Dispositions Towards the Living Wage Proposition: Baseline Report of the Rainforest Alliance Living Wage Strategy Evaluation

February, 2024


Giel Ton
Jodie Thorpe
Dominic Glover
Jacqueline Hicks
Tatiana Rivera
Donni Edwin
Maria Alejandra Blanco
Carolina Gonzalez
Elsie Kanga

The paper is the result of a project that sought to investigate, through case studies, the impacts (benefits and potential risks) of the living wage approach included in 2020 in the Rainforest Alliance certification program, one of the largest sustainable production certifiers operating in several countries. This study took place in the coffee, tea and banana production chains in four countries: Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and Kenya. In the Brazilian case, FGVces was responsible for assessing the perception of the living wage approach from the point of view of producers, workers, buyers and other actors in the coffee chain in the state of Minas Gerais.

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