Benjamin Rosenthal

Benjamin Rosenthal

He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Fundation - SP (1994), a Master's Degree in Experimental Psychology: Behavior Analysis from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2007) and a doctor in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation - SP (2014). He is currently an assistant professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation. He has experience in the area of Administration, with emphasis in Marketing, working mainly in the following subjects: consumption, old age, aging, social networks and market research.



Barros, A., Rosenthal, B., Coelho, C., & Leandro, B. (2024). ‘Brazil Must Be a Country for Entrepreneurs and Workers, Not Scoundrels’: personal branding mechanisms underpinning CEO activism. Human Relations, On line first.

ROSENTHAL, B.; AIROLDI, M. Consumer Morality Formation on Social Media Platforms: the case of guns in Brazil. Journal of Macromarketing, v. 44, n. 1, p. 178-198, 2024.

SCUSSEL, F.; ROSENTHAL, B.; Suarez, M. Heroic Failure Narratives: building conveyed authenticity and engagement from downfalls. Consumption Markets & Culture, v. na, p. 1-16, 2023

ROSENTHAL, B. Marketing no Caleidoscópio do TikTok. GV Executivo, v. 22, p. 5-9, 2023

ROSENTHAL, B.; Brito, E. P. Z. The Global Rhythms of Consumption Practices. Marketing Theory, v. 22, p. 381-400, 2022

ROSENTHAL, B.; Cardoso, Flavia; BORTOLUCI, J. H. Playing on a Moving Pitch: foregrounding the impact of sociocultural contexts on social movements and brands. Journal of Marketing Management, v. 38, p. 1041-1041, 2022

ROSENTHAL, B. Ideologia Política e Consumo: algumas reflexões introdutórias. RIMAR, v. 12, p. 86-91, 2022

ROSENTHAL, B.; Cardoso, Flavia ; Abdalla, C. (Mis)Representations of Older Consumers in Advertising: stigma and inadequacy in ageing societies. Journal of Marketing Management, v. 37, p. 569-593, 2021.

ARAKELIAN, JOSÉ SARKIS; BRITO, E. P. Z.; ROSENTHAL, B. The Legitimation of Global Football Brands in the Brazilian Marketplace. Internext (São Paulo), v. 15, p. 104-117, 2020.

ROSENTHAL, B. Quando as Pessoas Viram Marcas. GV Executivo, v. 19, p. 39-42, 2020.

Rosenthal, Benjamin. A Ascensão das Marcas Solidárias. GV Executivo, v. 19, p. 42-45, 2020.

Moraes, L. U.; ROSENTHAL, B. O Potencial da Loja Dentro da Loja. GV Executivo, v. 19, p. 30-33, 2020.

Rosenthal, Benjamin. O Lado Político das Marcas. GV Executivo, v. 18, p. 46-46, 2019.

ROSENTHAL, B.; Brito, E. P. Z. Running Through Time: How Life Rhythms Foster Identity Permanence. Advances in Consumer Research, v. 46, p. 276-282, 2018.

ROSENTHAL, B.; BRITO, E. P. Z.; COELHO, MAGALI. O Dilema dos Veículos de Comunicação. GV Executivo, v. 17, p. 44, 2018.

SANTANA, J.; ROSENTHAL, B. Rua Prinsengracht, 263: Rostidade e Espaço nas Realidades Possíveis em O Diário de Anne Frank. Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture (Online), v. 39, p. 71-80, 2017.

ROSENTHAL, B.; Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith. How Virtual Brand Community Traces May Increase Fan Engagement in Brand Pages. Business Horizons, v. 60, p. 375-384, 2017.

Rosenthal, Benjamin. Marketing na Era Digital. GV Executivo, v. 16, p. 17-19, 2017.

ROSENTHAL, B.; GAMBAGORTE, E. Apartamentos Compactos: Espaços Privado e Público Atuando sobre o Consumir na Metrópole. Rimar, v. 7, p. 224-238, 2017.

SANTANA, J.; ROSENTHAL, B. Crazy Lady is an Early Old Woman and Needs Care. Revista Kairós Gerontologia, v. 20, p. 27-44, 2017.

Rosenthal, Benjamin; Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith. The Brand Meaning Co-creation Process on Facebook. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, v. 35, p. 923-936, 2017.



Brito, E. P. Z.; Zanette, M. C.; Abdalla, C.; Ferreira, Mateus; Limongi, Ricardo; ROSENTHAL, B. Corporate Branding in Facebook Fan Pages: Ideas for Improving Your Brand Value. 1. ed. Business Expert Press, 2015. 110p .


Book chapters: 

ROSENTHAL, B. Silver Economy. In. José Antônio Esper Curiati; Wilson Jacob Filho; Kelem de Negreiros Cabral; Luiz Antonio Gil Junior; Pedro Kallas Curiati Geriatria - Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências (Volume 2)  ed. 1 , São Paulo , Editora dos Editores , 2024, v. 2 , p. 1-482.

ROSENTHAL, B. O que São Comunidades e Qual É Seu Papel Para Marcas e Consumidores? In: Karin Brondino-Pompeo; Isabela Carvalho de Morais; Carla Caires Abdalla. (Org.). Aspectos culturais do consumo: fundamentos, fronteiras e aplicações. 1ed.Sao Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, 2022, v. 1, p. 35-53.

ROSENTHAL, B. O que É Estigma e Porque Isso Importa para o Marketing. In: Karin Brondino-Pompeo; Isabela Carvalho de Morais; Carla Caires Abdalla. (Org.). O que é estigma e porque isso importa para o marketing. 1ed.Sao Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, 2022, v. 1, p. 54-75.

ROSENTHAL, B.; ARCURI, A. How to Map and Select Digital Influencers for Marketing Campaigns. In: Sevil Yesiloglu; Joyce Costello. (Org.). Influencer Marketing Building Brand Communities and Engagement. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2020, v. p. 59-76.

Rosenthal, Benjamin; Cardoso, Flavia. The Role of Subcultural Activism in the Reshaping of Mainstream Markets: From Positive to Negative Associations. In: Özçağlar-Toulouse, N.; Rinallo, D.; Belk, R. W.(Org.). Research in Consumer Behavior. 1ed.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016, v. 18, p. 127-146.

Zanette, Maria Carolina; Rosenthal, Benjamin; Abdalla, Carla; Ferreira, Mateus; Brito, Eliane Pereira Zamith. Consumers and Companies on Facebook Fan Pages: An Analysis of Online Communication Strategies for Small Companies. Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2015, v., p. 100-102.

ROSENTHAL, B.; Flavia Cardoso. There Will not Be a World Cup? The Kratophanous Power of the FIFA 2014  World Cup in Brazil. In: Thyroff, A. E.; Murray, J. B.; Belk, R. W.(Org.). Consumer Culture Theory: Advances in Consumer Behavior. 1ed.: Emerald Group Publishing, 2015, v. 17, p. 367-400.

Bendit, Zilla Patricia; Rosenthal, Benjamin. Market Research through Online Custom Panel. Innovations in Services Marketing and Management. 1ed.: IGI Global, 2014, v., p. 89-101.


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