Procedure for hiring interns

 A company wishing to hire a student from FGV EAESP for an internship must meet the following requirements:

  • Student must be regularly enrolled and frequent in the course;
  • Workload of the internship must be compatible with the student's school activities and may not exceed 6 hours per day or 120 hours per month.

Class schedules:

Bachelor of Business Administration - Daytime

Integral (1st to 5th semester): Monday to Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; morning classes from 6th to 8th semester.

Bachelor of Business Administration - Nighttime

Monday to Friday, from 7 p.m. to 10:40 p.m.

Bachelor of Public Administration

Integral from 1st to 6th semester; morning classes in the 7th and 8th semesters.

  • Duration of Internship Commitment Term: maximum of 2 years, provided it does not exceed the end of the semester of completion of the course. For students who graduate in the 1st semester of the year, the deadline date is 6/30; For students who graduate in the 2nd semester of the year, the deadline date is 12/31.


In compliance with the requirements of Internship Law No. 11.788 / 08, the company responsible for grating internship must send the following documentation to FGV EAESP's Career Center, according to the internship development phase:

  • Beginning of the Internship

Cooperation Agreement and Internship Commitment Agreement

Before starting the internship, the company must send 3 copies of the Cooperation Agreement and Commitment Term, duly completed and signed by the student and his supervisor, to FGV EAESP's Career Center.

If the company prefers, it may replace the model provided by the school with its own or with an integration agent. In this case, make sure that the document includes the description of the activities to be performed by the student. Otherwise, an activity plan will be required.

Deadline for review and signature of documents left at the Career Center: 2 business days. Documents will not be accepted if: handwritten, erased, incomplete or unsigned by company and/or student.

Cooperation Agreement 

Fill in only if the company does not use the model of the Cooperation Agreement and Commitment Term provided by the school (2 copies).

Note: It is not necessary to complete FGV EAESP's model of Cooperation Agreement if the contract is through an integration agent.

  • Semi-annual follow-ups

Activity Report 6 months

Activity Report 12 months

Activity Report 18 months

The Internship Law provides that every 6 months of internship, a report with the activities developed by the intern and their performance in the respective period should be sent to the educational institution.

The document must be completed and signed by the supervisor and his intern and forwarded to the Career Center (1 copy - physical / original).

  • Additive Internship


It is only necessary if the internship is extended or there is a change in the contract. The Addendum must be prepared and signed by the internship granting organization and delivered to FGV EAESP's Career Center for validation (3 copies - physical / original).

Note: Check the student's graduation deadline.

  • End of Internship

Internship Complete Term

Document required to complete the internship process at the educational institution. Must be completed and signed by the supervisor and his intern and forwarded to the Career Center (2 copies - physical / original). 


