Fernando Claro Tomaselli
Professor at FGV-EAESP (Getulio Vargas Foundation - School of Business Administration of São Paulo) with the Department of Informatics and Quantitative Methods Applied to Administration (IMQ) since 2007. Master in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas FGV-EAESP, Bachelor in Economics from the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) and currently studying for a Doctorate in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas FGV-EAESP Foundation. He was an executive of the Citibank and Santander Banks, working in the areas of International Custody (products and operational), Foreign Trade (commercial/sales), Local and International Cash Management (products and sales, coordinating local sales teams - Brazil and regional units in Latin America) and post-sales support (coordinating the legal entity call center, pay-outs and pay-outs outsourcing cells, remote sales cells, duplicate discounts and customer support cells for various products).
BIAZZIN, CRISTIANE; TOMASELLI, FERNANDO CLARO; COSTA PENA, AMANDA MASSINI DA. Gestão de Projetos e a Ferramenta Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP): Projeto de Implementação em um Ambiente de Baixa Previsibilidade. Revista Inovação, Projetos e Tecnologias, v. 5, p. 176-192, 2017.
TOMASELLI, F. C.; SERIO, L. C. Supply Networks and Value Creation in High Innovation and Strong Network Externalities Industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, v. 8, p. 177-185, 2013.
TOMASELLI, FERNANDO CLARO; DI SERIO, LUIZ CARLOS. Entretenimento Digital. GV Executivo, v. 6, p. 39-44, 2007.