Recruit Talent

The Career Center aims to publicize professional opportunities, register and supervise internships, conduct career-oriented events and provide career guidance to undergraduate, graduate and exchange students, always taking into account development, educational and professional goals.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm

Contacts: (11) 3799-7823 / (11) 3799-7912 /

Desenvolva seus colaboradores e gestores

Course Partnerships

FGV EAESP's Admissions Office area offers the best course options for your company's employees, taking into account your industry and development needs.

To learn more about company agreements and progressive discounts, please contact us at

FGV In Company Courses

Customized corporate education solutions that meet the strategic challenges of your business. FGV In Company: the Getulio Vargas Foundation unit that develops innovative solutions, articulates demands and trends, in a co-creation process with your company.

Partners club FGV

Participating companies and individuals are called Partners in knowledge and in discovery. They gain exposure from leading future executives and business leaders. The Club integrates companies from all sectors with current business insights.

The Partners Club's design offers participating companies unique benefits. Brands share with future generations of entrepreneurs and leaders a vision of innovation and co-participation.

Be an FGV partner

ASDI | Av. 9 de Julho, 2029, 10th floor - Room 1006 | 01313-902 | São Paulo - SP | Brazil

Tel: +55 11 3799-7919 / +55 11 3799-7992 | Fax: +55 11 3262-3626.
