Over the last ten years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence-dominance model has...
Artigos acadêmicos
To which world regions does the valence? dominance model of social perception apply?2021
(Mis)Representations of older consumers in advertising: stigma and inadequacy in ageing societies2020
How do older consumers in an ageing society interpret and make sense of...
Organizational Capabilities Toward Customer Centric Experience2020
This study explores what are the main capabilities organizations need to...
Testosterona e Atitude Diante do Risco sob uma Perspectiva Biopsicossocial2020
Este estudo investiga a influência de fatores psicossociais na relação entre...
How organizations can promote customer centric experiences?2020
This study explores what are the main capabilities organizations need to...
APIs de Visão Computacional: investigando mediações algorítmicas a partir de estudo de bancos de imagens2020
O artigo apresenta resultados de estudo sobre Interfaces de Pro-gramação de...
Looking good or feeling good? The dual role of the body in the taste transformation process2020
This paper investigates the process of taste transformation in body-centered...
The Legitimation of Global Football Brands in the Brazilian Marketplace2020
Objective: This research aims to examine...
Productive Consumption Changing Market Dynamics: A Study in Brazilian DIY Cosmetics2019
Embora os estudos discutam a dinâmica da mudança do mercado sob diferentes...
Leveraging Highly Relational Service Performance Through The Participation of Empowered Customer2018
Objetivo: Como serviços altamente relacionais dependem da participação do...
Determinants of Social Media Adoption by Large Companies2018
Social media marketing has become a central issue for companies and marketers...
Desafios na formação de profissionais em Administração no Brasil2018
Apesar do crescimento no número de cursos de administração ao longo dos...
How virtual brand community traces may increase fan engagement in brand page2017
Brand pages in social media are a great way to foster consumer gathering...