Luciana Harumi Hashiba Maestrelli Horta
She holds a degree in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1989) and an MBA in Business Management from Insper - SP (Ibmec) (2000). She got a master's degree (2008) and a doctorate (2013) in Business Administration at the Getulio Vargas Foundation - SP in the line of Operations Management and Competitiveness, in the topics collaboration and performance, innovation and sustainability, respectively. She was responsible for Innovation Management and Networks - Natura Inovação e Tecnologia de Produtos, being responsible for the Strategic Management of Innovation and Open Innovation in Network, focusing on the company's innovation capacity, encompassing the following topics: strategic planning of innovation, management (portfolio, pipeline and projects), management and funding of innovation promotion, intellectual property (technical perspective), management of innovation partnerships, network intelligence and innovative entrepreneurship. She participated in the CNPq Deliberative Council, in the Superior Council of the USP Innovation Agency and the Council of the Methodist School of Corporate Education. Currently, she is dedicated to education for innovation at FGV EAESP (graduation and post-graduation), as well as executive education in different organizations. In addition, she is currently endeavoring by We Fab.
JOSGRILBERG, FABIO BOTELHO; HASHIBA, LUCIANA; JULIOTTI, RENATA. Categorias Emergentes de Comunicação para Gestão da Inovação em Grandes Empresas. Organicom (USP), v. 19, p. 146-159, 2022.
CAMPOS, J. B. S.; HASHIBA, LUCIANA; GOULART, D. Como Afinar a Orquestra Empreendedora. GV Executivo, v. 21, p. 51-54, 2022.
LIMA, JOÃO CARDIM FERREIRA ; TORKOMIAN, ANA LÚCIA VITALE ; PEREIRA, SUSANA CARLA FARIAS ; OPRIME, PEDRO CARLOS ; HASHIBA, LUCIANA HARUMI. Socioeconomic Impacts of University-Industry Collaborations-A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (JOITMC), v. 7, p. 137, 2021.
VIDA, L. ; HASHIBA, L. Caminhos para Integrar os Elos. GV Executivo, v. 19, p. 22-25, 2020.
HASHIBA, LUCIANA; SARTORETTO, CRISTINA . Os Desafios de Interagir com Startups. GV Executivo, v. 19, p. 16-19, 2020.
JOSGRILBERG, F.; HASHIBA, L. A Jornada da Inovação Aberta e Cinco Mitos a Serem Superados. Harvard Business Review, v. 2019, p. 76-81, 2019.
HASHIBA, L. H.; Paiva, E. L. Incorporating Sustainability in thr New Product Development Process: An Analysis Based on the Resource-based View. Base (UNISINOS), v. 13, p. 188-199-199, 2016.
BRITO, L. A. L.; BRITO, Eliane Pereira Zamith; HASHIBA-HORTA, L. What Type of Cooperation with Suppliers and Customers Leads to Superior Performance? Journal of Business Research, v. 67, p. 952-959, 2014.