The paper...
Dispositions Towards the Living Wage Proposition: Baseline Report of the Rainforest Alliance Living Wage Strategy Evaluation2024
Considerations for a sustainable taxonomy in Brazil with a focus on biodiversity2023
Biofuels and Decarbonisation Credits in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Brazil’s National Biofuel Policy (“RenovaBio”)2023
The study "Biofuels and Decarbonization Credits in Brazil: An Analysis of the...
Socioterritorial Infrastructure Taxonomy for the Brazilian Amazon: Executive summary2023
Executive summary of the publication 'Socioterritorial Infrastructure...
Converte-se Project: Promoting smallholders’ organic conversion and market2023
The publication presents the activities, discussions and results of the '...
Cabotage Navigation in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Statute No. 14,301/2022 (“BR do Mar”) Using Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework2022
In order to learn from the policy process of the statute, as well as gather insights into how...
Cabotage Navigation in Brazil: An Analysis of the Legislative Process of Statute No. 14,301/2022 (“BR do Mar”) Using Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework2022
The research analyzes the forces at work before and during the legislative process of Law no. 14...
Greener Belt Project: Adaptation to Climate Change by Family Farming in the Green Belt of São Paulo2022
The issues related to the climate crisis are already part of the lives and...
Stocktaking Report: Biodiversity financing context in Brazil2022
The report aims to provide a brief overview of the context of biodiversity...
Stocktaking Report: Biodiversity financing context in Brazil2022
Based on a literature search, this report aims to provide a brief overview of the context of...