The CAPES-PrInt is a program to foster the internationalization of academic programs financed by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC). It supports the exchange of student and faculty with research institutions abroad.


  • Junior and Senior Visiting Professor Abroad;
  • Visiting Professor in Brazil;
  • Ph.D. Sandwich;
  • Young Talent;
  • Training.



Ph.D. In Business Administration and Ph.D. in Public Administration and Government


Global chains and multistakeholder governance.

Coordinator: Professor Luciana Vieira

The multistakeholder initiative is a still incipient topic in the study of interorganizational relationships and, when comparing two initiatives that occur in different contexts, it is intended to advance the understanding of this alternative type of governance and its implications for those involved in global chains of Brazilian companies.  This study seeks to identify how the legitimacy of these initiatives is perceived by markets and stakeholders and what results have been achieved.

Coevolution of Supply Chain Competencies

Coordinator: Professor Ely Laureano Paiva

The purpose of this study is to compare from different institutional settings how competitive firms globally have developed actions to strengthen their key competencies.  In this way, we will have four distinct institutional environments: Brazilian, characterized by cyclical instabilities in economic growth;  European, institutional environments with stability and slow growth;  Chinese and New Zealanders, institutional environments with stability and continued growth.

Smart Cities: Governance and Urban Infrastructures

Coordinator: Maria Alexandra Viegas Cortez da Cunha

It is urgent to train researchers, teachers and public managers for the challenges of the Smart Cities.  In the 21st century cities and/or urban regions will be the organizational form of most societies in the world.  While the Americas and Europe are currently the most urbanized areas of the world, Africa and Asia are expected to urbanize at a faster rate than other regions.  Thus, the Challenges for Sustainable Development will focus on cities, especially in developing countries or emerging economies.  Cities around the world, international organizations, NGOs and companies are responding to these sustainability challenges.  Habitat III - New Urban Agenda, OECD studies for urban infrastructure policies (example OECD 2015) the report of the German Advisory Council on Global Change on ways to unlock the transformative power of cities (WBGU 2016) are just a few among the multiplicity of  urban sustainability initiatives being implemented by the world at all levels and scales.  Several topics are important.  This project focuses on three of them: urban infrastructure, smart governance, and critical event management for resilient cities.  Other themes are touched by their importance in the national context: urban mobility, health, and safety.

Innovation in the Public Sector

Coordinator: Professor José Antonio Puppim de Oliveira

Knowledge about the way innovations in public policy is built is fundamental to creating effective governance systems for tackling development challenges and implement public policies more effectively. The research will advance knowledge about innovation in the public sector at the different levels to develop new concepts and approaches to understand how to build more effective public organizations.




The results of CAPES-PrInt Program can be followed here:

  • Classes and content in English;
  • Videos of classes and Visitor Seminars;
  • Agreements with the outside;
  • Publications in conjunction with partners in high impact journals in foreign languages;
  • Concrete results of each mission abroad or in the country;
  • Appropriation of knowledge;
  • Reports from the Young Talent and Visiting Professors Fellows.



Check out the lecture given by foreign professor Evelyn Brodkin (University of Chicago) on 02/04/2020 under the theme “Studies on implementation and bureaucracy”




 Professor José Antonio Puppim de Oliveira

 China, Shanghai (May and June 2019)

The professor interacted with professors and graduate students at Fudan University in Shanghai. The main activities were: offering a course in English to doctoral students at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University called Workshop on Academic Publications in Public Administration and Development Studies; and co-supervising a doctoral thesis by Selenge Khishgee. The professor also participated in the Shanghai Forum (24-26 / 05/2019) as part of the panel on Global Public Policy and visited the institutions of Xi'an Jiaotong University and the China Business Executives Academy (CBEAD) in Dalian. At the School of Public Policy and Administration at Xi'an Jiaotong University he gave a lecture on “Trends in public administration in developing countries”.

Manchester, England (March 2020)

The professor participated in the Pump Priming Research Workshop “Global Value Chains and the Sustainable Development Goals: Building the Research Partnership” organized by the University of Manchester. The aim of the workshop was to develop a joint research proposal between FGV EAESP and the University of Manchester to be sent to ESRC by the end of the year. During the period he also interacted with several professors and students at the university.



Student Claudia Marcela ACosta Mora

The student developed academic strengthening activities such as interaction, in view of establishing future networks with professors and colleagues from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard. The following activities stand out: receiving guidance from Prof. Ben Schneider (Department of Political Science, MIT); participating in the research seminar “LAWG - Working Group for Latin America” at the Department of Political Science at MIT, “LADG - Discussion Group for Latin America” (joint initiative of the Political Science departments of MIT and Harvard), “ Doctoral Workshops Series ”, in the urban studies department at MIT (DUSP), and at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard. The student presented her research project at the LAWG seminars (20 November 2019) and “PhD workshop series” (4 March 2020); submitted and had approval to participate in the following events:  21st Annual Work Bank Conference on Land and Poverty: Institutions for Equity and Resilience (26-20 March, Washington DC); 26th Congress of Political Science (25-29 July, Lisbon, Portugal), postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. She co-supervised the master's student Julio Cesar Fuentes Quesada, from El Colegio de Mexico A.C. (Mexico) and had a publication in the prestigious magazine Advanced Studies of USP in the article “: Inequality indicators for the urban financing of healthy cities”, co-authored .



Professor Elize Massard da Fonseca

United Kingdom, London (January 2020)

The professor was a visitor at the London School of Economics, at the international development department to carry out training and research activities. During this period, the professor interacted with colleagues who are developing innovative approaches to qualitative research, studies on Latin America, and it was also an opportunity to advance research agendas on (i) drug regulation in Latin America and (ii) governance collaboration of health innovation policies in Brazil. In addition, the professor was in contact with a former LSE student who is interested in conducting postdoctoral research at FGV. As a product of this CAPES-Print activity, professor Elize and professor Ken Shadlen advanced in data analysis and in a research article to be submitted to a magazine in the regulation area. Finally, this was also an opportunity to follow various activities such as seminars and debates that took place at LSE in January, related to global health issues and Brexit.



 Project: Coevolution of competences in supply chains

Coordinator: Professor Ely Laureano Paiva


Access the report by clicking here.

