Gisele Walczak Galilea

Gisele Walczak Galilea

Doctor student of Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas foundation. Master in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (receiving a degree of distinction in her defense). Accounting and Finance Professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation and at the Insper Institute for Teaching and Research. She has worked for 10 years in the development of activities related to Financial and Accounting Management and Planning in national and multinational companies (including JBS S.A., Unibanco, PSA Peugeot Citroen). She works with consultancy related to the analysis of indebtedness and projects of corporate financial restructuring. 



GAMA, MARINA AMADO BAHIA; GALILEA, GISELE WALCZAK; BANDEIRA-DE-MELLO, RODRIGO; MARCON, ROSILENE. With Other People's Money: campaign financing as an agency problem. Journal of General Management, v. 45, p. 40-49, 2019.

FERREIRA, R. G. ; ZAMBALDI, F. ; GALILEA, GISELE WALCZAK . Trilhas que se Abrem: acreditações internacionais, intercâmbio de alunos e professores, fluxo global de ideias. GV Executivo, v. 18, p. 30, 2019.

ARVATE, PAULO ROBERTO; GALILEA, GISELE WALCZAK; TODESCAT, ISABELA. The Queen Bee: a myth? The effect of top-level female leadership on subordinate females. Leadership Quarterly, v. 29, p. 533-548, 2018.

GALILEA, GISELE; JÚNIOR, WILLIAM. The Competitive Structure and Strategic Positioning of the Bank Industry in the Face of Major Environmental Disturbances: a study of Brazilian banks. BBR. Brazilian Business Review (English Ed.), v. 14, p. 368-384, 2017.



GALILEA, G.W.; EID JUNIOR, W. Estrutura Competitiva e Posicionamento Estratégico dos Bancos Brasileiros. 1. ed. São Paulo: Editora Quartier Latin do Brasil, 2014. 103p.

