Lilian Soares Pereira Carvalho
Marketing professor at FGV-EAESP, researching the effects of oxytocin on consumer behavior. She holds a doctorate from the Concord University (Montreal/Canada) under the supervision of Dr. Gad Saad. Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior. CNPq Scholarship student in partnership with Sebrae/SP researching small businesses and innovation. Research interests: experiments, evolutionary psychology, neuromarketing.
BOGEA, F.; CARVALHO, L. S. P.; CARVALHO, L. S. P. ; VIEIRA, A. R.; COLOMBELLI, L. Presença Digital dos CEOS no Linkedin. GV Executivo, v. 22, p. 30-37, 2023.
CARVALHO, L. S. P. To Which World Regions Does the Valence Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply? (Artigo com + 99 autores). Nature Human Behaviour, v. 1, p. 1-44, 2021.
KUHNREICH, C.; CARVALHO, L. S. P.; SAAD, G. 15D Self-presentation In The Mating Market: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Costly Signaling Behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 1, p. 1-5, 2020.
BOGEA, F.; BRITO, E. P. Z.; CARVALHO, L. S. P. Sigam-me. GV Executivo, v. 18, p. 38-40, 2019.
KAHNREICH, C.; CARVALHO, L. S. P.; SAAD, G. Self-Presentation in the Mating Market: The influence of Gender and Sexual Orientation on Profiles on Tinder and Grindr. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 46, p. 95-96, 2018.
CARVALHO, L. S. P.; SAAD, G.; BRITO, E. P. Z. Oxytocin Increases Trust For Familiar and Familial Brands. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 45, p. 1017-1017, 2017.
BRITO, ELIANE PEREIRA ZAMITH; CARVALHO, LILIAN SOARES PEREIRA. Supply Chain Governance in the Production Systems of Business Clusters: The Case of the Footwear Industry in Jaú. JOSCM. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, v. 7, p. 140, 2014.
CUPELLO, R. C.; ISABELLA, G.; CARVALHO, L. S. P. Slogan: ter ou não ter? Um Estudo com Marcas Fortes e Fracas. RIMAR, v. 4, p. 59-73, 2014.
CARVALHO, L. S. P.. Comportamento do Consumidor e Pesquisa de Mercado. 1. ed. Marília: Universidade de Marília, 2021. v. 1. 117p .
CARVALHO, L. S. P. Administração Estratégica. 1. ed. São Paulo: Senac, 2016. v. 1. 120p .
CARVALHO, L. S. P. Marketing de Produtos e Serviços. 201. ed. São Paulo: Editora e Distribuidora Educacional S.A., 2016. 192p .
KUBICA, F.; CARVALHO, L. S. P. Básico em Administração. 201. ed. São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2013. v. 80000. 120p .
Book chapters:
CARVALHO, L. S. P.. Vício em Tecnologia e Distração Digital: Encontrando Equilíbrio no Mundo Digital - (Capítulo 8). In. Soraia Pena; Ivan Sant Ana Rabelo Mente Sã, Equipe Forte: Estratégias de Conscientização, Intervenção e Promoção de Saúde Mental no Ambiente Corporativo ed. 1 , Carlos Prates-MG , Artesã Editora, v. 1, p. 1-2 , 2023.
BRITO, L. A. L.; CARVALHO, L. S. P. Movile: Sustaining an Innovative Culture on a Global Scale. In: Santiago Iniguez de Onzano e Kazuo Ichijo. (Org.). Business Despite Borders: Companies in the Age of Populist Anti-Globalization. 1ed.Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, v. 1, p. 89-90.