Who is this course for
What to expect
What you will achieve
1 year, 6 months (Intensive) or 2 years (Regular)
Attendance and Schedule
Classes from Monday to Thursday (morning, afternoon or evening); Fridays reserved for seminars and external visits.
Granted Title
Career Field
The Professional Master’s in International Management (MPGI) program, in partnership with renowned foreign institutions, qualifies professionals to take on leadership positions in the global business environment. The program offers the opportunity to obtain a double degree: a master’s in international management from FGV EAESP, and another degree from a partner foreign institution.
The program offers two options: Intensive track and Regular track.
On the Intensive track, the student studies 1 semester at FGV EAESP and 1 semester in one of the partner schools of excellence: at NOVA (Portugal) with the Double Degree program, or at one of the CEMS partner schools (#7 in the Financial Times ranking for best International Master Program in 2017).
On the Regular track, the student studies:
• 1 year at FGV EAESP and 1 year in one of the partner schools for the double degree program: Yale SOM (USA), HEC-Paris (France), Science-Po (France), St. Gallen (Switzerland), Bocconi (Italy), Columbia-SIPA (USA), Esade (Spain), Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and HKUST (China), or;
• 1 year at FGV EAESP and 1 year in two partner schools of the CEMS Alliance.
In both tracks, the student receives the degree of Master in International Management from FGV EAESP and the:
• Master Degree from the partner school, with the Double Degree Program, or;
• Certificate of Master in International Management from the CEMS Alliance.
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Enrollment Period
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R$ 109,824.00 in 24 monthly installments.
The total value of the program in the Regular or Intensive track is e R$ 109,824.00 (One hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty-four reais) paid in 24 installments of R$ 4,576.00
In the case of double degrees with Columbia SIPA, HEC-Paris, Science PO e Yale schools, payments will be made in 12 installments of R$ 4,160.00 (Four Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Six Reais) to FGV EAESP and for partner schools, the payment made directly to the school in local currency according to the amount to be defined by the same and will be defined as corresponding to the student.
Candidates who enroll during the period of the 1st call will have a 5% discount on the tuition fees at FGV EAESP.
FGV alumni (from regular programs) will be granted a unique 10% discount on the tuition fees paid to FGV EAESP. The discount is not cumulative
For information of Double Degree Programs, please contact the MPGI Coordination at mpgi@fgv.br.
MPGI candidates must have graduated within the last five years and they must submit the following documents:
- Application form;
- Resume in English;
- School transcript;
- Graduation certificate (if the students are still doing their undergraduate degree, they must submit proof of matriculation);
- Letter of motivation in English;
- Two letters of recommendation (academic and professional);
- Results of English proficiency exam (TOEFL 100+, IELTS 7+, CAE B+ or an undergraduate degree in a program conducted entirely in English);
- Results of GMAT exam.*
* Candidates who have an undergraduate degree from FGV EAESP, FGV EESP or Direito GV and/or those interested in the MPGI program (Intensive or Regular modality), CEMS program (Intensive or Regular) or Double Degree with the Nova School of Business and Economics (Intensive) do not need to submit GMAT exam results.
We are sorry, but there are no scheduled information sessions for the period at this time. If you need more information about the program, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br.
Financing and scholarships
Step-by-step guide
Candidates apply online, submit the required documents, and pay the application fee.
An evaluation committee analyzes the documents and decides whether the candidate will be invited for a personal interview and discussion of a case study.
Candidates who pass all the stages of the selection process are invited to enroll in the program.
More Information
Life Long Learning
Selection Process Results
Non-degree student
Non-Repayable Scholarships
Non-Repayable Scholarships, sponsored by the Fundação Getulio Vargas, are designed to broaden access to executive postgraduate programs and cover up to 80% of the course fees. This category should be applied for exclusively by students who have been approved in the Master in International Management selection process. For further information, please contact prematriculasp@fgv.br or call _+55 (11) 3799-7786.
Scholarships Based on Economic Need:
Scholarships based on economic need enable students to receive discounts of up to 100% on the course fees. The assessment of candidates interested in applying for this category will take place during the selection process. For more information, please contact prematriculasp@fgv.br or call +55 (11) 3799-7786.
Program notice
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FGV EAESP’s master’s courses received excellent scores in the latest evaluations by the Brazilian Education Ministry’s graduate education support agency, CAPES, and they are recognized as among the best in Brazil.
The MPGI offers the opportunity to obtain two master’s degrees – one in international management from FGV EAESP, recognized by CAPES, and another from a partner foreign institution of excellence: one of the 30 member schools of the Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS), Yale SOM (United States), HEC (Paris), Science-Po (Paris), Saint Gallen (Switzerland), Bocconi (Italy), Nova (Lisbon), Columbia-SIPA or Esade (Barcelona).
The MPGI has a partnership with renowned universities: one of the 30 member schools of the Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS), as well as Bocconi University, Columbia-SIPA, ESADE Business School, HEC-Paris, HKUST, Nova School of Business and Economics, Saint Gallen, Science-Po and Yale.
FGV EAESP has a partnership with a variety of domestic and multinational companies, facilitating students’ entry into the job market.
FGV EAESP is one of a handful of higher education institutions in Latin America and the only one in Brazil to have its excellence recognized by triple international accreditation (from AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA).
Professional Placement
of our alumni join the global job market within three months of completing their course.
of alumni on the Master’s in International Management (CEMS / FGV EAESP) work outside Brazil.
Student profile
It is an international course with a more open perspective. I would recommend FGV EAESP because it is a world leader. The school is well known worldwide, so it will help you to find a job in any country where you want to work.

The MPGI is part of the CEMS Alliance, one of the largest global networks of multinational companies and cutting-edge education institutions.
Foreign students visit multinational company’s project in community of Heliópolis, on Sao Paulo’s south side.
CEMS holds its commencement ceremony in a different country every year, involving the entire CEMS community.
FGV EAESP | MPGI | Aaron Fuchs testimonialMaster in International Management at FGV EAESP is global and one of best in Latin America. In this video, Aaron Fuchs, who came from Germany, explain how his studies in Brazil have improved his career. As an international student he also talks about his experience at FGV EAESP and how it is to live in São Paulo, the biggest financial center in LATAM.
Reasons to apply | Professional Master in International ManagementIf you are graduated in less to five years and want to speed-up your international carreer; the FGV EAESP Professional Master in International Management (MPGI) is definetly your best option.
FGV EAESP | MPGI | Exchange Student's Testimonial - Lea KristiansenLea Kistriansen, tells us why she chose FGV for her Masters in International Management exchange and her experiences.
Let's Talk | How to prepare for an international career?Maria Eugênia Aydar, Global Head of Employee Experience at Ebury Bank, and Luís Henrique Pereira, coordinator of the Professional Master's in International Management, discuss the pros and cons of pursuing an international career. Maria Eugênia offers tips on how to leverage oneself internationally and prepare for the challenges of language and culture. If you dream of a multinational career, watch this episode filled with insights and experiences.
FGV EAESP | MPGI | Exchange Student's Testimonial - Nicolas FelderNicolas Felder, tells us why he chose FGV for his Masters in International Management exchange and his experiences.
About Professional Master in International ManagementThe Professional Master’s in International Management (MPGI) program, in partnership with renowned foreign institutions, qualifies professionals to take on leadership positions in the global business environment. The program offers the opportunity to obtain a double degree: a master’s in international management from FGV EAESP, and another degree from a partner foreign institution. The program offers two options: Intensive track and Regular track. On the Intensive track, the student studies 1 semester at FGV EAESP and 1 semester in one of the partner schools of excellence: at NOVA (Portugal) with the Double Degree program, or at one of the CEMS partner schools (#7 in the Financial Times ranking for best International Master Program in 2017). On the Regular track, the student studies: • 1 year at FGV EAESP and 1 year in one of the partner schools for the double degree program: Yale SOM (USA), HEC-Paris (France), Science-Po (France), St. Gallen (Switzerland), Bocconi (Italy), Columbia-SIPA (USA), Esade (Spain), Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and HKUST (China), or; • 1 year at FGV EAESP and 1 year in two partner schools of the CEMS Alliance. In both tracks, the student receives the degree of Master in International Management from FGV EAESP and the: • Master Degree from the partner school, with the Double Degree Program, or; • Certificate of Master in International Management from the CEMS Alliance.
FGV EAESP | MPGI | Exchange Student's Testimonial - Anthoine BeyssacFGV EAESP | MPGI | Exchange Student's Testimonial - Anthoine Beyssac
Alumni Testimonial - Tessa Van Beek
Alumni Testimonial - Igor Nishimura
FGV EAESP Facilities

The FGV 9 de Julho Auditorium can accommodate 315 people, with six spaces for wheelchair users. It hosts around 80 events per year. It has a changing room, central air conditioning, a stage, a simultaneous interpretation booth and an entrance hall with facilities for coffee breaks for up to 160 guests. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

Smaller events are held in the FGV 9 de Julho Room, which can accommodate 88 audience members, plus a head table for up to six people. Fully accessible, it has a changing room, central air conditioning and an entrance hall that can be used for coffee breaks for up to 50 people on foot. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

The Karl A. Boedecker Library (BKAB) is part of the FGV Library System. Its archives span the areas of administration, economics, business, law and social sciences, including books, e-books, magazines, dissertations, theses and DVDs. The library’s users can also access databases containing journal articles, and economic, financial and legal information. It has individual and group study rooms and consultation terminals. On the library’s website, you can access the full list of services, available resources and opening hours.

FGV EAESP’s classrooms feature multimedia equipment, internet access and comfortable furniture to make learning dynamic and pleasant. There are also sponsored classrooms, which use equipment and resources paid for by partner companies in exchange for their logos being displayed to students and employees.

This sophisticated space for events holds up to 150 seated people and it has three head tables for up to seven people each. The infrastructure includes a staff break room and elevator for physically impaired people. The Noble Room functions from 6 am to 11 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

An innovative space created to host academic activities, CoLab is based on a modern and distinct learning model involving collaborative and action-oriented methodologies. Its principles are empathy, a focus on human beings and sharing of responsibilities.

The sports court is a meeting point for students and it also hosts sports events such as indoor soccer and basketball championships. The court is administered by Atlética, an FGV EAESP student organization.

Espaço NEON is FGV’s entrepreneurship area, which brings together FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses), GVentures (FGV’s business accelerator), or GVAngels (FGV’s Angel Investors) and the League of Entrepreneurship (Student Entity in entrepreneurship). There, FGV’s entrepreneurship ecosystem works collaboratively, stimulating innovation and new businesses.

Located at the school’s main entrance on Rua Itapeva, this large space fosters interaction between students and employees.

The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.
Descrição geral das instalações
Based on Avenida 9 de Julho, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista in Sao Paulo, FGV EAESP is composed of a main 12-floor building, the Karl A. Boedecker Library building, and the Getulio Vargas Auditorium, as well as a multisport court and two annex buildings, located at Rua Itapeva, 432. The classrooms, videoconferencing rooms, IT laboratories and integrated systems, all sponsored, are located in FGV Sao Paulo’s different buildings.
The School’s main administrative office, academic departments, most of its administrative departments, the Noble Hall and the Getulio Vargas Academic Office also occupy the main office, as do the professors’ social space, the outpatient medical center, two restaurants and two snack bars. The annex buildings house some administrative departments and student groups such as Aiesec, the Junior Companies group, the Athletics Association and the Employees’ Association.
Are the face-to-face classes going to be maintained? What happens if the social distancing period remains until August or later?
The face-to-face classes are maintained for the 2nd semester of 2020 until otherwise determined by the government authorities, otherwise they will be offered in synchronous mode with the virtual presence of professors and students to the classes transmitted through the Zoom platform.
Are the face-to-face classes going to be maintained? What happens if the social distancing period will remains until August or longer?
The face-to-face classes are maintained for for the 2nd semester of 2022 until the government authorities decide otherwise. They will be offered in synchronous mode with the virtual presence of teachers and students in the classes transmitted through the Zoom platform.
How are the deadlines for the MPGI selection process due to the Coronavirus epidemic?
Deadlines following the erratum of the notice available on our website.
How is the presentation of the GMAT scores (when applicable) / TOEFL and IELTS?
In view of suspension of the application of the exams, the coordination will accept the conditional enrollment for the 1st semester, being mandatory the presentation of exam scores until the first day of class in the course at the beginning of August 2022.
How will the GMAT (where applicable ) / TOEFL and IELTS scores be presented?
In view of the suspension of the application of the exams, the coordination will accept the student's conditional enrollment for the 1st semester, being obligatory the submission of the exam scores until the first day of the course in early August. We hope that from May onwards the tests will be scheduled again and held online.
Step-by-step guide to admissions
Candidates apply online, submit the required documents, and pay the application fee.
An evaluation committee analyzes the documents and decides whether the candidate will be invited for a personal interview and discussion of a case study.
Candidates who pass all the stages of the selection process are invited to enroll in the program.