Congresses and Events

Participating in congresses is paramount for teaching institutions. The EAESP has been encouraging and funding this activity for professors and students in a number of congresses held in Brazil and abroad, which are an excellent opportunity to disseminate projects, to exchange scientific and technological knowledge, for the scientific validation of teaching, research and extension activities, in addition to networking.

Professors take part in International Congresses such as the Midwest Finance Association, Production and Operations Management Society Conference (POMS), European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), Academy of International Business, Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), The European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS) and the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

We would also like to highlight the engagement of our professors in national congresses and in the organization of the main congresses and meetings about Management in the country, to name a few:

ENANPAD – National Meeting of the National Graduate Association;
SIMPOI – International Production, Logistics and Operations Management Symposium;
CATI – Annual Information Technology Congress;
ENEO – National Meeting of Organizational Studies;
ENAPG – National Meeting of Public Administration and Government;
EnGRT – Meeting of Human Resources Management and Labor Relations.

Furthermore, EAESP faculty intensely takes part in institutional areas that contribute towards scientific and professional development in the area of management, such as ANPAD (National Management Graduate Association), which was chaired by one of the School’s professors, Prof. Carlos Osmar Bertero (2004-2008) and currently counts on the presence of Director, prof. Maria Tereza Leme Fleury, for the International Board; the Federal Administration Council is chaired by Professor Roberto Carvalho Cardoso. Many EAESP faculty members are also present in other bodies that foster research such as FAPESP and CNPq.
