• Administração de Empresas

Cooperation and collectivity are key elements in a more democratic work environment, study shows


To ensure a more democratic work environment adapted to global challenges, companies must make strategic changes in human resources (HR) management. The reflection is in the article published by researcher from the São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) Renato Souza in the magazine “Scandinavian Journal of Management”.  

Current practices – which take into account centralized leadership and personal performance assessments, for example – contribute to individualism and prevent more collaborative achievements. To overcome the situation, it is necessary to rethink the way organizational practices are designed and implemented, prioritizing mechanisms that generate more cooperation and collectivity between the organization and its members. 

In the study, the author analyzes the human resources management practices currently used in the corporate world and their impacts on the development of a more participatory and sustainable environment, in addition to suggesting strategies to adjust policies to the companies' internal and external needs. 

According to Renato, the corporate context is complex, uncertain and dynamic, and more collaborative and collective HR management practices are essential to accompany major global transformations, such as inequality and climate change, in a sustainable and democratic way – a policy known as very common. Thus, the reformulation of leadership as a collaborative process between members of the organization is one of the main strategies that help achieve these objectives, with the direct participation of employees in decision-making processes and the designation of joint objectives, for example. 

Furthermore, to serve the common good, employee performance management and evaluation systems must take into account not only the characteristics and behaviors of each individual, but the mutual support provided by each member of the organization, collaborative relationships, teamwork and the development of collective and shared goals. One example is the pay gap between men and women, a challenge that concerns the common good and that can be thought of from more cooperative objectives and perspectives in the workplace, highlights the author. 

Check out the full article at  the link . 
