André Aroldo Freitas De Moura

André Aroldo Freitas De Moura

I hold a Ph.D. degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Birmingham (UK), an MPhil in Business Administration and Controllership from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), a BSc in Accounting from UFC (Magna Cum Laude), and a BTech in Security and Information Technology from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB).

In 2008, I was the manager of a small family business, Casa Moura LTDA. In 2011, I worked as an Investor Relations analyst at M. Dias Branco SA. Since 2014, I have been providing consultancy in Equity Valuation, cost of capital, the impact of IFRS in Latin America, and statistical analysis. In 2016 and 2017, I taught at the University of Birmingham (UK) and was an Assistant professor at Swansea University (UK). I also provided consultancy in England between 2015 and 2017.

Since mid-2019, I co-founded a startup named Upthinkr, the first Venture Knowledge house in Brazil. As a co-founder and consultant at Upthinkr, I have been providing financial consultancy to startups in the Valuation area, as well as a member of the board of directors of these startups. In 2021 I co-founded Nossobb - a startup focused on making the journey of motherhood and fatherhood easier, offering a private social network (we call it the baby's room), an automatic gift list, scheduled delivery, etc.

I served as Associate Professor at FUCAPE Business School (ES) between 2018 and mid-2021, teaching undergraduate, MBA, Masters, and Professional Doctorate courses. I am currently a Career Professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) – EAESP. My research has been published in internationally recognized journals (ABS 3) such as the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, the Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, and other national and international peer-reviewed journals. In research, I have expertise in the Brazilian, Latin American, and American markets, focusing on financial analysts, creditors, the impact of accounting standards, and their consequences for investors.



Gupta, J., Barzotto, M., De Moura, A.A.F. (2024). Bankruptcy Resolution: Misery or Strategy. Abacus. Early View.

SILVA, F. F.; DE MOURA, A. A. F. Mulheres Executivas Evitam Problemas Financeiros? Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, v. 15, p. 17-32, 2022.

GONCALVES, F.; DE MOURA, A. A. F.; Motoki, F. Y. S. What Influences the Implementation of IFRS for SMEs? The Brazilian Case. Accounting And Finance, p. 2947-2992, 2022.

CUNHA, D. R. S. ; DE MOURA, A. A. F. ; Cruz, P. B. Impact of Gender Diversity and Compliance Committees on Firms' Value and Financial Performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33:20 , p. 4034-4057, 2022.

Galdi, F. C. ; DE MOURA, A. A. F. ; FRANCA, R. Loan Loss Provision Models in Brazilian Banks. Meditari Accountancy Research, v. 29, p. 1473-1491, 2021.

DE MOURA, ANDRÉ AROLDO FREITAS; ALTUWAIJRI, ALJAOHRA ; GUPTA, JAIRAJ. Did Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect the Cost of Capital in Latin American Countries? Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, v. 38, p. 100301-18, 2020.

DE MOURA, ANDRÉ AROLDO FREITAS; GUPTA, JAIRAJ. Mandatory Adoption of IFRS in Latin America: a boon or a bias. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, v. 60, p. 111-133, 2019.

DE MOURA, A. A. F.; COELHO, A. C. Impact of Changes in Accounting Standards in Debt Ratios of Firms: Evidence in Brazil. BBR. Brazilian Business Review (English Ed.), v. 13, p. 27-50, 2016.

DOMINGOS, S. R. M. ; DE MOURA, A.A.F. Reputação Corporativa e Desempenho: uma análise nas maiores companhias abertas do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Contabilidade, v. 5, p. 31-44, 2015.

MOURA, A. A. F.; DOMINGOS, S. R. M. ; CABRAL, A. C. A. ; SANTOS, S. M. Corporate Governance under the Perspective of Isomorphism: A BM&FBovespa Banking Industry Approach. Revista de Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade, v. 4, p. 23-44, 2014.

OLIVEIRA, Abdinardo Moreira Barreto de ; Ramalho, Rodrigo de Oliveira ; DE MOURA, A.A.F. Gestão de Capital de Giro Líquido e de Fluxo de Caixa em Risco de Empresas de Bens Industriais Listadas na BMF&Bovespa. Revista de Contabilidade da UFBA, v. 7, p. 38-51, 2013.

Nascimento, Fernando Saulo Pinheiro ; MOURA, A. A. F. ; Luca, Márcia Martins Mendes ; GALLON, Alessandra Vasconcellos. Práticas de Governança Corporativa dos Conselhos de Administração das Empresas do Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA. Revista de Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade, v. 3, p. 148-169, 2013.

Souza, A.C.A.A ; DE MOURA, A.A.F. ; CABRAL, A. C. A. ; SANTOS, S. M. ; PESSOA, M. N. M. Fatores Contingenciais Relevantes em uma Empresa Incubada: Enfrentamento de Desafios a Partir da Inovação. GESTÃO.ORG, v. 11, p. 69, 2013.

Luca, Márcia Martins Mendes ; DE MOURA, A. A. F. ; Nascimento, Fernando Saulo Pinheiro. Evidenciação Voluntária de Informações Sociais por Empresas de Capital Aberto no Brasil com Base nos Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social da ONU. Revista Alcance - Eletrônica, v. 19, p. 362-380, 2012.

de Moura, A.P. ; DE MOURA, A.A.F. Analysis of Injected Apparent Power and Flicker in a Distribution Network after Wind Power Plant Connection. IET Renewable Power Generation, v. 2, p. 113, 2008.


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