Apinyapon Seingyai
Apinyapon Seingyai graduated with a doctoral degree in Business Economics from Insper Institute of Education and Research, focusing on financial regulation, banking, corporate finance, and monetary policy. The topic of her working papers is the impact of Basel lll regulation and deposit insurance on bank risk, performance, and competition. She has been presenting the works at international conferences, such as American Finance Association, Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, International Economic Association World Congress, Lubrafin, and at Brazilian conference, such as EBFin and EBE. She graduated Master in Economics from University of Southern California, USA, Bachelor in Economics (Monetary Economics) from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She has 7-year experiences in risk modeling, risk management, and risk consulting for financial institutions.
VASCONCELOS, VITOR VIEIRA ; SEINGYAI, APINYAPON. Planning for Sustainable Development: a simulation game. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, v. 20, p. 1-13, 2021.
VASCONCELOS, V. V. ; SEINGYAI, A. The Songs of the Violated Vereda Wetlands in the Nooks of Brazilian Savannah Backlands. Campo.Território, v. 8, p. 480-508, 2013.
Working Papers:
The Impact of Financial Regulation on Bank Risk and Performance: The Basel III Spillover Experiment
The Impact of Deposit Insurance on Bank Risk and Competition: Bank Level Analysis