

  • Dispositions Towards the Living Wage Proposition: Baseline Report of the Rainforest Alliance Living Wage Strategy Evaluation
  • Considerations for a sustainable taxonomy in Brazil with a focus on biodiversity


  • Biofuels and Decarbonisation Credits in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Brazil’s National Biofuel Policy (“RenovaBio”)

    The study "Biofuels and Decarbonization Credits in Brazil: An Analysis of the...

  • Socioterritorial Infrastructure Taxonomy for the Brazilian Amazon: Executive summary

    Executive summary of the publication 'Socioterritorial Infrastructure...

  • Converte-se Project: Promoting smallholders’ organic conversion and market

    The publication presents the activities, discussions and results of the '...

  • Cabotage Navigation in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Statute No. 14,301/2022 (“BR do Mar”) Using Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework

    In order to learn from the policy process of the statute, as well as gather insights into how...

  • Cabotage Navigation in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Statute No. 14,301/2022 (“BR do Mar”) Using Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework

    The research analyzes the forces at work before and during the legislative process of Law no. 14...

  • Greener Belt Project: Adaptation to Climate Change by Family Farming in the Green Belt of São Paulo

    The issues related to the climate crisis are already part of the lives and...

  • Stocktaking Report: Biodiversity financing context in Brazil

    The report aims to provide a brief overview of the context of biodiversity...

  • Stocktaking Report: Biodiversity financing context in Brazil

    Based on a literature search, this report aims to provide a brief overview of the context of...


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