Consumer over-indebtedness: A review and future research agenda

June, 2022


Julio Cesar Leandro
Delane Botelho

Consumer over-indebtedness has increased globally in recent decades, along with consumer credit. This article presents a systematic literature review on the topic of consumer over-indebtedness, consolidating extant knowledge, identifying broad patterns, and establishing future directions for this fast-growing research domain. We develop a comprehensive analysis and integrative review of the topic, analyzing 136 articles published in 76 journals over 50 years (from 1969 to 2019) across the academic disciplines of Economics, Marketing, Finance, Psychology, and Social Sciences. We present a framework for organizing the literature streams, theories, and main variables related to consumer over-indebtedness. Finally, we identify inconsistencies and under-researched areas, suggesting a future research agenda relevant to academics, practitioners, and policymakers.
