The activity report presents all the projects carried out in 2023 by the Center for Sustainability Studies at...
Anchoring Sustainable Value Chains in Brazil ProjectPromoting the transition to a circular and low-carbon economy
Arabica-CanephoraPromoting sustainability, equity, and transparency in the Brazilian coffee value chain
Promoting Transparency and Territorial Governancein the Context of the Installation of Highways in the Brazilian Amazon - The Case of BR-319
Strengthen National Climate Policy ImplementationComparative Empirical Learning & Creating Linkage to Climate Finance
Protocol for the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental development of resettlements caused by hydroelectric undertakings
Governance and monitoring of territories affected by large enterprises in the AmazonExchange of experiences
Study of the Application of Economic Instruments to the Water Resources Management in Critical Situations
Perspectives for the Adoption of Emissions Monitoring Systems (MRV) and Economic Instrumentswithin the scope of the Brazilian National Policy on Climate Change
Cost-benefit analysis (ACB) of climate change adaptation measures in the Brazilian semiarid region