Maciel Manoel de Queiroz

Maciel Manoel de Queiroz

He is an Associate Professor at FGV EAESP and a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow – Level 2. He holds a Ph.D. (2017) and M.Sc.(2011) in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, a Specialization in Business Logistics from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2008) and a Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) from the University Center of Santo André (2006). His main research area is digital transformation in organizational networks and supply chains, involving emerging technologies, adoption and diffusion, with emphasis on Industry 4.0, Digital supply chain capabilities, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Logistics Management and RAUSP Management Journal. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Information Management. Author of the book “Managing the Digital Transformation: Aligning Technologies, Business Models, and Operations”.



Fosso Wamba, S., Queiroz, M. M., Ngai, E. W. T., Riggins, F., & Bendavid, Y. The Interplay between Artificial Intelligence, Production Systems, and Operations Management Resilience. International Journal of Production Research, v. 62, n.15, p. 5361–5366, 2024.

Alkhudary, R., Queiroz, M. M., & Féniès, P. Mitigating the Risk of Specific Supply Chain Disruptions through Blockchain Technology. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, v. 25, n.1, 1–11, 2024.

Martins, C.M., Pereira, S.C.F., Scarpin, M.R.S., Queiroz, M.M. and Cavalcante, M.d.S. (2024), The Impact of Customer Pressures and Government Regulations on the Implementation of Socio-environmental Practices in Organic Certification in the Amazon region, Benchmarking: An International Journal, ahead-of-print.

Fosso Wamba, S., Queiroz, M.M., Pappas, I.O., Sullivan, I. Artificial Intelligence Capability and Firm Performance: A Sustainable Development Perspective by the Mediating Role of Data-Driven Culture. Information Systems Frontiers, 2024.

Queiroz, M.M., Fosso Wamba, S., Raut, R.D., Pappas, I. O. Does Resilience Matter for Supply Chain Performance in Disruptive Crises with Scarce Resources? British Journal of Management, v. 35, n. 2, p. 974-991, 2024.

Gupta, Y., Khan, F.M., Kumar, A., Luthra, S. and Queiroz, M.M. Mobilising Big Data Analytics Capabilities to Improve Performance of Tourism Supply Chains: the moderating role of dynamic capabilities. The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 35, n. 2, p. 649-679, 2024.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; WAMBA-TAGUIMDJE, SERGE-LOPEZ; LU, QIHUI; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. How Emerging Technologies Can Solve Critical Issues in Organizational Operations: an analysis of blockchain-driven projects in the public sector. Government Information Quarterly, v. 41, p. 101912, 2024.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; TRINCHERA, LAURA. The Role of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Dynamic Capability on Environmental Performance: the mediation effect of a data-driven culture in France and the USA. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 268 , p. 109131 , 2024.

FOSSO-WAMBA, S.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; HAMZI, L. A Bibliometric and Multi-disciplinary Quasi-systematic Analysis of Social Robots: past, future, and insights of human-robot interaction. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 197, p. 122912, 2023.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE; SHI, CHUNMING (VICTOR). Are Both Generative AI and ChatGPT Gme Changers for 21st-Century Operations and Supply Chain Excellence? International Journal of Production Economics, v. 265, p. 109015, 2023.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; PEREIRA, SUSANA CARLA FARIAS; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE. The Metaverse as a Breakthrough for Operations and Supply Chain Management: implications and call for action. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 43, p. 1539-1553, 2023.

MACHADO, MARCIO CARDOSO; CORREA, VICTOR SILVA; QUEIROZ, MACIEL MANOEL DE; COSTA, GETÚLIO CAMELO. Can Global Reporting Initiative Reports Reveal companies’ green supply chain management practices? Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 383, p. 135554, 2023.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; TAN, KIM HUA; HUO, BAOFENG. Guest Editorial: digital transformation strategy and impacts during emergency situations. Industrial Management & Data Systems, v. 123, p. 1-9, 2023.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. A Framework Based on Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Analytics to Leverage Supply Chain Resilience considering the COVID-19. IFAC - Papersonline, v. 55, p. 2396-2401, 2022.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; IVANOV, DMITRY; DOLGUI, ALEXANDRE; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL. Impacts of Epidemic Outbreaks on Supply Chains: mapping a research agenda amid the COVID-19 pandemic through a structured literature review. Annals of operations research, v. 319, p. 1159-1196, 2022.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; Wamba, Samuel Fosso; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE; MACHADO, MARCIO C. Supply Chain Resilience in the UK during the Coronavirus Pandemic: a resource orchestration perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 245, p. 108405, 2022.

CORREA, V. S.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; ALMEIDA, M.; SHIGAKI, H. B. Entrepreneurial Orientation Far Beyond Opportunity: the influence of the necessity for innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, v. 28, p. 952-979, 2022.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Industry 4.0 and the Supply Chain Digitalisation: a blockchain diffusion perspective. Production Planning & Control, v. 33, p. 193-210, 2022.

RAMOS, C. R. S.; QUEIROZ, M. M. Blockchain in Education: the influence of trust on adoption and implementation. Rausp Management Journal, v. 57, p. 316-331, 2022.

CALLEFI, M. H. B. M.; GANGA, G. M. D.; GODINHO FILHO, MOACIR; QUEIROZ, M. M.; REIS, V.; REIS, J. G. M. Technology-enabled Capabilities in Road Freight Transportation Systems: a multi-method study. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 203, p. 117497, 2022.

DWIVEDI, Y. K. HUGHES, L. BAABDULLAH, A. M. RIBEIRO-NAVARRETE, S. GIANNAKIS, M. AL-DEBEI, M. M. DENNEHY, D. METRI, B. BUHALIS, D. CHEUNG, C. M. K. CONBOY, K. DOYLE, R. DUBEY, R. DUTOT, V. FELIX, R. GOYAL, D. GUSTAFSSON, A. HINSCH, C. JEBABLI, I. JANSSEN, M. KIM, Y. KIM, J. KOOS, S. KREPS, D. KSHETRI, N. , et al.; Metaverse Beyond the Hype: multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, v. 66, p. 102542, 2022.

CORREA, V. S.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; SHIGAKI, H. B. Social Capital and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation: innovativeness, proactivity, and risk-taking in an emerging economy. Benchmarking, v. 27, p. 2280-2298, 2021.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; BAWACK, RANSOME EPIE; GUTHRIE, CAMERON; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; CARILLO, KEVIN DANIEL ANDRÉ. Are We Preparing for a Good AI Society? A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 164, p. 120482, 2021.

KUMAR, S.; RAUT, R. D.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; NARKHEDE, B. E. Mapping the Barriers of AI Implementations in the Public Distribution System: the Indian experience. Technology in Society, v. 67, p. 101737, 2021.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; ROSCOE, SAMUEL; PHILLIPS, WENDY; KAPLETIA, DHARM; AZADEGAN, ARASH. Guest Editorial Emerging Technologies in Emergency Situations. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 41, p. 1405-1416, 2021.

FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; BRAGANZA, ASHLEY. Preface: artificial intelligence in operations management. Annals of Operations Research, v. 308, p. 1-6, 2021.

BELHADI, AMINE; KAMBLE, SACHIN; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Building Supply-chain Resilience: an artificial intelligence-based technique and decision-making framework. International Journal of Production Research, v. 60, p. 4487-4507, 2021.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; BRANSKI, REGINA M. Supply Chain Resilience during the COVID-19: empirical evidence from an emerging economy. Benchmarking, v. 29, p. 1999-2018, 2021.

NAYAL, KIRTI; KUMAR, SHASHANK; RAUT, RAKESH D.; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; PRIYADARSHINEE, PRAGATI; NARKHEDE, BALKRISHNA E. Supply Chain Firm Performance in Circular Economy and Digital Era to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Business Strategy and the Environment, v. 31, p. 1058-1073, 2021.

CORRÊA, VICTOR SILVA; BRITO, FERNANDA REGINA DA SILVA; LIMA, ROSILEINE MENDONÇA DE; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Female Entrepreneurship in Emerging and Developing countries: a systematic literature review. International Journal Of Gender And Entrepreneurship, v. 14, p. 300-322, 2021.

REBELO, RÔMULO MARCOS LARDOSA; PEREIRA, SUSANA CARLA FARIAS; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. The Interplay between the Internet of Things and Supply Chain Management: challenges and opportunities based on a systematic literature review. Benchmarking, v. 29, p. 683-711, 2021.

LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, ANA BEATRIZ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE; SARKIS, JOSEPH; LATAN, HENGKY; ROUBAUD, DAVID; GODINHO FILHO, MOACIR; QUEIROZ, MACIEL. Fostering Low-carbon Production and Logistics Systems: framework and empirical evidence. International Journal of Production Research, v. 59, p. 7106-7125, 2021.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; BLOME, CONSTANTIN; SIVARAJAH, UTHAYASANKAR. Fostering Financial Inclusion in a Developing Country. Journal of Global Information Management, v. 29, p. 195-220, 2021.

MARTINS, S.; MACHADO, M. C.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES, R. The Relationship between Quality and Governance Mechanisms. Benchmarking, v. 27, p. 1085-1104, 2020.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; FOSSO-WAMBA, S.; MACHADO, M. C.; TELLES, R. Smart Production Systems Drivers for Business Process Management Improvement. Business Process Management Journal, v. 26, p. 1075-1092, 2020.

FOSSO WAMBA, S.; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; TRINCHERA, LAURA. Dynamics between Blockchain Adoption Determinants and Supply Chain Performance: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 229, p. 107791, 2020.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; MENDES, ANDRÉ BERGSTEN. Critical Success Factors of the Brazilian Offshore Support Vessel Industry: a flexible systems approach. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, v. 21, p. 33-48, 2020.

TELLES, R.; ARTEN, F. T.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; CARNEIRO-DA-CUNHA, J. A. Knowledge and Innovation Diffusion in Retailing Clusters: an analysis based on the social perspective. International Journal of Knowledge-based Development (online), v. 11, p. 268-287, 2020.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Blockchain in the Operations and Supply Chain Management: Benefits, Challenges and Future Research Opportunities. International Journal of Information Management, v. 52, p. 102064, 2020.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL; DE BOURMONT, MARC; TELLES, RENATO. Blockchain Adoption in Operations and Supply Chain Management: empirical evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Production Research, v. 59, p. 1-17, 2020.

CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE; FIORINI, PAULA DE CAMARGO; NDUBISI, NELSON OLY; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; PIATO, ÉDERSON LUIZ. Digitally-enabled Sustainable Supply Chains in the 21st Century: a review and a research agenda. Science of the Total Environment, v. 725, p. 138177, 2020.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL. Blockchain Adoption Challenges in Supply Chain: an empirical investigation of the main drivers in India and the USA. International Journal of Information Management, v. 46, p. 70-82, 2019.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. A Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain in Emerging Economies. Environmental Quality Management, v. 28, p. 7-15, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, M. C. C.; MACHADO, M. C.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES, R. A Influência dos Instrumentos de Governança na Indução de Práticas Green em Redes de Suprimentos: uma proposta teórica. Interciencia, v. 44, p. 196-202, 2019.

LARA DE SIQUEIRA, JOÃO PAULO; TELLES, RENATO; M. QUEIROZ, MACIEL; YOSHIHIRO HAMAJI, EDISON; GOMES FERREIRA, GABRIEL. Network Characteristics of Volleyball Teams in Brazil: amateurism and professionalism. Podium: Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, v. 8, p. 403-417, 2019.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; PEREIRA, S. C. F. Intention to Adopt Big Data in Supply Chain Management: a brazilian perspective. RAE. Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 59, p. 389-401, 2019.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. The Role of Social Influence in Blockchain Adoption: the Brazilian supply chain case. IFAC-Papersonline, v. 52, p. 1715-1720, 2019.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; TELLES, RENATO; BONILLA, SILVIA H. Blockchain and Supply Chain Management Integration: a systematic review of the literature. Supply Chain Management – an International Journal, v. 25, p. 241-254, 2019.

MACHADO, MARCIO C.; TELLES, RENATO; SAMPAIO, PAULO; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FERNANDES, ANA CRISTINA. Performance Measurement for Supply Chain Management and Quality Management Integration. Benchmarking, v. 27, p. 2130-2147, 2019.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES, R.; HAMAJI, E. Y. Innovations in the Brazilian Offshore Support Vessel Chain: a content analysis approach. Revista Científica Hermes, v. 21, p. 400-418, 2018.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL MANOEL; TELLES, RENATO. Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain and Logistics: an empirical approach. International Journal of Logistics Management, v. 29, p. 767-783, 2018.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. A Framework Based on Twitter and Big Data Analytics to Enhance Sustainability Performance. Environmental Quality Management (print), v. 28, p. 95-100, 2018.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; SARDEIRO, F. G.; CARNEIRO, M. C. C. C. Avaliação de Cadeias de Suprimentos Sustentáveis: o caso dos operadores logísticos brasileiros. Revista de Micro e Pequenas Empresas e Empreendedorismo da Fatec-Osasco, v. 3, p. 3-17, 2017.

TELLES, RENATO; DUARTE, IVANDILSON SOUZA; QUEIROZ, MACIEL MANOEL; NOVAES, NATÁLIA. Job Diagnostic Survey: a team project information technology perspective. Revista Científica Hermes, v. 16, p. 69-89, 2016.

KUSTERS, D.; NOGUEIRA, G.; QUEIROZ, M. M. Serviços de Infraestrutura como Opção às Alocações de Alto Risco Representadas pelas Inovações Financeiras e Indutor do Processo de Desenvolvimento Econômico Local. South American Development Society Journal, v. 1, p. 85-99, 2015.

TELLES, R.; QUEIROZ, M. M. Posicionamento de Marca: uma perspectiva da evolução do conceito. Revista Científica Hermes, v. 8, p. 187-207, 2013.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; ROMBOLI, S. M.; TELLES, R. Fatores Competitivos na Indústria de Prestadores de Serviços Logísticos (PSLS) do Brasil. Revista Científica Hermes, v. 7, p. 48-62, 2012.

LÉLIS, Eliacy Cavalcanti; QUEIROZ, M. M.; SIMON, A. T. Modelagem e Inteligência Competitiva na Área de Compras. Revista de Logística da Fatec-Carapicuíba, v. 1, p. 61-72, 2010.


Book chapters: 

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Factors Influencing Blockchain Diffusion in the Supply Chain. Research Anthology on Blockchain Technology in Business, Healthcare, Education, and Government. 1ed.: IGI Global, 2021, v., p. 1795-1812.

Maan, Nitish; Manupati, Vijaya Kumar; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; Mohanty, Biswajita. Challenges Faced and Preparedness of Agriculture Supply Chain During COVID-19. In: Sakthivel A.R., Kandasamy J., Davim J.P. (Org.). Management and Industrial Engineering. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2021, v., p. 29-40.

QUEIROZ, MACIEL M.; FOSSO WAMBA, SAMUEL. The Role of Digital Connectivity in Supply Chain and Logistics Systems: A Proposed SIMPLE Framework. In: Hattingh M.; Matthee M.; Smuts H.; Pappas I.; Dwivedi Y.; Mäntymäki M. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v. 12066, p. 79-88.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. Factors Influencing Blockchain Diffusion in the Supply Chain. In: S. Ponnambalam, N. Subramanian, M. Tiwari, & W. Wan Yusoff. (Org.). Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science. 1ed.Hershey: IGI Global, 2019, v. 1, p. 38-60.

Wamba, Samuel Fosso; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. A Bibliometric Analysis and Research Agenda on Smart Cities. In: Dwivedi Y., Ayaburi E., Boateng R., Effah J. (Org.). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2019, v. 558, p. 325-335.

QUEIROZ, M. M. O Impacto do Fenômeno da Indústria 4.0 nas Cadeias de Suprimentos. In: BARROS NETO, João Pinheiro de; SANTOS, Fernando de Almeida. (Org.). Temas Contemporâneos de Pesquisa em Gestão. 1ed.São Paulo: Livrus, 2017, v., p. 139-156.

QUEIROZ, M. M.; MENDES, A. B. Heuristic Approach for Solving a Pipe Layer Fleet Scheduling Problem. In: Enrico Rizzuto; Carlos Guedes Soares. (Org.). Heuristic Approach for Solving a Pipe Layer Fleet Scheduling Problem. 1ed.London: Taylor & Francis, 2012, v. 2, p. 1073-1080.


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