Alexandra Strommer de Farias Godoi

Alexandra Strommer de Farias Godoi

Alexandra Godoi worked for seven years in the financial market, reaching in the JP Morgan S.A. Bank a position as Vice President and Senior Analyst in the area of Equity Research, expert in the Oil, Gas and Electric Energy for Latin America and Eastern Europe. Having worked in the São Paulo offices and in the bank's headquarters in New York, she gave lectures and presentations to investors in the USA, Canada, Europe and Latin America. Alexandra was named the best variable-income analyst in Brazil by Institutional Investor of Brazil for the electric energy sector in Latin America (2000) and received a silver medal by Latin Finance magazine as the second best variable income analyst for the electricity sector in Latin America (2001). Currently, she is teaching and coordinating the course of Applied Microeconomics of the Business Administration course at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EAESP), being among the best evaluated teachers of the course, according to the students, since 2011. As a doctor of Economics, Getulio Vargas Foundation, she had her doctorate thesis in the area of Behavioral Economics and Firm Investment guided by Prof. Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira. She was one of the first professionals in Brazil to obtain the right to use the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation, granted by the American organization CFA Institute, a certification of great international recognition in the financial area. Graduated in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation in 1997, she obtained the merit award bestowed by the Regional Administration Counci awarded to the student with the best academic performance. She graduated first in the Vestibular Fuvest/1994 for a career in Business Administration.



GODOI, A. S. F.; GOLDBAUM, SERGIO. Quick Case: Inteligência Artificial e o Conceito de Função de Produção. GVcasos - Revista Brasileira de Casos de Ensino em Administração, v. 14, p. 2, 2024.

GODOI, A. S. F. ; GOLDBAUM, Sergio . Quick case: Plaza Shopping e o Dilema dos Prisioneiros. GVcasos - Revista Brasileira de Casos de Ensino em Administração, v. 14, p. 1, 2024.

AMANDA MARTINEZ EL GHOSSAIN; VIEIRA, Anna De Abreu Sampaio Navarro Vieira A. A. S. N.; GODOI, ALEXANDRA STROMMER; Gustavo Corrêa Mirapalheta. Análise da Recomendações de Analistas de Equity Research com Base em Gênero. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 64 , p. e2023-0182, 2024.

GODOI, A. S. F. O Que é Liberalismo, Afinal? GV Executivo, v. 18, p. 40-43, 2019.

FELISONI, DANIEL DARGHAN ; GODOI, ALEXANDRA STROMMER. Cell Phone Usage and Academic Performance: an experiment. Computers & Education, v. 117, p. 175-187, 2018.

GODOI, A. S. F. Valuation Models and Simon's Bounded Rationality. Revista de Economia Política (Impresso), v. 29, p. 54-70, 2009.

GODOI, A. S. F. O Milagre Irlandês como Exemplo da Adoção de uma Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento. Revista de Economia Política (impresso), v. 27, p. 546-566, 2007.



GODOI, A. S. F. Escolher Bem, Escolher Mal - Armadilhas da Tomada de Decisão. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Best Seller, 2020. v. 1. 347p.

GODOI, ALEXANDRA STROMMER; CAVALIERI, C. H. ; GOLDBAUM, S. ; FERNANDES, G. A. A. L. . Microeconomia em Ação. 1. ed. São Paulo: Évora, 2018. v. 1. 480p.


Book chapter: 

GODOI, A. S. F. O Método do Fato Histórico Novo. In: Yoshiaki Nakano; José Marcio Rego; Lílian Furquim. (Org.). Em Busca do Novo: O Brasil e o desenvolvimento na obra de Bresser-Pereira. 1aed.Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2004, v. , p. 113-128.

