Artigos acadêmicos

Artigos acadêmicos

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  • To which world regions does the valence? dominance model of social perception apply?

    Over the last ten years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence-dominance model has...

  • (Mis)Representations of older consumers in advertising: stigma and inadequacy in ageing societies

    How do older consumers in an ageing society interpret and make sense of...

  • Organizational Capabilities Toward Customer Centric Experience

    This study explores what are the main capabilities organizations need to...

  • Testosterona e Atitude Diante do Risco sob uma Perspectiva Biopsicossocial

    Este estudo investiga a influência de fatores psicossociais na relação entre...

  • How organizations can promote customer centric experiences?

    This study explores what are the main capabilities organizations need to...

  • APIs de Visão Computacional: investigando mediações algorítmicas a partir de estudo de bancos de imagens

    O artigo apresenta resultados de estudo sobre Interfaces de Pro-gramação de...

  • Looking good or feeling good? The dual role of the body in the taste transformation process

    This paper investigates the process of taste transformation in body-centered...

  • The Legitimation of Global Football Brands in the Brazilian Marketplace

    Objective: This research aims to examine...

  • Productive Consumption Changing Market Dynamics: A Study in Brazilian DIY Cosmetics

    Embora os estudos discutam a dinâmica da mudança do mercado sob diferentes...

  • Leveraging Highly Relational Service Performance Through The Participation of Empowered Customer

    Objetivo: Como serviços altamente relacionais dependem da participação do...

  • Determinants of Social Media Adoption by Large Companies

    Social media marketing has become a central issue for companies and marketers...

  • Desafios na formação de profissionais em Administração no Brasil

    Apesar do crescimento no número de cursos de administração ao longo dos...

  • How virtual brand community traces may increase fan engagement in brand page

    Brand pages in social media are a great way to foster consumer gathering...
