This is the first in a series of four reports comprising the activities of...
Analysis of the Resources of the ABC Program for the 2013/2014 crop year (Until April)2015
Corporate Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Version 2.02015
The Business Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem...
Diretrizes empresariais para o relato de externalidades ambientais: versão 1.02015
The Corporate Guidelines for the...
Environmental Reserve Units (CRA)2015
The study aims to contribute to the discussion about the opportunities and...
Generating Shared Value From Full Protection of Children and Adolescents (ID Local - 2014 Cycle)2015
This document is a follow-up of a story that started in 2013. At that time,...
Integrated Education for Sustainability - Guide of Fundamentals and Practices - Version 1.02015
Within the understanding that sustainability should be incorporated into the...
Sustainability Return on Investment: Redefining the Value of Emerging Market Multinationals’ Investments in Brazil2015
This study, entitled Sustainability ROI, conducted by the Fundação Getúlio...
Sustainable Procurement - The Power of Public and Private Consumption for an Inclusive Green Economy2015
The book entitled ‘Sustainable Procurement: The Power of Public and Private ...
The Brazilian Financial System and the Green Economy: Alignment with Sustainable Development2014
Conductec by the Center for Sustainability Studies of FGV-EAESP (GVces), this...
EPC Corporate Propositions for Public Policies for a Low-Carbon Economy in Brazil - Electric Power2013
Developed by the Business for the Climate Platform (EPC), this study...