem Structuring Methods; Social Network Analysis; Methods of Discovery in Social Science; Economic, Political, and Social History of Europe; Geopolitics.


Research Topics:

Management Science; Structural Analysis in Data Science; Problem Structuring Methods; Social Network Analysis; Design Thinking; Human Resource Management; Public Administration; Higher Education & Learning; History.

NB: This professor publishes under the name Ion Georgiou.

Copies of selected publications available upon request.



Methods do not solve problems. Methods offer different kinds of explanation. Humans solve problems.



The essential difficulty with complexity is not in its resolution, for complexity is not irresolvable. Complexity is irresolvable only when accompanied by disorder. Hence, the road toward resolving complexity does not lie with approaches focused upon problem solving. The road lies with approaches that can, first and foremost, transform the disorder into some order. This implies the imposition of structure. Ergo: the need for problem structuring methods.



Creative human-centered approaches that methodologically address complex problems through interdisciplinary scientific research, in order to facilitate systemically desirable and culturally feasible change.

Proficient in five languages.

Professional Experience across Europe, Africa, North America, South America.



Georgiou, Ion. Teaching Social Network Analysis. The International Journal of Management Education, v. 21, p. 100816, 2023.

Georgiou, Ion ; HECK, J. The Emergence of Problem Structuring Methods, 1950s-1989: an atlas of the journal literature. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, v. 38, p. 756-796, 2021.

Georgiou, I. The Literature Review as an Exercise in Historical Thinking. Human Resource Development Review, v. 20, p. 252-273, 2021.

GEORGIOU, I.; CONCER, R.; MRVAR, A. A Systemic Approach to Sociometric Group Research: Advancing the work of Leslie Day Zeleny, 1939-1947. Social Networks, v. 63, p. 174-200, 2020.

GEORGIOU, I. Strengthening the Structural Focus of Systems Thinking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, v. 36, p. 140-144, 2019.

HECK, JOAQUIM; Georgiou, Ion. Cartografia Estrutural para Revisão de Literatura: Revelando a Estrutura Subjacente de uma Literatura por Meio de um Atlas Bibliográfico. RAE. Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 59, p. 121-143, 2019.

GEORGIOU, I.; HECK, J.; MRVAR, A. The Analysis of Interconnected Decision Areas: A Computational Approach to Finding All Feasible Solutions. Group Decision and Negotiation, v. 28, p. 543-563, 2019.

Georgiou, I. Unravelling Soft Systems Methodology. International Journal of Economics and Business Research. v. 9, p. 415-436, 2015.

GEORGIOU, I. Engineers as Economists: A Study in Gilded Age Sensibilities. Management & Organizational History (Print), v. 9, p. 69-91, 2014.

GEORGIOU, I. Seeing the Forest for the Trees: An Atlas of the Politics-Administration Dichotomy. PAR. Public Administration Review, v. 74, p. 156-175, 2014.

GEORGIOU, I. A Blast at the Past: An Inquiry into Herbert Simons's Arguments against the Principles. Public Administration (Print), v. 91, p. 1015-1034, 2013.

GEORGIOU, I. Messing About in Transformations: Structured Systemic Planning for Systemic Solutions to Systemic Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 223, p. 392-406, 2012.

GEORGIOU, I. Seven and the Sausage Machine: Searching for Conclusions in Miller's 1956 Magical Paper. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, v. 27, p. 611-621, 2010.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: T L Friesz. Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 60, p. 145-146, 2009.

GEORGIOU, I. Mapping Railway Development Prospects in Brazil. Transport Reviews, v. 29, p. 685-714, 2009.

GEORGIOU, I. A Graph-theoretic Perspective on the Links-to-concepts Ratio Expected in Cognitive Maps. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 197, p. 834-836, 2009.

GEORGIOU, I. Making Decisions in the Absence of Clear Facts. European Journal of Operational Research, v. 185, p. 299-321, 2008.

GEORGIOU, I.; ZAHN, C.; MEIRA, B. J. A Systemic Framework for Case-based Classroom Experiential Learning. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, v. 25, p. 807-819, 2008.

GEORGIOU, I. Domino Effect: Strategic Options Development and Analysis for the Brazilian Railways. Eisforia (UFSC), v. 5, p. 78-116, 2007.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: MC Jackson: Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 58, p. 699-700, 2007.

GEORGIOU, I. Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View. Systemic Practice and Action Research, v. 19, p. 441-459, 2006.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: R Grunig and R Kuhn: Successful Decision-Making: A Systematic Approach to Complex Problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 57, p. 332, 2006.

GEORGIOU, I. A Reply to Ormerod and Atkinson. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Inglaterra, v. 55, p. 1233-1234, 2004.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: M Easterby-Smith and MA Lyles (eds): The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 55, p. 206-207, 2004.

GEORGIOU, I. The Idea of Emergent Property. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Inglaterra, v. 54, p. 239-247, 2003.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: Ingrid Galster (ed.), La Naissance du Phénoméne Sartre: Raisons d un Succès 1938-1945. Sartre Studies International, v. 8, p. 77-80, 2002.

GEORGIOU, I. Review: Jean-Paul Sartre, Colonialism and Neocolonialism. Sartre Studies International, v. 8, p. 80-82, 2002.

GEORGIOU, I. The Ontological Status of Critique. Systemic Practice and Action Research, v. 14, p. 407-449, 2001.

GEORGIOU, I.; HORLICKJONES, Tom; LOFTEDT, R.; ROSENHEAD, Jonathan; RAVETZ, Jerry. Decision Support for Organisational Risk Management by Problem Structuring. Health, Risk & Society, Inglaterra, v. 3, p. 141-165, 2001.

GEORGIOU, I. The Ontological Constitution of Bounding-judging in the Phenomenological Epistemology of von Bertalanffy's General System Theory. Systemic Practice and Action Research, v. 13, p. 391-424, 2000.

GEORGIOU, I. Groundwork of a Sartrean input Toward Informing some Concerns of Critical Systems Thinking. Systemic Practice and Action Research, v. 12, p. 585-603, 1999.

GEORGIOU, I. Furthering the Operational Research Philosophical Agenda. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 50, p. 97-98, 1999.

GEORGIOU, I. A Response to Flood, Taket and Valverde. Journal of the Operational Research Society, v. 50, p. 101-103, 1999.



GEORGIOU, I. Thinking Through Systems Thinking. 1. ed. Londres: Routledge, 2007. 264 p.


Book chapters: 

Georgiou, I. Cognitive Mapping and Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA). In: James J. Cochran - Louisiana Tech University. (Org.). Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Hoboken - New Jersey: Wiley, 2011, v. 2, p. 679-688.

GEORGIOU, I. Management Science. In: Wankel C. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2009, v., p. 1000-1002.

GEORGIOU, I. Intentionality and Intuition: An Introduction to the Cornerstones of Phenomenological Epistemology. In: Ilharco, F., Introna, L. and Fäy, E.. (Org.). Phenomenology, Organisation, and Technology. Lisboa: Universidade Catolica Editora, 2008, v., p. 93-122.

GEORGIOU, I. General System Theory. In: Robert Flood; Hans Daellenbach. (Org.). The Informed Student Guide to Management Science. The Informed Student Guide to Management Science. Londres: Thomson, 2002, v., p. 125-126.


Research reports:


Research syntheses:

