Who is this course for
What to expect
What you will achieve
The Doctorate in Business Administration (CDAE) has a duration of 4 years.
Attendance and Schedule
The mandatory, formative, and elective courses are offered on a bimonthly basis, with classes on a specific day of the week (Monday to Friday), usually from 9:00 AM to 12:50 PM or 3:00 PM to 6:50 PM. Students can choose the courses they wish to take each semester, according to the Program's guidelines and their needs. The choice of courses to be taken each semester should be made in agreement with the leader of the Research Line to which they are affiliated and/or their respective advisor.
Granted Title
Career Field
The Doctorate in Business Administration programs are structured in six research areas coordinated by professors who share common interests and conduct joint research, publication and teaching activities with their students.
Students develop their dissertation related to one of the research areas. They must choose it when applying in the selection process and use it as their main foundation of knowledge when producing their work.
The research areas are as follows:
- Administration, Analysis and Information Technology (AATI)
- Management Competitiveness (CG)
- Business Strategy (EE)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Organizational Studies (EO)
- Management of Operations and Sustainability (GOS)
- Finance (FIN)
Key Aspects of the Information Systems Field
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
A core competency of master and doctoral students is the ability to advance the knowledge in the field. To successfully acquire this competence, first it is essential that the contours of the discipline are very clearly understood so new knowledge can be consistently proposed and recognized in the field. Effectively delineating a discipline requires knowing its four essential and interconnected dimensions, which are: (1) Domains: what are the real and significant problems that are addressed in the short and long term by the discipline; (2) Criteria: the values and conditions that legitimize new knowledge and researchers; (3) Practices: the scientific approaches and strategies that are mostly recognizable and employed by the participants in the sense that characterizes a set of best practices in the field; and (4) Gates and Agents: the key processes and actors involved in producing new knowledge and disseminating it, and from where useful examples can be obtained. This course aims to provide students with broad knowledge about these four dimensions in the mainstream of
Information Systems (IS) discipline. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to recognize and navigate in IS research field, as well as plan and articulate actions that meet the key requirements for proposing highquality knowledge, which will allow them to guide their choices in the development of their own research proposals
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
A core competency of master and doctoral students is the ability to advance the knowledge in the field. To successfully acquire this competence, first it is essential that the contours of the discipline are very clearly understood so new knowledge can be consistently proposed and recognized in the field. Effectively delineating a discipline requires knowing its four essential and interconnected dimensions, which are: (1) Domains: what are the real and significant problems that are addressed in the short and long term by the discipline; (2) Criteria: the values and conditions that legitimize new knowledge and researchers; (3) Practices: the scientific approaches and strategies that are mostly recognizable and employed by the participants in the sense that characterizes a set of best practices in the field; and (4) Gates and Agents: the key processes and actors involved in producing new knowledge and disseminating it, and from where useful examples can be obtained. This course aims to provide students with broad knowledge about these four dimensions in the mainstream of
Information Systems (IS) discipline. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to recognize and navigate in IS research field, as well as plan and articulate actions that meet the key requirements for proposing highquality knowledge, which will allow them to guide their choices in the development of their own research proposals
Carga horária30h-
Otávio Próspero Sanchez
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Focal topics in Information Systems
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
The relationship between technology and sustainability has been increasingly paradoxical in our century. If on one hand the technological development has brought great advances in the quality of life and productivity in many regions of the world, on the other hand its omnipresence in all spheres of human life and the different levels of penetration in different areas has also been a source of tensions and criticism. Recent research in the information systems (IS) field point to a positive contribution of ICT - information and communication technologies - for sustainable development, in particular its necessary alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in various areas of activities, such as fighting poverty and inequalities, improving health, education, employment and many other topics. The positive effect is mainly through increased access to information and reduction of communication costs. Internet and mobile phones have great potential for improving health and education systems and in fighting regional and social inequalities, as well as proctecting the environment.
However these benefits are not being fully realized for a number of reasons of a different nature, which can be analyzed from different perspectives. In this interdisciplinary course we discuss the different roles that ICT can play to sustainable development. The focus is the Brazilian scenario, but during the course will be extensively discussed examples of other cultures and territories. This theme, which has already been internationally known as ICT for Good (alignment of Information and Communication Technologies with the Sustainable Development Goals), has produced extensive bibliography that will be widely used during the course.
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
The relationship between technology and sustainability has been increasingly paradoxical in our century. If on one hand the technological development has brought great advances in the quality of life and productivity in many regions of the world, on the other hand its omnipresence in all spheres of human life and the different levels of penetration in different areas has also been a source of tensions and criticism. Recent research in the information systems (IS) field point to a positive contribution of ICT - information and communication technologies - for sustainable development, in particular its necessary alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in various areas of activities, such as fighting poverty and inequalities, improving health, education, employment and many other topics. The positive effect is mainly through increased access to information and reduction of communication costs. Internet and mobile phones have great potential for improving health and education systems and in fighting regional and social inequalities, as well as proctecting the environment.
However these benefits are not being fully realized for a number of reasons of a different nature, which can be analyzed from different perspectives. In this interdisciplinary course we discuss the different roles that ICT can play to sustainable development. The focus is the Brazilian scenario, but during the course will be extensively discussed examples of other cultures and territories. This theme, which has already been internationally known as ICT for Good (alignment of Information and Communication Technologies with the Sustainable Development Goals), has produced extensive bibliography that will be widely used during the course.
Carga horária30h-
Eduardo Henrique Diniz
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Business Strategy: knowledge-based view and value creation
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
At the end of this course, participants are expected to be able to understand different perspectives on the existence of companies, understand the concept of "value" and the difference between value creation and capture, understanding the relationship between strategy, competitive advantage, business model, value and organizational performance. The participant must be motivated to respond to gaps and trends (both content and methodological) in research on strategic management. The course is designed with graduate students in mind with strict academic orientation, and is instruction in building reading skills and comparative critical analysis with comparative texts.
Prior reading of the texts indicated is essential for the use of the course. It is expected that students are capable of both projected research studies and critical studies, that they can propose themselves a comprehensive view of the bases of theory in strategy and exploring specific aspects and points of theory in strategy and exploring aspects and points of view, regarding the proposal in strategy and exploring specific aspects and points. This discipline is also important for the researcher to be fundamentally about the origins and premises of the theoretical theories underlying strategic management tools.
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
At the end of this course, participants are expected to be able to understand different perspectives on the existence of companies, understand the concept of "value" and the difference between value creation and capture, understanding the relationship between strategy, competitive advantage, business model, value and organizational performance. The participant must be motivated to respond to gaps and trends (both content and methodological) in research on strategic management. The course is designed with graduate students in mind with strict academic orientation, and is instruction in building reading skills and comparative critical analysis with comparative texts.
Prior reading of the texts indicated is essential for the use of the course. It is expected that students are capable of both projected research studies and critical studies, that they can propose themselves a comprehensive view of the bases of theory in strategy and exploring specific aspects and points of theory in strategy and exploring aspects and points of view, regarding the proposal in strategy and exploring specific aspects and points. This discipline is also important for the researcher to be fundamentally about the origins and premises of the theoretical theories underlying strategic management tools.
Carga horária30h-
Fernando Deodato Domingos
TitleDoutor em Economia pelo Insper -
Marina Amado Bahia Gama
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Instituições e nonmarket (Nonmarket strategy)
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
O participante deverá estar motivado para discutir lacunas e tendências (tanto de conteúdo quanto metodológicas) da pesquisa sobre Instituições e Nonmarket strategy. O curso foi desenhado tendo em perspectiva alunos de pós-graduação stricto sensu, com clara orientação acadêmica, e é voltado para a construção de habilidades de leitura crítica e análise comparativa de textos. A leitura prévia dos textos indicados é essencial para o aproveitamento do curso. Espera-se que os alunos sejam capazes de discutir em profundidade os textos designados, criticando tanto os argumentos teóricos quanto as evidências empíricas que eles trazem, desenvolvendo uma visão compreensiva das bases da teoria institucional bem como da perspectiva de nonmarket strategy e explorando aspectos e pontos dignos de pesquisas futuras. Esta disciplina também é importante para que o pesquisador se aproprie das diferentes lentes dos estudos em estratégia empresarial.
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
O participante deverá estar motivado para discutir lacunas e tendências (tanto de conteúdo quanto metodológicas) da pesquisa sobre Instituições e Nonmarket strategy. O curso foi desenhado tendo em perspectiva alunos de pós-graduação stricto sensu, com clara orientação acadêmica, e é voltado para a construção de habilidades de leitura crítica e análise comparativa de textos. A leitura prévia dos textos indicados é essencial para o aproveitamento do curso. Espera-se que os alunos sejam capazes de discutir em profundidade os textos designados, criticando tanto os argumentos teóricos quanto as evidências empíricas que eles trazem, desenvolvendo uma visão compreensiva das bases da teoria institucional bem como da perspectiva de nonmarket strategy e explorando aspectos e pontos dignos de pesquisas futuras. Esta disciplina também é importante para que o pesquisador se aproprie das diferentes lentes dos estudos em estratégia empresarial.
Carga horária30h-
Marina Amado Bahia Gama
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
The Behavior of Consumers and Markets
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
The objective of the course is to promote understanding of the scholarly, research-based activity about the behavioral aspects of marketing. The course will enable participants: 1) to comprehend the structure of the area of marketing with focus on its behavioral aspects, therefore approaching the behavior of consumers and markets in terms of scientific inquiry and 2) to acknowledge conceptual and methodological contributions of consumer and market behavior from diverse perspectives, including the perspective of marketing, marketing models, psychology, anthropology, and society.
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
The objective of the course is to promote understanding of the scholarly, research-based activity about the behavioral aspects of marketing. The course will enable participants: 1) to comprehend the structure of the area of marketing with focus on its behavioral aspects, therefore approaching the behavior of consumers and markets in terms of scientific inquiry and 2) to acknowledge conceptual and methodological contributions of consumer and market behavior from diverse perspectives, including the perspective of marketing, marketing models, psychology, anthropology, and society.
Carga horária30h-
Delane Botelho
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas -
Felipe Zambaldi
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas -
Tânia Modesto Veludo de Oliveira
TitlePhD em Marketing & Strategy pela Cardiff University, UK
Cognition & Emotion in Consumer Behavior
Linha de Pesquisa: Marketing
Most consumers´ attitudes and behavior are affected by cognitive mechanisms and emotional states. If researchers want to understand typical consumers´ responses such as impression formation, perception, evaluation, memory, and decision, they should understand the cognitive & emotional aspects of the human being. This course focuses on the theories and methods (mostly experimental methods) relevant to a deeper understanding of the role of cognition and emotion in Consumer Behavior (CB) research. It is designed to foster critical and original thinking on relevant and recent literature. The primary purposes of this course are:
i) To present the fundamental and contemporary theoretical perspectives of cognition and emotion in CB;
ii) To provide a solid basis for the student to critically evaluate the scientific literature in the area of cognition and emotion in CB;
iii) To enable students to develop their own ideas about an original research topic, as well as their ability to implement theoretical and empirical research on the underlying mechanisms that explain consumers´ responses.
Linha de Pesquisa: Marketing
Most consumers´ attitudes and behavior are affected by cognitive mechanisms and emotional states. If researchers want to understand typical consumers´ responses such as impression formation, perception, evaluation, memory, and decision, they should understand the cognitive & emotional aspects of the human being. This course focuses on the theories and methods (mostly experimental methods) relevant to a deeper understanding of the role of cognition and emotion in Consumer Behavior (CB) research. It is designed to foster critical and original thinking on relevant and recent literature. The primary purposes of this course are:
i) To present the fundamental and contemporary theoretical perspectives of cognition and emotion in CB;
ii) To provide a solid basis for the student to critically evaluate the scientific literature in the area of cognition and emotion in CB;
iii) To enable students to develop their own ideas about an original research topic, as well as their ability to implement theoretical and empirical research on the underlying mechanisms that explain consumers´ responses.
Carga horária30h-
Delane Botelho
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Organization and Management Theory
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
The course aims to train students in management and organizations theory. To this end, the course will address classic and contemporary themes and debates in the field. The course will also present basic sonofthes of social thinking necessary for understanding the theory of organizations.
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
The course aims to train students in management and organizations theory. To this end, the course will address classic and contemporary themes and debates in the field. The course will also present basic sonofthes of social thinking necessary for understanding the theory of organizations.
Carga horária30h-
Amon Narciso de Barros
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Organizational Behavior
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
Classic and contemporary research that addresses fundamental issues of organizational behavior. Drawing on theory and research in psychology, social psychology, and organizational behavior, we will explore individual, interpersonal, and group processes in work organizations.
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
Classic and contemporary research that addresses fundamental issues of organizational behavior. Drawing on theory and research in psychology, social psychology, and organizational behavior, we will explore individual, interpersonal, and group processes in work organizations.
Carga horária30h-
Joana Sabrina Pereira Story
TitleDoutorado em Leadership Studies pela Universidade de Nebraska/Lincoln
Desafios Organizacionais no Antropoceno
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
A disciplina aborda o debate acerca da existência e definição do Antropoceno e como esse debate se desloca do campo das ciências exatas para o das ciências sociais e, consequentemente, para os estudos organizacionais. O objetivo principal da disciplina é apresentar o que vem sendo discutido no campo dos estudos organizacionais, indicando desafios e dilemas que cercam as organizações contemporâneas diante da crise climática resultante das ações humanas sobre o planeta. Discutiremos desde as saídas apontadas para formas de organizar no Antropoceno, até posicionamentos ontológicos e epistemológicos mais radicais que apontam para o fim da civilização ocidental e das organizações como as conhecemos.
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
A disciplina aborda o debate acerca da existência e definição do Antropoceno e como esse debate se desloca do campo das ciências exatas para o das ciências sociais e, consequentemente, para os estudos organizacionais. O objetivo principal da disciplina é apresentar o que vem sendo discutido no campo dos estudos organizacionais, indicando desafios e dilemas que cercam as organizações contemporâneas diante da crise climática resultante das ações humanas sobre o planeta. Discutiremos desde as saídas apontadas para formas de organizar no Antropoceno, até posicionamentos ontológicos e epistemológicos mais radicais que apontam para o fim da civilização ocidental e das organizações como as conhecemos.
Carga horária30h-
Isleide Arruda Fontenelle
TitleDoutor em Sociologia pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP
Technological Competitiveness in Operations
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
The discipline explains how managerial and hard technologies affect a company's competitiveness. The discussion includes key theories such as RBV and institutional theory. The focus shifts from the focal companies to their suppliers and other players in the competitive ecosystem.
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
The discipline explains how managerial and hard technologies affect a company's competitiveness. The discussion includes key theories such as RBV and institutional theory. The focus shifts from the focal companies to their suppliers and other players in the competitive ecosystem.
Carga horária30h-
Ely Laureano Paiva
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -
Maciel Manoel de Queiroz
TitleDoutor em Engenharia Naval e Oceânica pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Digital and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
Present and discuss the constructs, theories, and research challenges related to Digital and Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
Present and discuss the constructs, theories, and research challenges related to Digital and Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
Carga horária30h-
Maciel Manoel de Queiroz
TitleDoutor em Engenharia Naval e Oceânica pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo -
Susana Carla Farias Pereira
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Ecossistemas de Inovação
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
As pressões competitivas crescentemente forçam as empresas a inovar mais e reduzir seu time-to-market. Como resultado, a abordagem de inovação aberta é agora o status quo e as empresas geralmente adotam práticas de inovação colaborativa para acessar conhecimento e capacidades de clientes e parceiros de rede localizados em todo o mundo para aumentar sua capacidade de inovação e competitividade. Nesse contexto, os ecossistemas de inovação ganharam importancia. Muita atenção é dedicada a como empresas estabelecidas, startups, capitalistas de risco, anjos de negócios, bancos, agências do setor público, universidades e centros de pesquisa interagem e alinham seus interesses para inovar. Para os líderes empresariais, o ecossistema é uma fonte de ideias vencedoras e um meio para acelerar seus esforços inovadores. Por sua vez, os formuladores de políticas o veem como uma noção robusta para orientar a criação de mecanismos de políticas e ações para estimular a inovação. Na academia, o conceito vem sendo estudado em diferentes campos e criticado por sua falta de valor agregado em comparação com noções existentes no campo da inovação, como redes de inovação, por exemplo. O objetivo dessa disciplina é fornecer um panorama aos alunos sobre a literatura de ecossistemas de inovação para promover um entendimento das lentes teóricas que embasam o estudo desse fenômeno e da diferenciação desse conceito em relação a outros construtos relevantes, como redes de inovação, ecossistemas de empreendedorismo e supply chain management. Para isso, vamos explorar definições, diferenças entre conceitos, e avaliar o estado da arte dessa literatura.
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
As pressões competitivas crescentemente forçam as empresas a inovar mais e reduzir seu time-to-market. Como resultado, a abordagem de inovação aberta é agora o status quo e as empresas geralmente adotam práticas de inovação colaborativa para acessar conhecimento e capacidades de clientes e parceiros de rede localizados em todo o mundo para aumentar sua capacidade de inovação e competitividade. Nesse contexto, os ecossistemas de inovação ganharam importancia. Muita atenção é dedicada a como empresas estabelecidas, startups, capitalistas de risco, anjos de negócios, bancos, agências do setor público, universidades e centros de pesquisa interagem e alinham seus interesses para inovar. Para os líderes empresariais, o ecossistema é uma fonte de ideias vencedoras e um meio para acelerar seus esforços inovadores. Por sua vez, os formuladores de políticas o veem como uma noção robusta para orientar a criação de mecanismos de políticas e ações para estimular a inovação. Na academia, o conceito vem sendo estudado em diferentes campos e criticado por sua falta de valor agregado em comparação com noções existentes no campo da inovação, como redes de inovação, por exemplo. O objetivo dessa disciplina é fornecer um panorama aos alunos sobre a literatura de ecossistemas de inovação para promover um entendimento das lentes teóricas que embasam o estudo desse fenômeno e da diferenciação desse conceito em relação a outros construtos relevantes, como redes de inovação, ecossistemas de empreendedorismo e supply chain management. Para isso, vamos explorar definições, diferenças entre conceitos, e avaliar o estado da arte dessa literatura.
Carga horária30h-
Juliana Bonomi Santos
TitleDoutor em Management Science pela University of Lancaster, Inglaterra -
Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade em Operações (LP GOS)
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
Esta disciplina tem o objetivo promover a discussão e reflexão sobre temas emergentes no estudo da sustentabilidade e responsabilidade em Operações e Cadeias de Suprimento. A disciplina foca nas teorias que vem sendo utilizadas no avanço destes temas, e busca instigar desenvolvimento de novas questões de pesquisa. São também abordadas também questões específicas de investigação sobre Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade em Operações e Cadeias de Suprimento, tais como eco-inovação, redução de perdas e desperdícios de alimentos, upgrading social e ambiental nas cadeias globais de valor, compras responsáveis, compliance, entre outros.
Linha de pesquisa: Gestão de Operações e Sustentabilidade
Esta disciplina tem o objetivo promover a discussão e reflexão sobre temas emergentes no estudo da sustentabilidade e responsabilidade em Operações e Cadeias de Suprimento. A disciplina foca nas teorias que vem sendo utilizadas no avanço destes temas, e busca instigar desenvolvimento de novas questões de pesquisa. São também abordadas também questões específicas de investigação sobre Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade em Operações e Cadeias de Suprimento, tais como eco-inovação, redução de perdas e desperdícios de alimentos, upgrading social e ambiental nas cadeias globais de valor, compras responsáveis, compliance, entre outros.
Carga horária30h-
Ely Laureano Paiva
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -
Juliana Bonomi Santos
TitleDoutor em Management Science pela University of Lancaster, Inglaterra -
Luciana Marques Vieira
TitleDoutora em Economia Agrícola e Alimentar pela Universidade de Reading, Inglaterra -
Priscila Laczynski de Souza Miguel
TitleDoutora em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
This is the basic chair of the graduate program in finance. It aims to provide the student with the fundamentals of financial asset pricing theory. It covers consumption and investment (portfolio) decisions and their implication on asset pricing. The implications of the absence of arbitrage hypothesis on asset pricing are also explored. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of probability and statistics and familiarity with constrained optimization.
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
This is the basic chair of the graduate program in finance. It aims to provide the student with the fundamentals of financial asset pricing theory. It covers consumption and investment (portfolio) decisions and their implication on asset pricing. The implications of the absence of arbitrage hypothesis on asset pricing are also explored. It is assumed that the student has knowledge of probability and statistics and familiarity with constrained optimization.
Carga horária30h-
Antonio Gledson de Carvalho
TitleDoutor em Economia pela Universidade de Illinois, EUA
Asset Pricing
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
This course is an introduction to asset pricing. It begins with a review of the theory of choice under uncertainty, then develops classical asset pricing theory in discrete time. It also discusses empirical puzzles and recent theories that have been developed to try to solve them
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
This course is an introduction to asset pricing. It begins with a review of the theory of choice under uncertainty, then develops classical asset pricing theory in discrete time. It also discusses empirical puzzles and recent theories that have been developed to try to solve them
Carga horária30h-
Alan De Genaro
TitlePós-Doutorado em matemática aplicada pelo Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New York University
Administração e Uso de TI nas Empresas
Apresentar uma visão atual da evolução e das tendências da administração e do uso da tecnologia de Informação (TI) nas empresas. Mostrar e discutir os fatores importantes na administração, planejamento e implementação de recursos de TI, enfocando o gerenciamento da nova cultura, das mudanças, das tendências e das transformações provocadas pela utilização da TI e de Sistemas de Informação (SI) dentro do novo papel do administrador desses recursos. A disciplina mostra como surgiu, evoluiu, o estado da arte e as tendências da Pesquisa na área de Administração da Informação (ADI na Anpad) e da Linha de Pesquisa Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação (AATI), uma perspectiva histórica que parte dos conceitos básicos e avança até o estado da arte, discutindo pesquisas e casos, clássicos a recentes, que exploram as principais estruturas de referência utilizadas na gestão da TI.
Apresentar uma visão atual da evolução e das tendências da administração e do uso da tecnologia de Informação (TI) nas empresas. Mostrar e discutir os fatores importantes na administração, planejamento e implementação de recursos de TI, enfocando o gerenciamento da nova cultura, das mudanças, das tendências e das transformações provocadas pela utilização da TI e de Sistemas de Informação (SI) dentro do novo papel do administrador desses recursos. A disciplina mostra como surgiu, evoluiu, o estado da arte e as tendências da Pesquisa na área de Administração da Informação (ADI na Anpad) e da Linha de Pesquisa Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação (AATI), uma perspectiva histórica que parte dos conceitos básicos e avança até o estado da arte, discutindo pesquisas e casos, clássicos a recentes, que exploram as principais estruturas de referência utilizadas na gestão da TI.
Carga horária30h-
Fernando de Souza Meirelles
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getulio Vargas
Domínios Temáticos no Uso de Tecnologia da Informação
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
O ambiente empresarial, tanto em nível mundial como nacional, tem passado por profundas mudanças nos últimos anos, as quais têm sido consideradas diretamente relacionadas com a aplicação de inovação digital, com o uso de suas tecnologias, para transformar e gerar valor para a sociedade e organizações.
Neste ambiente, as estratégias empresariais devem priorizar os novos modelos de negócios, os desafios das novas formas organizacionais, dos impactos no fator humano e nos investimentos, e na integração das cadeias de valor, física e virtual, sempre com a perspectiva do futuro deste cenário.
O desafio dos pesquisadores da área de Tecnologia de Informação é estudar os problemas aplicados e teóricos relacionados com o uso de tecnologia de informação, e propor soluções com rigor científico, considerando as principais questões de pesquisa, as teorias e os contextos em que eles ocorrem.
Esta disciplina tem como objetivo oferecer aos participantes os fundamentos dos domínios relacionados com o uso de Tecnologia de Informação e estimular a discussão teórica, prática e estruturada de sua aplicação nas organizações. A contribuição do curso, além do aprimoramento propiciado por este conhecimento, também está na identificação destes domínios e suas oportunidades de pesquisa e publicação
Linha de pesquisa: Administração, Análise e Tecnologia da Informação
O ambiente empresarial, tanto em nível mundial como nacional, tem passado por profundas mudanças nos últimos anos, as quais têm sido consideradas diretamente relacionadas com a aplicação de inovação digital, com o uso de suas tecnologias, para transformar e gerar valor para a sociedade e organizações.
Neste ambiente, as estratégias empresariais devem priorizar os novos modelos de negócios, os desafios das novas formas organizacionais, dos impactos no fator humano e nos investimentos, e na integração das cadeias de valor, física e virtual, sempre com a perspectiva do futuro deste cenário.
O desafio dos pesquisadores da área de Tecnologia de Informação é estudar os problemas aplicados e teóricos relacionados com o uso de tecnologia de informação, e propor soluções com rigor científico, considerando as principais questões de pesquisa, as teorias e os contextos em que eles ocorrem.
Esta disciplina tem como objetivo oferecer aos participantes os fundamentos dos domínios relacionados com o uso de Tecnologia de Informação e estimular a discussão teórica, prática e estruturada de sua aplicação nas organizações. A contribuição do curso, além do aprimoramento propiciado por este conhecimento, também está na identificação destes domínios e suas oportunidades de pesquisa e publicação
Carga horária30h-
Alberto Luiz Albertin
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da USP
Innovation in Marketing
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
Esta disciplina tem por objetivo promover a reflexão sobre o conceito e as estratégias de inovação a partir de uma perspectiva do campo teórico de Marketing. A disciplina envolve a discussão sobre a definição, a tipologia e o escopo do conceito de inovação, dentro de uma visão estratégica de Marketing. São ainda abordadas questões mais específicas no tema, tais como as métricas aplicadas para a inovação, os recursos de Marketing associados à inovação, a proposta de inovação aberta, a inovação em serviços, novos modelos de negócio que têm a inovação como foco central, a relação da sustentabilidade e a inovação em Marketing, além de aspectos particulares da inovação na prática de Marketing nas empresas.
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
Esta disciplina tem por objetivo promover a reflexão sobre o conceito e as estratégias de inovação a partir de uma perspectiva do campo teórico de Marketing. A disciplina envolve a discussão sobre a definição, a tipologia e o escopo do conceito de inovação, dentro de uma visão estratégica de Marketing. São ainda abordadas questões mais específicas no tema, tais como as métricas aplicadas para a inovação, os recursos de Marketing associados à inovação, a proposta de inovação aberta, a inovação em serviços, novos modelos de negócio que têm a inovação como foco central, a relação da sustentabilidade e a inovação em Marketing, além de aspectos particulares da inovação na prática de Marketing nas empresas.
Carga horária30h-
Marcelo Gattermann Perin
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Teoria Social Contemporânea
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
Este curso propõe a leitura de alguns autores contemporâneos que discorrem sobre as transformações do capitalismo em suas dimensões econômicas, sociais, políticas e culturais e em interlocução com tópicos como afetos, tecnologias, ideologias e humanismos.
O objetivo é relacionar e entender como tais transformações têm impactos nas organizações e nos processos de organizar/organizing.
Linha de pesquisa: Estudos Organizacionais
Este curso propõe a leitura de alguns autores contemporâneos que discorrem sobre as transformações do capitalismo em suas dimensões econômicas, sociais, políticas e culturais e em interlocução com tópicos como afetos, tecnologias, ideologias e humanismos.
O objetivo é relacionar e entender como tais transformações têm impactos nas organizações e nos processos de organizar/organizing.
Carga horária30h-
Isleide Arruda Fontenelle
TitleDoutor em Sociologia pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP
Advanced Corporate Finance
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
Apresentação e discussão da teoria e da prática da administração financeira de empresas abordando conceitos relacionados a financing, investing e payout.
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
Apresentação e discussão da teoria e da prática da administração financeira de empresas abordando conceitos relacionados a financing, investing e payout.
Carga horária30h-
Antonio Gledson de Carvalho
TitleDoutor em Economia pela Universidade de Illinois, EUA -
Paulo Renato Soares Terra
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade MCGILL, Canadá -
Richard Saito
TitlePh.D in Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, EUA
Finance & Sustainability
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
Companies and investors are increasingly focused on generating a positive impact on people and planet in addition to delivering financial returns. This course is focused on the theoretical and applied aspects of what is known as sustainable and impact investing. We will cover how the industry works, the key players and investment strategies, as well as the ways in which sustainable and impact investing differs from traditional investing. In addition to key concepts such as ESG which are integrated into the entire course, this course also explores important concepts such as impact investing, the challenges of performance measurement, and portfolio construction. This class is intended for all students with an interest in the material, including those without previous finance experience. Please note that the course is mainly focused on institutional investing, though many of the concepts are applicable for individual investors as well.
Linha de pesquisa: Finanças
Companies and investors are increasingly focused on generating a positive impact on people and planet in addition to delivering financial returns. This course is focused on the theoretical and applied aspects of what is known as sustainable and impact investing. We will cover how the industry works, the key players and investment strategies, as well as the ways in which sustainable and impact investing differs from traditional investing. In addition to key concepts such as ESG which are integrated into the entire course, this course also explores important concepts such as impact investing, the challenges of performance measurement, and portfolio construction. This class is intended for all students with an interest in the material, including those without previous finance experience. Please note that the course is mainly focused on institutional investing, though many of the concepts are applicable for individual investors as well.
Carga horária30h-
Wesley Mendes da Silva
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo
Business Strategy: design, coordination and power
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
The students are expected to be able to become knowledgeable about the main theoretical underpinnings of strategy and competitive advantage, starting from the analysis of its theoretical origins and its foundations in Economics and Industrial Organization Theory. The course was designed for stricto sensu students, with clear academic orientation, and is focused on building critical reading skills and comparative analysis. For students unfamiliar with business strategy and microeconomics, the reading of introductory texts, such as Barney and Hesterly (2011) and Besanko et al. (2006), is recommended. Students are expected to be able to discuss in depth the assigned texts, and critically analyze both the theoretical arguments and the empirical evidence they bring, in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of theory in business strategy and to explore aspects worthy of future research.
Linha de pesquisa: Estratégia Empresarial
The students are expected to be able to become knowledgeable about the main theoretical underpinnings of strategy and competitive advantage, starting from the analysis of its theoretical origins and its foundations in Economics and Industrial Organization Theory. The course was designed for stricto sensu students, with clear academic orientation, and is focused on building critical reading skills and comparative analysis. For students unfamiliar with business strategy and microeconomics, the reading of introductory texts, such as Barney and Hesterly (2011) and Besanko et al. (2006), is recommended. Students are expected to be able to discuss in depth the assigned texts, and critically analyze both the theoretical arguments and the empirical evidence they bring, in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of theory in business strategy and to explore aspects worthy of future research.
Carga horária30h-
Jorge Manoel Teixeira Carneiro
TitleDoutor em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -
Maria Tereza Leme Fleury
TitleDoutora em Sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo
Marketing Theory Development
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
The course promotes understanding of the process of knowledge and theory building concerning Marketing. It presents a historical vision of the knowledge developed in Marketing, alongside a discussion of philosophical assumptions and methods used in some Marketing research streams.
Linha de pesquisa: Marketing
The course promotes understanding of the process of knowledge and theory building concerning Marketing. It presents a historical vision of the knowledge developed in Marketing, alongside a discussion of philosophical assumptions and methods used in some Marketing research streams.
Carga horária30h-
Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito
TitleDoutora em Filosofia pela University of Manchester, Inglaterra -
Marcelo Gattermann Perin
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Corporate Finance
Linha de Pesquisa: Finanças
Why should you study Corporate Finance? Because in the past decades the business environment has relied a lot upon innovative financial transactions. Firms face risks that must be mitigated and need to raise capital to explore their investment opportunities. The volume of financial transactions has outgrown the growth rate of GDP in most countries, especially in emerging markets. The increase in the volume of these activities created a demand for more specialized professionals in areas such as treasury management, financial analysis and control, risk management, security analysis, and the overall financial management of firms. Also, Corporate Finance has become of key importance for many strategic decisions of the firms, meaning professionals of marketing, operations, and human resources also need to understand how the financial environment can affect their roles. Besides, Corporate Finance is one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in management! This course provides a survey of the major financial decisions faced by corporations and their underlying theories. Topics include the cost of capital, capital structure, capital budgeting, cash management, payout policy. Common business processes and skills practiced are firm valuation, security analysis, cost of capital calculation.
Linha de Pesquisa: Finanças
Why should you study Corporate Finance? Because in the past decades the business environment has relied a lot upon innovative financial transactions. Firms face risks that must be mitigated and need to raise capital to explore their investment opportunities. The volume of financial transactions has outgrown the growth rate of GDP in most countries, especially in emerging markets. The increase in the volume of these activities created a demand for more specialized professionals in areas such as treasury management, financial analysis and control, risk management, security analysis, and the overall financial management of firms. Also, Corporate Finance has become of key importance for many strategic decisions of the firms, meaning professionals of marketing, operations, and human resources also need to understand how the financial environment can affect their roles. Besides, Corporate Finance is one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in management! This course provides a survey of the major financial decisions faced by corporations and their underlying theories. Topics include the cost of capital, capital structure, capital budgeting, cash management, payout policy. Common business processes and skills practiced are firm valuation, security analysis, cost of capital calculation.
Carga horária30h-
Paulo Renato Soares Terra
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade MCGILL, Canadá -
Wesley Mendes da Silva
TitleDoutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo
Epistemology (ofertada pela Escolas de Métodos)
This course aims to give students a grounding in the various epistemological perspectives underpinning social science research so they understand how these perspectives influence research design, methodology, methods, data analysis and theory construction.
This course aims to give students a grounding in the various epistemological perspectives underpinning social science research so they understand how these perspectives influence research design, methodology, methods, data analysis and theory construction.
Carga horária30h-
Ann L. Cunliffe
TitlePh.D. em Administração pela Universidade de Lancaster - Reino Unido
More information
Enrollment Period
Course Opens
Further information
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All students approved in the selection process and duly enrolled are entitled to a scholarship in the tuition category, meaning exemption from tuition fees.
All students approved in the selection process and duly enrolled are entitled to a scholarship in the tuition category, meaning exemption from tuition fees.
The maintenance of the scholarship depends on compliance with all requirements and deadlines required by the Program.
Undergraduate degree in administration, social sciences, tourism, accounting, economics, engineering or related areas.
It is desirable for candidates to have research experience, excellent previous academic performance and a project aligned with the interests of the chosen research area, which may readily be incorporated into FGV’s teaching and research activities.
We are sorry, but there are no scheduled information sessions for the period at this time. If you need more information about the program, please contact admissionsoffice@fgv.br.
Financing and scholarships
Step-by-step guide
Candidates must register on the website and send the requested documents, which will be analyzed by an examining board composed of professors from different lines of research. Among the required documentation, a research project aligned with the interests of the Line of Research for which the candidate intends to apply will be requested. For the selection process for admission in 2022, candidates must present, in addition to specific documentation, the result of one of the Tests: ANPAD, GMAT or GRE.
Candidates who pass the first phase will be interviewed by an evaluation committee composed of professors from the respective research area.
Candidates who pass the second phase are admitted and they are given guidance regarding matriculation, which is individually scheduled for the following day.
More Information
Life Long Learning
Non-degree student
Informações geraisFGV EAESP offers graduates who are not associated with the FGV EAESP Masters or Doctorate courses the opportunity to study isolated subjects from the Academic Master's Program and Doctorate in Business Administration.
Público AlvoGraduate person, in any field of knowledge.
RequisitosClick here to see the rules for applying for an independent student. Then, fill out the registration form and email it along with the documentation requested in the rules. The subjects, teachers, schedules and periods are shown in the registration form.
ValoresTotal amount of R$ 5,597.35 (five thousand five hundred and ninety-seven reais and thirty five cents) per subject, divided into 6 (six) installments. The payment of the first installment must be made at the time of registration; the other installments will expire on the 10th of each month.
Note: In the case of students entitled to discount *, the payment of the first installment will be in the original amount; The discount will be applied retroactively from the 2nd installment.
* Discounts for Alumni of FGV-EAESP courses:
- 50% discount: graduates from CG, CEAG, CEAHS, MBM, CMCD, MPA, MPGPP, MPGI, MPGC
- 10% discount: Former CMCD Graduate who has completed the courses.
* Discounts for outside FGV:
- 50% discount:
- students and graduates from Masters and Doctorate courses from other institutions that had full scholarship or fee from CNPq or CAPES;
- graduates who were undergraduate scholarship holders;
Note: The external candidate approved in the present selection process must, at the time of registration, request the discount and present supporting document.
Program notice
Would you like to learn more about the Doctorate in Business Administration (CDAE)?
Receive information about the course and updates on applications and other matters.

The Doctorate in Business Administration has received the maximum score from the Brazilian Education Ministry’s graduate education support agency, CAPES. The course produces qualified, critically reflective professionals and stimulates the production of knowledge of relevance to Brazil’s reality.
Since 2004, FGV EAESP has featured among the world’s best institutions according to the three leading international accreditation organizations (AACSB, EFMD EQUIS and AMBA), attesting to the excellence of its teaching.
All the program’s research areas feature nationally and internationally recognized professors with a solid academic and professional background, as well as extensive experience in research and teaching.
FGV EAESP is the only Brazilian institution in the Partnership International Management (PIM) network, which runs exchange programs at around 50 education institutions. Students can also participate in international events and courses taught by foreign professors.
Students participate actively in their academic supervisor’s research projects for at least one year and produce articles that are submitted to and accepted for publication by recognized journals in the area of administration.
FGV EAESP constantly seeks to meet demand for scholarships from its graduate students. Students may apply for grants from CAPES and CNPq, as well as internal resources funded by the graduate programs’ coordinators.
PhD students have the possibility of obtaining a TA scholarship that will allow them to participate in teaching and research activities at the FGV EAESP courses.
Student profile

All doctoral students must do an internship abroad. In specific cases, they participate in short internships or other international activities.
The PEC-PG program enables citizens from developing countries to come here to do a master’s or doctorate at FGV EAESP.
FGV EAESP hosts teaching and research activities led by visiting professors who are international leaders in their areas of expertise.
ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES (EO)Professor Joana Sabrina Pereira talk about EO research area.
OPERATIONS AND SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENTProfessor Susana Pereira explain how Operations Management and Sustainability Research contributes to sustainable development in companies.
BUSINESS STRATEGY (EE)EE research area leader, Jorge Manoel Teixeira Carneiro, talks about the line and types of research carried out in the course.
MARKETING (MKT)Find out more about the MKT research area.
ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES (EO)Find out more about the EO research area.
FINANCE (FIN)Find out more about the FIN research area.
MASTER AND ACADEMIC DOCTORATE IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNMENTProf. José Antônio Puppim, Coordinator of the Master and Academic Doctorate in Public Management and Government
FGV EAESP Facilities

The FGV 9 de Julho Auditorium can accommodate 315 people, with six spaces for wheelchair users. It hosts around 80 events per year. It has a changing room, central air conditioning, a stage, a simultaneous interpretation booth and an entrance hall with facilities for coffee breaks for up to 160 guests. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

Smaller events are held in the FGV 9 de Julho Room, which can accommodate 88 audience members, plus a head table for up to six people. Fully accessible, it has a changing room, central air conditioning and an entrance hall that can be used for coffee breaks for up to 50 people on foot. Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

The Karl A. Boedecker Library (BKAB) is part of the FGV Library System. Its archives span the areas of administration, economics, business, law and social sciences, including books, e-books, magazines, dissertations, theses and DVDs. The library’s users can also access databases containing journal articles, and economic, financial and legal information. It has individual and group study rooms and consultation terminals. On the library’s website, you can access the full list of services, available resources and opening hours.

FGV EAESP’s classrooms feature multimedia equipment, internet access and comfortable furniture to make learning dynamic and pleasant. There are also sponsored classrooms, which use equipment and resources paid for by partner companies in exchange for their logos being displayed to students and employees.

This sophisticated space for events holds up to 150 seated people and it has three head tables for up to seven people each. The infrastructure includes a staff break room and elevator for physically impaired people. The Noble Room functions from 6 am to 11 pm, Monday to Friday, and 6 am to 6 pm on Saturdays.

An innovative space created to host academic activities, CoLab is based on a modern and distinct learning model involving collaborative and action-oriented methodologies. Its principles are empathy, a focus on human beings and sharing of responsibilities.

The sports court is a meeting point for students and it also hosts sports events such as indoor soccer and basketball championships. The court is administered by Atlética, an FGV EAESP student organization.

Espaço NEON is FGV’s entrepreneurship area, which brings together FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses), GVentures (FGV’s business accelerator), or GVAngels (FGV’s Angel Investors) and the League of Entrepreneurship (Student Entity in entrepreneurship). There, FGV’s entrepreneurship ecosystem works collaboratively, stimulating innovation and new businesses.

Located at the school’s main entrance on Rua Itapeva, this large space fosters interaction between students and employees.

The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.
Descrição geral das instalações
Based on Avenida 9 de Julho, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista in Sao Paulo, FGV EAESP is composed of a main 12-floor building, the Karl A. Boedecker Library building, and the Getulio Vargas Auditorium, as well as a multisport court and two annex buildings, located at Rua Itapeva, 432. The classrooms, videoconferencing rooms, IT laboratories and integrated systems, all sponsored, are located in FGV Sao Paulo’s different buildings.
The School’s main administrative office, academic departments, most of its administrative departments, the Noble Hall and the Getulio Vargas Academic Office also occupy the main office, as do the professors’ social space, the outpatient medical center, two restaurants and two snack bars. The annex buildings house some administrative departments and student groups such as Aiesec, the Junior Companies group, the Athletics Association and the Employees’ Association.
How many credits will I need to take?
If you have a Master's degree, there are 24 credits, of which 6 are in compulsory subjects; 14 in electives; 4 in research seminars. If you do not have the title of Master, there are 48 credits (24 corresponding to the curricular structure of the Master's program and 24 specific to the Doctorate).
How much does the course cost?
With the exception of the Competitiveness in Management research line (there is no scholarship for this RL), all students regularly enrolled in the Doctorate in Business Administration and approved in the regular 2018 Admissions Program selection process are guaranteed scholarship with rate modality, ie exemption from tuition.
The maintenance of the scholarship depends on meeting all the requirements and deadlines in the program.
Who chooses the advisor?
The advisor is chosen by the student, with the express consent of the advisor teacher, according to the theme researched by the teacher and the student's dissertation proposal. If necessary, the student may change advisors.
Step-by-step guide to admissions
Candidates must register on the website and send the requested documents, which will be analyzed by an examining board composed of professors from different lines of research. Among the required documentation, a research project aligned with the interests of the Line of Research for which the candidate intends to apply will be requested. For the selection process for admission in 2022, candidates must present, in addition to specific documentation, the result of one of the Tests: ANPAD, GMAT or GRE.
Candidates who pass the first phase will be interviewed by an evaluation committee composed of professors from the respective research area.
Candidates who pass the second phase are admitted and they are given guidance regarding matriculation, which is individually scheduled for the following day.