O mercado do turismo foi impactado pelo surgimento de novos recursos...
Working Papers
Transformação Digital na Jornada do Consumidor de Turismo2021
Chatbots an Exploratory Analysis on the Impact of NLP and Customer Sentiment Analysis2020
We partnered with a startup that uses NLP (natural language processing) to assist different...
Customer experience in retail stores: an exploratory study2020
An analysis of the impact of digital competence in customer perfomance in the hotel industry in Brazil2020
Self-Presentation in the Mating Market: a Cross-Cultural Analysis of Costly Signaling Behavior2019
Examining costly signals displayed to potential mates on Tinder, males are...
Self-Presentation in the Mating Market: the Influence of Gender and Sexual Orientation on Profiles on Tinder and Grindr2018
Examining how people signal potential mates on Tinder and Grindr, males are...
Oxytocin Increases Trust For Familiar and Familial Brands2017
We designed two experiments to investigate the relationship between oxytocin...