Circular economy in Brazilian value chains: Challenges and opportunities to promote the circular economy in the energy and telecommunications chains

October, 2024

Developed by FGVces within the project Anchoring Sustainable Value Chains in Brazil, this report presents the results of a research aimed at identifying the challenges, opportunities, barriers, and facilitators to promote the Circular Economy in Brazilian value chains, with a focus on the energy and telecommunications sectors. In addition to literature review, the research builds strongly on the data, lessons learned, and results generated throughout the project, bringing valuable recommendations to leverage Circular Economy in the country. 

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union, through Sequa, a development organization. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Center for Sustainability Studies, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGVces), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, Sequa, or the consortium responsible for implementing the AL-INVEST Verde program.


