Who is this course for
What to expect
What you will achieve
Daytime: 4 years (3,000 hours)
Attendance and Schedule
Four years: full-time (Portuguese or English)
Granted Title
Career Field
About the program
FGV EAESP's degree in Business Administration is aimed at students who plan to achieve great flights and positively impact the world. The student will find resources and tools to assume a leading position in the transformation not only of companies, but of society and the economy as a whole.
The undergraduate course, created in 1954, has been continuously transformed to maintain its innovative essence in the Brazilian scenario. The student has a solid background, which allows him to have a broad vision as an administrator and citizen, in tune with the demands of the contemporary world and the desires of new generations, based on the principles of ethics, sustainability, entrepreneurship, systemic vision and critical thinking.
Why choose?
The student has a solid background, which allows him/her to have a broad vision as an administrator and citizen, in tune with the demands of the contemporary world and the wishes of the new generations, based on the principles of ethics, sustainability, entrepreneurship, systemic vision and critical thinking. The administrator trained at FGV EAESP is prepared for his professional life and not only for his first job. Most students are employed within a maximum period of two months after graduation.
FGV EAESP is one of the most prestigious business schools in the world: it has the three most important international accreditations since 2004. Only 82 of the 14,000 business schools in the world have this triple crown;
The Business Administration degree course is a fulltime program that offers an English class in which all compulsory courses are in English, as well as most of the electives. The option provides more exposure to the English language and networking opportunities with students from other countries.
1/4 of undergraduate students receive scholarships
300 international students attend our courses each year
3.6 thousand students and 235 teachers
Besides the Vestibular results, FGV also classifies candidates based on the grades provided by the National Institute of Educational Research of the Ministry of Education (INEP/MEC).
Foreign Candidates
The course has a specific selection process for foreign candidates. The modality is composed by document analysis and web interview. In order to participate, you must have foreign nationality or be a Brazilian with dual nationality, have attended the last four curricular years of compulsory education in educational institutions located outside Brazil and not have a university degree.
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Enrollment Period
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R$ 7.200,00
The fees are adjusted annually, in line with direct negotiations with students, through the Academic Division.
Candidates must have graduated from high school (or equivalent).
We are sorry, but there are no scheduled information sessions for the period at this time. If you need more information about the program, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br.
Financing and scholarships
Step-by-step guide
Choose the course modality (full-time or evening). You can prioritize the 1st or 2nd option or the selection process (National: University Entrance Exam or National High School Exam. International: IB, ABITUR, BAC and other exams).
Apply for one or more selection processes, in line with each one’s period, and pay the application fee.
The process is divided into two stages. The first one takes place in line with the chosen selection process, and the second involves an oral test. For the daytime course, there are 400 vacancies per year (200 per semester), and the evening course has 100 places per year (50 per semester). Click here to read the public notice and find out all the details about the selection process.
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Life Long Learning
Non-degree student
Program notice
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After you are selected, you will be able to do a double degree in administration and law, studying administration at FGV EAESP and law at FGV in Sao Paulo at the same time as of the 5th semester.
The school offers refundable and non-refundable scholarships, democratizing access to excellent education. Today, one in five students benefit from our scholarship program.
After being approved in a new selection process, you will be able to attend a few semesters abroad and obtain a degree at both FGV EAESP and your chosen institution in the USA (Northeastern University), Italy (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi), France (École des Hautes Études - HEC, NEOMA Business School and Lyon Business School), Germany (ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen) and China (PKU - Guanghua School of Management).
FGV EAESP is one of a small number of schools in the world with the three main international accreditations in the field of administration (AACSB, EFMD and AMBA), thereby attesting to the quality of the school and its programs.
The FGV EAESP Career Center identifies opportunities at organizations (companies, NGOs and the public sector) and announces these vacancies to students and alumni. As well as providing guidance regarding careers and selection processes, it is also responsible for organizing recruitment events.
6Immersion Week
Held once every semester, the activity includes a series of electives that aim to take the student from the conventional classroom environment to practice. It has the support of several companies and other educational institutions that, in partnership, offer a challenging environment for the student.
Professional Placement
of our alumni get a job within three months of graduating.
of them are in a selection process when they end their course.
Companies that hire the most of our recent graduates:
- Alvarez & Marsal Brasil
- Bain & Company
- Banco Itaú Unibanco
- Banco Bradesco
- Banco BTG Pactual
- Banco BNP Paribas Brasil
- BR Partners
- Credit Suisse
- Easy Taxi
- Endeavor
- Fundação Estudar
- Pátria Investimentos
- Procter & Gamble
- Raízen
- Somos Educação
- Votorantim
- XP Investimentos
I think that the world is getting smaller all the time and we need to prepare, do business with all countries and meet people from everywhere. My idea is to leave the world a better place. That’s my great dream.

Professional education providing a broad view of the world and the capacity for multicultural management.
Essential to develop the capacity for interaction with professionals from across the world.
Why Study in São Paulo?Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration and Public Administration at FGV EAESP share their experiences with moving from other states to São Paulo (portuguese version).
Entrepreneurship at FGV EAESPClick here to see what our students and alumni have to say about their experience studying at FGV EAESP (portuguese version).
Internationalization of FGV EAESPClick here to see what our students and alumni have to say about their experience studying at FGV EAESP (portuguese version).
A Stimulating Ecosystem for InnovationAna Lanna, a graduate student in Business Administration at FGV EAESP, talks about her experience at the School (portuguese version).
Intent ProgramFocused on Entrepreneurial Leadership. Its purpose is to mold creative leaders with a sense of direction and a collaborative spirit. The program offers the opportunity to substitute traditional class credits with classes in CoLab, a room designed with a different concept to facilitate the use of action-oriented methodologies. intenters.com.br (portuguese version).
Immersion WeekStudents share their experiences with Immersion Week (portuguese version).
FGV EAESP Facilities

The FGV 9 de Julho Auditorium can accommodate 315 people, with six spaces for wheelchair users. It hosts around 80 events per year. It has a changing room, central air conditioning, a stage, a simultaneous interpretation booth and an entrance hall with facilities for coffee breaks for up to 160 guests. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

Smaller events are held in the FGV 9 de Julho Room, which can accommodate 88 audience members, plus a head table for up to six people. Fully accessible, it has a changing room, central air conditioning and an entrance hall that can be used for coffee breaks for up to 50 people on foot. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

The Karl A. Boedecker Library (BKAB) is part of the FGV Library System. Its archives span the areas of administration, economics, business, law and social sciences, including books, e-books, magazines, dissertations, theses and DVDs. The library’s users can also access databases containing journal articles, and economic, financial and legal information. It has individual and group study rooms and consultation terminals. On the library’s website, you can access the full list of services, available resources and opening hours.

FGV EAESP’s classrooms feature multimedia equipment, internet access and comfortable furniture to make learning dynamic and pleasant. There are also sponsored classrooms, which use equipment and resources paid for by partner companies in exchange for their logos being displayed to students and employees.

This sophisticated space for events holds up to 150 seated people and it has three head tables for up to seven people each. The infrastructure includes a staff break room and elevator for physically impaired people. The Noble Room functions from 6 am to 11 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

An innovative space created to host academic activities, CoLab is based on a modern and distinct learning model involving collaborative and action-oriented methodologies. Its principles are empathy, a focus on human beings and sharing of responsibilities.

The sports court is a meeting point for students and it also hosts sports events such as indoor soccer and basketball championships. The court is administered by Atlética, an FGV EAESP student organization.

Espaço NEON is FGV’s entrepreneurship area, which brings together FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses), GVentures (FGV’s business accelerator), or GVAngels (FGV’s Angel Investors) and the League of Entrepreneurship (Student Entity in entrepreneurship). There, FGV’s entrepreneurship ecosystem works collaboratively, stimulating innovation and new businesses.

Located at the school’s main entrance on Rua Itapeva, this large space fosters interaction between students and employees.

The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.
Descrição geral das instalações
Based on Avenida 9 de Julho, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista in Sao Paulo, FGV EAESP is composed of a main 12-floor building, the Karl A. Boedecker Library building, and the Getulio Vargas Auditorium, as well as a multisport court and two annex buildings, located at Rua Itapeva, 432. The classrooms, videoconferencing rooms, IT laboratories and integrated systems, all sponsored, are located in FGV Sao Paulo’s different buildings.
The School’s main administrative office, academic departments, most of its administrative departments, the Noble Hall and the Getulio Vargas Academic Office also occupy the main office, as do the professors’ social space, the outpatient medical center, two restaurants and two snack bars. The annex buildings house some administrative departments and student groups such as Aiesec, the Junior Companies group, the Athletics Association and the Employees’ Association.
Can I get an application fee waiver?
You may request an application fee waiver if you have completed or are completing high school (last 3 years) at a public school (municipal, state or federal) in Brazil, or if you have received a full scholarship (100% of tuition fees) at a private school in Brazil throughout high school. To this end, you must prove the above by emailing one of the documents specified in the selection process notice to the FGV University Entrance Exam Center at processoseletivo@fgv.br
Can I take the University Entrance Exam (Vestibular) in another city?
The University Entrance Exam can be taken in the following cities: Sao Paulo, Salvador (Bahia), Londrina (Paraná), Ribeirão Preto (Sao Paulo), Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul), São José dos Campos (Sao Paulo), Goiânia (Goiás) and Recife (Pernambuco). When applying, candidates must choose three of the aforementioned cities, in order of preference, although the city of Sao Paulo must be one of the options. Exams will only be held in cities that at least 20 participants have selected as their first choice. The participants whose first and second choices are not possible because of the aforementioned condition will take the exam in the city of Sao Paulo. Requests to alter the choice of city for taking the exam will only be met during the application period.
Does FGV EAESP accept the National High School Exam (ENEM) as a means of admission?
Yes, this is one of four methods for participating in the selection process for our administration course. For more details, see the selection process public notice.
How are the exams going to take place if the quarantine persists?
We will monitor the evolution of the situation and report any changes that may be necessary in these circumstances. At the moment, we are working with a face-to-face perspective, at the end of July, day 07/26.
What are the application deadlines for the mid-year selection process?
The application deadline for the selection process in all its modalities(Vestibular, ENEM and International Exams) was extended until 07/01/2020.
Step-by-step guide to admissions
Choose the course modality (full-time or evening). You can prioritize the 1st or 2nd option or the selection process (National: University Entrance Exam or National High School Exam. International: IB, ABITUR, BAC and other exams).
Apply for one or more selection processes, in line with each one’s period, and pay the application fee.
The process is divided into two stages. The first one takes place in line with the chosen selection process, and the second involves an oral test. For the daytime course, there are 400 vacancies per year (200 per semester), and the evening course has 100 places per year (50 per semester). Click here to read the public notice and find out all the details about the selection process.