Paul Ferreira

Paul Ferreira is a full-time Professor of Strategic Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV EAESP, Brazil). He is also Director of the Executive Master’s in Business Administration at FGV EAESP, as well as Vice-Director of the Center for Organizations and People. Since 2020, Paul is Columnist for MIT Sloan Management Review Brazil. He is a permanent visiting researcher at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).

He previously was a faculty member at Fundação Dom Cabral (2018-2022) and at INSPER (2016-2018). At FDC he was also director of the Center of Leadership, as well as director of the executive program STC – Leading in the New Economy, in partnership with Kellogg School of Management.

He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Organizations and Strategy) from the University of Geneva (2016) and his research focuses on examining the nature, causes and effects of CEO and top management members’ replacement in the organization ability to innovate and to achieve sustainable corporate development. He also studies the future of work and its implications for organizations and individuals.

Prior to joining academia, Paul gathered relevant international and corporate experience in different sectors as founder and CEO of startups, analyst for investment banks, and senior manager in strategic management consulting firms. Currently he is angel investor of Harvard Business School Angels in Brazil.

He has published in journals such as Harvard Business Review Brazil, Harvard Business Manager, and MIT Sloan Management Review Brazil. His research also appears regularly in national (Valor, Exame, among others) and international newspapers (Financial Times among others).



FERREIRA, PAUL; CHIODI APPEL, TAYNÃ; HUNGERBÜHLER, INES. Como as Empresas Cuidam da Saúde Mental dos seus Funcionários? GV Executivo, v. 21, p. 50-55, 2022.

ZIMMERMANN, A.; PROBST, G.; HERMANN, C.; FERREIRA, P. Contribuição da Estrategização Responsável para a Vantagem Competitiva. Harvard Business Review (Santiago. Edición en portugués), v. 95, p. 58-64, 2017.

ZIMMERMANN, A.; PROBST, G.; HERMANN, C.; FERREIRA, P. Die Grüne Hoffnung. Harvard Business Manager, v. juni, p. 201606070, 2016.


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