
The Karl A. Boedecker Library counts on a specialized collection in Management, Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Law, with 60,000 titles and 78,000 books, theses and dissertation copies; 1,600 periodical titles; 9,000 indexed periodical articles and 140 electronic publications, which include many databases, with complete articles, statistical data, laws etc. The movie collection has over 500 movies and 650 videos, some of which were produced internally; an initiative of the School's Study Center.

The library has a web site which is currently the main guide for the library and gathers information about all services and resources available; also working as a communications channel between the library and its users.

The following services are worth of highlight and are available on the library home page:

  • On-line catalogue of the library collection;
  • Virtual Library: offers access links to all electronic publications available in the library collection;
  • Acquisitions: links to new book and periodical purchases, and links to include and consult suggestions to acquire new publications.
  • Catalog of dissertations and theses presented at FGV/EAESP.
  • Rules for Monograph Presentation.

Complete collection (in pdf) of the research reports published by GVpesquisa (GVresearch).
