Professional Masters In Management For Competitivity - Sustainability Line

Professional Masters In Management For Competitivity - Sustainability Line

The Sustainability line of the Professional Masters in Management for Competitivity (MPGC) was created from an integral vision of the human being and has as its principles, mission and objectives:


  • Integrated and integral education
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Care for relationships
  • Frontier of Knowledge
  • Connection with practice
  • Connection with FGVces


Through sensitivity, practical intelligence and theoretical knowledge in sustainability, create conditions that aim to facilitate the emergence of a present and active subject in his relationship with himself, with others and with the reality that surrounds himself.


  • Identify and understand the dilemmas of sustainability and connect the concepts that are on the frontier of knowledge in ​​strategic business management.
  • Apply management tools that integrate sustainability perspectives in the decision-making processes.
  • Explore and expand the perception of yourself, others, and the global context of which we are a part.
  • Act as an agent of change and transformation towards sustainable development.


The course proposes a trajectory that combines specialized knowledge on the various themes of Sustainability - through thematic disciplines - with an integrated educational process - through the Integrated Education subject - which offers activities aimed at self-formation (expansion of the reflective and creative process of each student), relationship (encouragement of dialogue and collaborative learning) and practical experimentation (projects aimed at thinking about real challenges, chosen by the students themselves).


During the first two semesters of the course, students shall create their Reference Projects (PRs), projects aimed at thinking about real and complex challenges in the field of Sustainability.

Due to its highly practical and experiential methodology, the PR offers a unique opportunity to work on the program's themes in a transversal, integrated and applied manner. After a period of research about the challenge, the groups create “products”, deliverables that offer practical contributions to the chosen theme.

Through PR, we hope that our students can:

  • Broaden their perception of reality and its relationships, through understanding and searching for practical solutions to real sustainability challenges;
  • Connect the concepts and tools that are on the frontier of knowledge in Sustainability with their management practices;
  • Integrate knowledge of the different themes of sustainability and management, with a critical and systemic view;
  • Act as agents of change and transformation towards sustainable development.


To read about the projects developed:

Class 5


Contribute with investors by seeking to align value generation and climate protection based on science.

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Resíduos plásticos

Commence and explore a conversation between stakeholders involved in the flexible packaging value chain.

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Competências sistêmicas para desafios complexos

Identification of the competencies needed to mobilize organizations, through systemic responses of complex problems.

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Nossa semente é nutrir

Plan an action that enhances the community garden project in Capão Redondo.

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Diálogo pelo Rio Paranapanema

Promote dialogue and conversation, welcoming different perspectives on the socio-environmental development of the region around the Jurumirim reservoir (Paranapanema River).

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Saúde mental, pandemia & sustentabilidade

Understand and act on the phenomenon of psychological illness in activism and its effects.

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Nos atravessa

Understand how social media can be used to promote sustainability, through lessons learned about communication during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Você tem fome de quê?

Raise action to promote healthy food education for children up to 6 years old.

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Assess and identify the shared value of existing bicycle delivery applications and their various impacts, in order to promote visibility given the current situation of the crisis caused by Covid-19

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Class 4


Deliver a contribution to society that indicates how to foster innovation for sustainability efficiently and with positive impact.

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Climão em Malé

Identify elements of communication and influence that can help change behavior regarding climate change.

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Map the challenges and opportunities to contribute with solutions to a problem faced by all societies in this world, as is also the case in Brazil: we live in models and arrangements of life and society formulated at the end of the 18th century, even though there was a 30 year increase in life expectancy. The consequences of this situation are the different crisis in social security, life planning, health maintenance, intergenerational relationships, work, new technologies, among other aspects that compromise the well-being of our society.

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Contribute to society by indicating how to expand the inclusion of family-based farming in the food chain  with fair trade, reduced environmental impact and resilience to climate change.

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Tem Papo

The group intended to study the relationship between local communities and companies responsible for infrastructure projects that, directly or indirectly, interfered in the life of these communities. The project intended to investigate how dialogue takes place between these actors and to understand the main challenges of this relationship. From this understanding, the group aimed to contribute to the reduction of potential conflicts and to show to the decision makers of those companies the injuries caused by them.

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Juntos pela diversidade!

Propose ways to map, qualify and measure the social impacts generated by corporate diversity policies, paying attention to normativity, with a focus on gender diversity, color, sexual orientation, physical and intellectual disabilities and socioeconomic power.

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The group challenged itself to carry out a simulation of a public hearing for discussion of PLS ​​90/2018, a bill that amends Law No. 12,305 / 2010, to include in the minimum content of the solid waste management plan the destination of discarded recyclable materials at waste pickers' cooperatives or civil society organizations whose purpose is the economic exploitation of these materials. The project aimed to qualify the debate, listen to various agents and specialists, compile the arguments made and send it to the CMA (Senate Environment Commission).

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Propose processes that enhance exchanges, synergies and learning between different generations in the organizational context, especially where there are hierarchical relationships.

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Tem futuro! 

Create an applicable contribution that helps adult women (at the base of the pyramid) who work in customer service in commerce and services, to understand the changes in the future of work and income resulting from the exclusion, substitution and inclusion of new technologies that can automatiza their activities.

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Class 3

Meio de Campo

Conceptualization, mapping and creation of a guide of relationships with actors outside the government (AEPP)

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Contribute to the promotion of the culture of life cycle thinking, in order to assist corporate decision-making processes.

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Projeto Dimensões

Sensitize men about the various forms of expression of masculinity in corporations.

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Projeto Inovesp

A mapping and registering tool for social innovators in the city of São Paulo.

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Turma 2


Evaluate the practices adopted by an educational institution in order to identify opportunities for improvement (with a primary focus on treatment of organic waste)based on the concepts of circular economy.

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Conexão U$B

Propose channels of rapprochement between investors and companies B.

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Create a game that unconsciously reveals the level of individual corruption.

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Promote a corporate intervention focused on elucidating unconscious bias related to gender inequality, aiming to positively influence individuals and the organizational culture for diversity.

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Promote the social integration of Haitian immigrants in the city of São Paulo, through training and professional education.

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Propose initiatives that strengthen the sense of belonging of members of CAMAT (Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Alto Tietê).

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Publicidade Sustentável

Map articulations of responsible advertising in Brazil and propose guidelines and practical instruments so that advertising can act in the promotion of sustainable development.

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Create an intervention that sensitizes university students to the small presence of black men and women in this environment, giving emphasis, initially, to FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).

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Turma 1


Create a methodology of dialogue with stakeholders of high school institutions to awaken reflection on education for sustainability as a way of transformation that can create or increase the capacity of individuals to become social agents protagonists of a sustainable future.

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Create a replicable tool / methodology to raise awareness of responsible consumption.

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Enhance the contribution of organizations to overcome one of the main challenges to sustainable development: youth unemployement in Brazil.

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Elaboration of a framework that aims to measure the acceptance of an organization by the community in which it is inserted - through the BSC tool - and establish the relationship with this society - as a strategic map - to result in indicators for the top management of the organization.

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Elaboration of a strategic action plan for the reorganization and recovery of companies involved in inquiries regarding acts of corruption and governance failures, aiming to restore investor confidence.

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Liberdade que Emerge

Propose the inclusion of new variables in the human development index (HDI) offering more encompassing subsidies to assist decision makers in promoting development.

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Justiça Climática

Development of a climate awareness forum that enhances the replication of the experience by/for different actors.

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Creation of a carbon pricing impact simulator on valuation indicators.

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Fashion Evolution

Disseminate principles for the "future we want for fashion", mobilizing influencers and coolhunters in the theme of new forms of consumption.

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Production of audiovisual material directed at companies and society, aiming to stimulate reflection and positioning on the inclusion of transsexuals, transvestites and transgender people in the corporate environment by systematizing the knowledge of large organizations.

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Central elements for companies that wish to engage in the discussion and implementation of family leave in their businesses.

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