Libânia Rangel de Alvarenga Paes

Libânia Rangel de Alvarenga Paes

Professor and consultant in the areas of Information Technology and Operations. Doctor and master by FGV EAESP; specialist in Hospital Administration and Health Systems at FGV EAESP and specialist in Hospital Administration at the São Camilo University Center. She is a professor at FGV EAESP in the Specialization Courses in Administration for Graduates (CEAG), Specialization in Hospital Administration and Health Systems (CEAHS), Graduation in Business Administration, Graduation in Public Administration, MBAs and In Courses Company. Professor at the SENAC University Center, in the post-graduation courses in Health Management and Health Plan Management. She is coordinator of the Health Information and of the Information Technology discipline at FGV EAESP. She is experienced in national and multinational companies in the areas of IT, Electronic Commerce and Supply Chain, with emphasis in the areas of services and retail. She is a partner and director of Educere, a consultancy specializing in electronic education. 



PAES, L. R. A. Gestão de Operações em Saúde para Hospitais, Clínicas e Consultórios. 1. ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2010.


Book chapters: 

PAES, L. R. A. Gestão de Processos. In: Mitsue Isosaki; José Manoel de Camargo Teixeira; Vinícius Somolanji Trevisani; Vitor Modesto Rosa; Elisabeth Cardoso; Marisa Aquino. (Org.). Nutrição Hospitalar - Qualidade em Saúde - da teoria à prática dos serviços. 1ed.São Paulo: Atheneu, 2019, v. 1, p. 81-91.

PAES, L. R. A. Planejamento de Escopo, Tempo, RH, Comunicação, Aquisições e Qualidade de Projetos. In: Alberto Luiz Albertin, Rosa Maria de Moura Albertin. (Org.). Projetos de Tecnologia de Informação. 1ed.São Paulo: Atlas, 2016, v. , p. 137-.


Research syntheses

